Before Trump's political campaign he was viewed as a bit of a joke to most, I think. He was an entitled rich boy with some hilariously abusive scams like Trump University to his name and a reality show that was largely amusing for watching how big a knob he was. Even during the campaign, it was a bit of a joke.
The joke is less funny when he's running the US and commands the largest military in the world. People get scared, fear leads anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to becoming short, green and bald.
That's actually incorrect. All three have had allegations against them for various things for decades. It's simply that in our society it's not that hard for people in power to bully victims into silence, or legal settlements and binding agreements not to speak. Money buys you immunity from a lot of crimes. However with the recent push towards trial by media, helped along in no small part by Mr. Trump, it's become clear that actually simply speaking out can get you a long way.
They're all publicity stunts? Every single one?
Some, perhaps. I'm not a fan of the idea of trial by media. I'm also not a massive fan of the fact that accusers seem to be getting significant protections over the accused, and there aren't really that many repercussions in a lot of cases for false accusations. On the other hand, that seems to be in response to the fact that in a lot of cases that would seem to be a slam dunk for the victim the perpetrator walks free or gets a slap on the wrist. See Brock Turner.
I think for a lot of people the justice system is essentially broken, and so they resort to the media to try and do what they can. That unfortunately opens the door for false claims as well. But I don't buy that every single claim against Cosby, Weinstein and Trump are faked publicity stunts. It's been too consistent over too long a period for that to be credible.
@Northstar says, I find it more interesting that people think that this stuff doesn't happen in Hollywood. Of course it does. It's like being shocked that Catholic priests are being accused of sexual molestation. Anyone paying attention has known about it for years, it's simply that the powers that be had enough control to stifle it.
The internet being a seething cesspool is a mixed blessing. Anyone can say anything but it's also almost impossible to remove information once it gets out there and very difficult to control what the zeitgeist chooses to throw to the top of Twitter on any given day. There are organisations who are employed to try and bury negative information on their clients on the internet. But major stuff like the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape is going to be impossible to suppress short of pulling the plug on every major internet backbone node in the US. This is not like fifty years ago where national media was largely controlled by a relatively small group of individuals.