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We supported Iraq in their war with Iran because we'd given the deposed shah sanctuary, and believed the revolutionary government would be overthrown and the shah restored. We supported the effort with conventional arms. There has NEVER been a case of the U.S. providing WMDs to any nation anywhere on earth, even allies. We may stock them at our bases in an allied nation, but that nation has no access to them.
Turkey never used chemical, biological or gas weapons on the kurds. Unfortunately, the Kurds in question were an "invading" force of refugees (if refugees can be a force. . .) that were being turned back. I'm not denying that there is considerable ethnic and religious tension in Turkey, as in the entire Middle East.
I have watched the news. I watched it while it was happening, I don't need to find the archives.
Please keep in mind that the government is not the only source of information, therefore not the only source of "lies." Why do you assume the "news" is any more truthful than anything else you see or hear? There is so little real news on these days. Most of what we see is editorialization or opinion broadcasts.
Well I guess you paid a little attention in school...not much but better than most...for example you know that the US gave the Shah " sanctuary "...well we did ...he had cancer and was dying and had been a stalwart ally...say what you will but we stood by him as he stood by the US...then he died...so much for restoring the Shah ...now the Iranians DID hold Americans hostage for 444 or so days and it was on the news every day..and they did support hezbollah who kidnapped people in lebenon and bblew up a few hundred sleeping Marines in Beruit..so you may say the current revolutionary regime in Iran is a sworn enemy of the US .
The fact that we didn't care to see Iran export its brand of Islamic revolution to the oil region and destabilise the region along with the fact that we really cant stand tthat current regime..caused us to support Iraq..and .Saddam with intelligence and some logistical report..a few helicopters and some other aid , the aid was a minor prtion as nothing in the US arsenal was compatibile with Saddams Soviet equiped military..but the intell saved his ass.
We started backing off with support when he started using chemical weapons . But we did reflag tankers and attack Iranian gun boats and minelayers and fought a small navaal war the keep the straights of hormuz open and insure the world..along with the US ...got its oil fix .
The revolutionary Islamic government in Iran has not yet or since it was formed shown any sign of being close to being " overthrown ." .