Aside from gassing the Kurds after we left Iraq following Desert Storm . . . .
Your mistaken. The Kurds were gassed long before the first Gulf war. Your thinking of the Marsh Arabs that we incited to revolt, but left high 'n' dry only for their revolt was crushed.
There has also been evidence uncovered in captured documents that Iraqi leadership offered assistance and facilities to the terroist organizations, even if they did not actually participate, and in our declaration of purpose, that is enough to pursue. Granted, these documents were not known prior to the action, so you might argue an "end justifies the means" mentality, but I don't think that's the case. We went in for one reason, the reason turned out to be flawed, but too late, we've done it. Now we've found a truly valid reason, maybe that's awfully convenient, but it's no less applicable.

Isn't it funny how there is always evidence. We seem to forget that we were the ones that provided Saddam with techical assistance and Western expertise, provided Iran with arms as well as playing them off against each other during the Iran-Iraq war, and armed Bin Laden and the Mujahadeen in their struggle against the Russians in Afghanistan. Now you tell me who the real terrorists are?
I hope that you did not mean that America is at war with Islam.
I hope you that you didn't miss read my statement. Oops, too late you already have!

Please take another look at what I posted.
You don't need to look behind the news to see what is really going on, just watch the news, and you will see! Our war on terror is their war on Islam.
Now, where in that statement did I say that America was at war with Islam? Keep searching, (you might even find weapons of mass destruction!) You really need to stop being so defensive, and stop jumping to conclusions. I was trying to show how something can look different from two points of view. For us (America and the UK) its a 'war on terror'. For the Muslims, it 'seems' to be a 'war on Islam'. There is no accusation there that America is at war with Islam. You are wrong if you thought that I might of implied that America was at war with Islam too, why would I need to anyway? George Bush is doing a perfectly good job of implying that himself!
(BBC) Bush's language angers US Muslims
As opposed to those that kill American citizens for....? Wait, why was 9/11 done again? Oh yeah, they just hate us.
Your barking up the wrong tree there, but you are right - they do hate us! The terrorists that carried out the 7/7 bombings where British citizens. Unless I'm mistaken, none of the 9/11 terrorists where American citizens. As tradgic as the 9/11 attacks were, it was nothing more than a lucky strike. The extremists needed to prove that they mean't business, and they chose something that was a soft 'high-value' target. Looking back now it is plain to see why they did it. Now, every half-baked extemist must have images of 9/11, 7/7 or 10/3 bombings running round their hate-filled heads. You couldn't ask for better benchmarks - the terrorist scumbags all want to go one better now, which of course is unfortunate for us.
(The Times) Why al-Qaeda's real power may be all in the mind
Any person that falls into this 16% is just as bad as a redneck that wants to beat up all the arabs because he thinks that they are all terrorists. You say he is just a stupid idiot who should know better but you blame a radical muslim on the government. Why?
Thats a poor comparison - they were hardly 'rednecks'. I don't idly blame the government either. The 7/7 bombers left matyrdom videos in which they specifically blamed our government for the war in Iraq, and its failed foreign policy. There is growing evidence that our involvement in the 'war on terror' is radicalizing the Muslim youth of the UK.
See the top of my post. They were there. Of course that doesn't include multiple UN resolution violations and even an assasination attempt on the leader of another country. If that isn't an act of war then what is?
Obviously, you settle for anything that sounds like the truth. As I stated earlier, there has still not been any credible evidence presented in the UK (by the government or the media) that proves that Saddam Hussein had any WMDs whatsoever at the time of the invasion.
Doh. I guess I just get too used to hearing how Bush did lie, Bush is lying, and Bush will lie because that's all he does that I react in that way.
There you go again, on the defensive! Who knows if Bush was lying, who cares now? Too much water has passed under the bridge to worry to much about the finer details. We could argue all day until we were blue in the face about the reasons/legalities of the invasion of Iraq, what can't be denied is that there is a growing wave of resentment here in the UK fueled by the 'war on terror'.
Its easy to for Americans to say that the war on terror is justified. You are far removed from the realities and dangers, and rarely feel the wrath of radical extremism. The UK on the other hand is fast becoming a new frontline in the 'war on terror'. Whilst it may be easy to invade foreign countries and impose our will and install 'pupet-regimes', its a little harder to do so in our own back yard. What do you suggest we should do? Lauch airstrikes against Bradford? Or maybe a land invasion of Birmaingham will sort it out? A gung-ho 'war on terror' will not solve the emerging problems we are faced with here in the UK. The terrorists arrested the other day, were until they became radicalized, no different from anyone else that lives in the UK. Many of them were from middle-class backgrounds, one was reported to be a gifted bio-chemist, others were recently married, were fathers, or expectant fathers - One suspect was only 17 years old! If they had been from working class families, I could almost understand their reasoning, but they are not. What would make young Muslims turn their backs on their homeland, a career and plot to kill their fellow citizens?
It has been reported that there are upwards of 1000 radicalized young Muslims in the UK that pose an immeidate threat. Lets put that into perspective. It only took four terrorist to wreak havok on the city of London a year ago, and nineteen to topple the twin towers, and kill thousands of innocent civillians. What do you think 1000 potential 'martyrs' would be capable of? Now, how do you suggest we sort the problem out? Remember these 'home-grown' terrorists are not the hethens that hide in caves across the Middle East, they were born here in the UK. They grew up alongside us, went to our schools, live in the houses next door to us, and speak with our accents.
(Daily Mail) The middle-class jet 'plotters'
(The Independent) The enemy within? The ordinary men in the midst of an extraordinary plot
(The Guardian) Ordinary friends who grew devout together
(The Times) Arrests included baker, salesman and book-keeper
I was watching Newsnight the other night, and there was a reporter talking to young Muslims and locals that had gathered outside a house which was raided by the police. Whilst many of them were shocked by the revalations that ther had apparently been terrorists living among them, some young Muslims were verbally hostile towards the reporter. There was one young Muslim, probably no older than seventeen or 18 who protested that Muslims had to stand up for their fellow Muslims in all the conflicts in the Middle East, particularly Lebanon. The anger on his face was obvious, and I was left wondering how many more there were who had thoughts similar to his. Like it or not, the war on terror, is a public relations sucess for the radical Imams and extremist Muslims that want nothing more than to wipe us all off the face of the earth, and a public relations disaster for ourselves. We are supposed to be fighting for liberty, freedom and democracy, so why do I feel like I am an accomplice to a great crime?
The UK used to be a respected nation amongst the many Arab and Asian nations in the Middle East and the wider world. Thanks to Tony Blair's unwavering support for George Bush, the 'war on terror', and more recently his silience (despite revolts in his own cabinet and his country) in calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon, has mean't that we are now tarred with the same brush that the extremists use to tar America. We are a peaceful and tolerant multi-cultural society. With each passing day though, the 'war on terror' is threatening to unravel everything that has been acheived so far in this great nation. We pride ourselves on the equality of our society, its a shame that that equality doesn't extend to our foreign policy. Its that kind of duplicity that we need to address. Also, Tony Blair needs to remember that our foreign policy is not an extensions of America's.
(The Guardian) Muslim leaders say foreign policy makes UK target.
(BBC) Muslim plea over foreign policy
In that article, it states that Muslim groups have written a letter to Tony Blair urging him to rethink his foreign policy. Here is a link to the full text of that letter:
Muslim groups' letter.
(BBC - Video) Details of the letter sent to the prime minister.
We are faced with the real prospect that the disillusioned children of our nation want to destroy the very people they grew up with. How do you combat that? We can't very well kill them. Remember this is the UK, we don't kill our own citizens, no matter what their crime may be. We can't detain them either, as the sheer number of disillusioned would vastly increase our already creaking prison population. Besides, it would be counter-productive, and turn more young Muslims into extremists. I have said in another thread that the only way to beat terrorism is to remove the causes of terrorism. I believe that it will only be through dialogue and not war that our problems will be solved.
(The Independent) Muslim reaction: 'This is sad. I'm afraid for the community. I do hope they're innocent. I do hope'
Had Blair said "Look, we're going to take Saddam down, because he's a bit of a tool and we didn't do it right the first time" (taking the time to blame the Tories, of course), no-one would have had a problem. But the fact remains that, whether or not you think our presence in Iraq is justifiable (I err on the side of thinking it is), the UK's Armed Forces are there based on a lie told to parliament.
I couldn't of said it better myself. If Tony Blair had said that in the first place, I would of been able to get behind him a little easier.
No, not really. Sorry, to be so blunt, but I don't.
As a finishing note, I have just read on Al-Jazeera (and watched on the BBC) that one of the supposed terror suspects has apparently been released from custody. So another public relations gaff slowly unravels...?
(AL-Jarzeera) UK police release bomb plot suspect.
(BBC - Video) Police quiz plot suspects