Anyone still plays?
I really want a Haunter and a Gengar.
I got both of them today.
While my Hunter 349 CP is a lot more powerful then my Gengar which is 22 CP.
I got 2 Hauters yesterday, best one has nearly 700CP and the other one has 470 something. Too bad the 700CP one has bad IV's
However, to this day I still question myself... do they really really mather?
So, the new update brought Daily Bonuses, enhaced Pokéstops, and there is a new "event" running this week with increased Pokémon spawns. Also, Gen 2 'Mons have been located in the game code.
Maybe this game will soon be what it was supposed to be from day one?
Alright guys and girls, something big is happening on the 12th December... In regards to new Pokemon.
Alright guys and girls, something big is happening on the 12th December... In regards to new Pokemon.
Hello? Anybody alive?
And Farfetch'd is caught! So now the only region specific Pokémon I don't have is Kangaskhan.
I'm starting to get to the point where I want to have better attack and high CP pokemon. I can't seem to find a consistent way of evolving what looks to be the highest available attack package from one pokemon into a high attack package of it's evolution. It seems to be completely random, which can be really frustrating when saving up for these 100 candy pokemon. Anybody have some sort of idea?
That's really frustrating. I know I will rage when I finally get to 100 Bulbasaur Candies and then I get some completely useless Ivysaur. Might even send me into not playing the game that much anymore lol
Thread revival
It seems Gen 2 is close:
Come on Niantic. JUST DO IT!!!!! Stop holding back, please.Thread revival
It seems Gen 2 is close: