Politically Incorrect, Bill Mahar, and Terrorism

  • Thread starter advanR
Milefile, your opinion is one. The suicide bombers opinion is one.
You have sided with the Americans and can understand the position of your views.
To go on and deny the opinion of others here and chastise them is wrong and should be done in a more controlled manner.
Im not disagreeing with your opinions, they are well founded albeit a bit emotional and full of zeal for your cause.
Please, if we cant have this discussion in a mannerable fashion, the thread will be closed.
On the issue of who's side Im on, you should know that and dont even side with the bombers or terrorist groups, but do understand their opinion in the matter. ;)
This is a great discussion and can be continued in a mature fashion.
Lets keep this clean and insightful.
I'm not saying I approve of what he said, not at all! But it really isn't worth hi-jacking threads upon.
i appologized for saying hate because i did not mean it. i still dislike jews, so you can keep hating me.

there are not two sides. if i think a person is brave for doing something dangerous i do not think what they did is right. they are seperate.

you are just like everyone on tv. if someone is an enemy of you, you call them a coward, and you are brave. i dont see the **** this way and can independantly call someone a coward or brave if they deserve to be known as one.

just like bush said, "you are with us or the terrorists." thats bologna. completely untrue.

misnblu, it would not be smart for terrorists to wage a "real" battle with the united state's military. this would obviously be suicide, with little or no loss of enemy life. crashing a plane into a building was smart. (milefile will say it isnt because if he says its smart he is siding with terrorists, haha.) If you are trying to kill your enemy, and you are outgunned, use your head. think of ways to kill more of them and less of you. ie. revolutionary war (americans using geurilla tactics). they were called cowards by the british, but what they did worked.

red eye racer, rufrgt
I listed my opinion and tried to explain why i have it in another thread.
Originally posted by misnblu
Milefile, your opinion is one. The suicide bombers opinion is one.
You have sided with the Americans and can understand the position of your views.
To go on and deny the opinion of others here and chastise them is wrong and should be done in a more controlled manner.
Im not disagreeing with your opinions, they are well founded albeit a bit emotional and full of zeal for your cause.
Please, if we cant have this discussion in a mannerable fashion, the thread will be closed.
On the issue of who's side Im on, you should know that and dont even side with the bombers or terrorist groups, but do understand their opinion in the matter. ;)
This is a great discussion and can be continued in a mature fashion.
Lets keep this clean and insightful.

sided with The Americans
What the hell are you? Oh.. right... a "super moderator."

Again, BE DECISIVE PEOPLE! It's way to late to sit around a toss ideas back and forth. The terrorist's dilemma(s) automatically became null-and-void the second they flew planes into buildings. Hopefully after the world is safe again we can get back to mulling over details and himming and hawing and wringing our hands over who's feelings might be hurt. Until then, tough ****. There is a right way and a wrong way. Take your side and see who wins. Until this is settled nothing can be accomplished. Protracting an already failed dialogue is a total waste.
Originally posted by advanR
i appologized for saying hate because i did not mean it. i still dislike jews, so you can keep hating me.

there are not two sides. if i think a person is brave for doing something dangerous i do not think what they did is right. they are seperate.

you are just like everyone on tv. if someone is an enemy of you, you call them a coward, and you are brave. i dont see the **** this way and can independantly call someone a coward or brave if they deserve to be known as one.

just like bush said, "you are with us or the terrorists." thats bologna. completely untrue.

misnblu, it would not be smart for terrorists to wage a "real" battle with the united state's military. this would obviously be suicide, with little or no loss of enemy life. crashing a plane into a building was smart. (milefile will say it isnt because if he says its smart he is siding with terrorists, haha.) If you are trying to kill your enemy, and you are outgunned, use your head. think of ways to kill more of them and less of you. ie. revolutionary war (americans using geurilla tactics). they were called cowards by the british, but what they did worked.

red eye racer, rufrgt
I listed my opinion and tried to explain why i have it in another thread.

This is moral relativism. It is old, worn out, and irrelevant. If you want to sit in your quasi-ivory tower and analyze from afar go ahead. You are not connected with reality. You seem to think it is oppresive for a society to take a line on an issue, even a life or death issue. Do you think the colonists would've won the American Revolution if half of them sat around and criticized the fighters questioning whether they were brave, throwing around ideas? This moral relativity is irrelevant. The American colonists were united, and that is why they prevailed. I wish I could say the same thing about America today. But poeple like you make it hard. I wish anti-Americanism was not coming from within America. But it is, right here in this thread.
He can be pretty good at times (like in this thread),... other times I just wanna give him the "smack ya across the back o' the head" smiley :D :lol: ;)

MI---UL....MI---UL...MI---UL :lol:
Originally posted by advanR
i appologized for saying hate because i did not mean it. i still dislike jews, so you can keep hating me.


So you dislike Jews? Without going back to some past thread I was just wondering why? I'm guessing you are somewhat of a racist right? Just curious.

Whats up with this I dislike jews crap ? Sounds like someone who is taking a whole race and lumping them all together, instead of judging each as an individual .
Racism is a poison, narrow minded individuals such as advanr are no better than the narrow minded terrorist who like to blow themselves up. Nor anyone else who can take an entire race of people and or an entire religion and paint them all with the same brush. I wonder what other race ,color or religion you hate AdvanR ? By the way do you have a sheet hanging in your closet ?
Originally posted by ledhed
Whats up with this I dislike jews crap ? Sounds like someone who is taking a whole race and lumping them all together, instead of judging each as an individual .

Yeah - and why the hell is it our business how he feels about Jews?
Ask a Jew or a gypsy or an Albainian ,Cambodian , Muslim Serb or any other people who were entnic cleansed in the last century why its our business.
Originally posted by ledhed
Ask a Jew or a gypsy or an Albainian ,Cambodian , Muslim Serb or any other people who were entnic cleansed in the last century why its our business.

Answer my question. :)

Why the hell is it our business how he feels about Jews?
Back on topic, you can be both "Brave" and "Stupid".

Think of the protestors in Tienanmein (sp?) Square in China around 1989. One man...standing in front of a tank! An effin' tank! Brave, but foolhardy in a way.

The definitions of coward and bravery and courageous are different from culture to culture. For some, bravery and courage is self-preservation, life to fight another day. For others, it's honorable to fight for your cause and die for your nation/religion/cause.

Lokk at sainthood, or kamikaze pilots...how the US couldn't aid South Vietnam in the 1960's-70's...the VC had a vastly different style of fighting than the US was prepared for.

In WWII, there were the kamikaze pilots, but the entire Japanese force was not composed of them. One or two were, and those whom were to crash into the ocen when gunned down were instructed to ram their plane into a ship/another plane if possible (I'd probably do the same, but the USAF won't take me and my glasses).

Bill Mahar stated an opinion that many people wfound hard to swallow, and although I don't agree, I do think it was unfair his show was pulled off the air. It's rare to see anymore than two viewpoint on any issue nowadays; everything has to be either black or white, heads or tails...too much daulism, side-taking, for-against. The world is not that simple, and I dislike those who make every issue a simple yes-no answer.
Originally posted by pupik

The world is not that simple, and I dislike those who make every issue a simple yes-no answer.

What other answers could there possibly be? And how would they be beneficial to freedom?
To believe in something or someone so much and so passionatly that you would die for it or them I do consider to be bravery. But to take as many innocent people with you as you can is insane,cowardly,selfish,ect....
I'm sorry but I just can't find anything good to say about terrorist even though it seems like others can.
It's a mental game... pushing moral relativism to it's limit. Then when somebody draws a line and says "stop here, any further is bad," they can accuse you of being unintelligent, that you don't see the shades of grey. But I know that these people will rhetoricize and hypothesize themselves right out of existence, beginning with their already established irrelevance. In times of crisis, fence-sitters and amateur philosophers are superfluous. There comes a time when you must choose a side and be decisive. All empty thoughts must assemble into something useful now. We have no use for debating the validity of moral perspectives anymore. It should've already been done, the understanding established; the decision now needs to be made. Weaker types will linger in the shadows wringing their hands and criticizing. Stronger types will step up and inherit the world. There will be a winner and a looser.
Originally posted by DGB454
To believe in something or someone so much and so passionatly that you would die for it or them I do consider to be bravery. But to take as many innocent people with you as you can is insane,cowardly,selfish,ect....
I'm sorry but I just can't find anything good to say about terrorist even though it seems like others can.

Heh... believe in America so much you'd die for it and your a bad guy... even to Americans. That's sad.
Originally posted by ledhed
Whats up with this I dislike jews crap ? Sounds like someone who is taking a whole race and lumping them all together, instead of judging each as an individual .
Racism is a poison, narrow minded individuals such as advanr are no better than the narrow minded terrorist who like to blow themselves up. Nor anyone else who can take an entire race of people and or an entire religion and paint them all with the same brush. I wonder what other race ,color or religion you hate AdvanR ? By the way do you have a sheet hanging in your closet ?

go ****ing read the other thread about this. milefile likes to bring it up in other threads because if someone doesnt read my whole opinion they think i am a racist. i DO NOT group a whole race as one. stfu.
Originally posted by milefile
Heh... believe in America so much you'd die for it and your a bad guy... even to Americans. That's sad.

he didnt say that............. he said it could be brave, but to take kill as many innocent people as possible is cowardly. i dont agree with that, killing as many people is your objective if you are in a war. being brave if you die for your cause, but being a coward if you kill others, doesnt make sense.
Originally posted by milefile
You "STFU" :rolleyes:

People can pick through the B.S. and see what you mean. Don't insult everyone's intelligence.

he didnt read anything i wrote on the subject. you just bring up the subject in other threads, and then we get talking about it, and someone sees what i say without reading why i feel this way.

saying he can pick through the BS when he didnt even read it is stupid, very stupid. thats right, you are stupid. you use complicated words to describe your crazy positions in threads. you think it will make you look smart, but if someone actually knows what they mean, they can see the meaning of your thread, and the meaning of your thread makes you look like a jackass.

you have a lrge vocabulary, good for you, .......jackass
Originally posted by advanR
he didnt read anything i wrote on the subject. you just bring up the subject in other threads, and then we get talking about it, and someone sees what i say without reading why i feel this way.

saying he can pick through the BS when he didnt even read it is stupid, very stupid. thats right, you are stupid. you use complicated words to describe your crazy positions in threads. you think it will make you look smart, but if someone actually knows what they mean, they can see the meaning of your thread, and the meaning of your thread makes you look like a jackass.

you have a lrge vocabulary, good for you, .......jackass

Okie dokie.:lol:
Originally posted by advanR
he said it could be brave, but to take kill as many innocent people as possible is cowardly. i dont agree with that, killing as many people is your objective if you are in a war. being brave if you die for your cause, but being a coward if you kill others, doesnt make sense.

I really think you should try to think some more before you post stuff like this.
Because this just doesn't make sense.... at all.

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