POLL: HANDEDNESS : LH, RH, or Ambidextrous.

Handedness - Left, Right or Both.

  • Right

    Votes: 219 68.4%
  • Both

    Votes: 38 11.9%
  • Left

    Votes: 63 19.7%

  • Total voters
If you feel strongly right-handed (though you can do some stuff with your left) vote 'Right'.
Vice-versa for 'Left'.
If you feel confident that you can do at least 75% or more of anything with either hand, vote 'Both'.

You are free to vote after discussion. Sometimes we don't know what we are till we use that inward eye - here's a chance. Game?

I'll start out by saying - I would write, or paint, or bowl a maiden over with my left and people would say: "Hey! You're a lefty!"
But, then I'll write, paint, or bowl a maiden over with my right, and it would be just the 'odd' (perceptive?) friend that asks: "Huh? Right-handed, too?"

So what are you? And how does it affect your gaming activities. And other . . . um, stuff!?
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I'd say I'm both. Tend to switch hands for a lot of things, from cooking and cutting food stuffs, camera things when I can, texting, etc.

Only things I tend to bias my right heavily for is writing and mousing in games. Mostly because the muscle memory is there and I've never had a reason to develop it for my left hand, seeing how dragging my hand through ink or using a right handed mouse left handed is little fun.

I can also read mirrored and upside text with little issue, which might relate to the mental process behind it a bit :P
Generally the only thing I can't do with both hands is write, which I do with my right. Everything else, while I could do with both, I generally do with my left hand. When I bowl I often frequently switch hands, with good results.
I can also read mirrored and upside text with little issue, which might relate to the mental process behind it a bit :P
I can do this, as well, but can't write/paint/other fine motor skills with my left hand at all.
I can also read mirrored and upside text with little issue, which might relate to the mental process behind it a bit :P

I've no idea why you'd have to do that! ;)

I'm a lefty but use my right for a lot of things too.

I do precision things with my left; writing, hold the phone, shave... But I use my right for holding a bat when playing sports and it's my leading hand when I box .
I'm mostly right-handed, but I can only twist lids off with my left. I can't do it with my right to save my life.

Same here, I do pretty much everything with my right hand except open lids.
It depends on what I am wielding. I typically use a pencil and fork left handed, and a knife with the right. It really depends on what I'm holding.
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I find that I am very odd. Normally I am right hand dominate. Golf and baseball I hit left handed. But if you gave me a hockey stick I would hold it right handed. Very weird considering that hockey is just like golf but with your hands spread apart.
I write and throw with my right hand. I play hockey, golf, and bat lefty. I use my left eye for photography. Yea, I'm awesome like that.
I voted left as I do pretty much everything requiring fine control with that hand, but for all I know I could be ambidextrous as i've never tried doing anything requiring fine control with my right hand. Weight lifting and martial arts have probably left me a little too balanced.

So, both hands have equal grip strength and both arms also have equal strength (instead of the norm for a lefty - stronger left-hand grip, stronger right arm). I'll generally use my right for hammering, spannering, gripping a bat/club, etc, but my left for opening jars amongst other things. I can lead with either hand in a fight, but usually with my left if my fighting partner knows i'm left-handed, just to keep them guessing!

I'm thankful that this thread isn't about whether you are left or right-footed, as i'd be here for hours trying to work it out!
I mostly do stuff with my left hand, as I'm dominantly left-handed. Therefore I am capable of writing sideways and a little bit upside-down. Though I also have to use my right hand as well to unify. For instance, when I draw I use it to erase. I also have neat handwriting, whether speed-writing or not.
LOL! What an informative thread, this has become!
Reading all your stories now makes me keep a sharper focus on what hand I'm choosing and why.
We also have to consider the whole left-brain right-hand/right-brain left hand factor.
And then there is the research that shows females have a more 'connected' (via the Corpus Callosum, IIRC) brain.
Truly ambidextrous people take the first step up a flight of stairs with the foot most available for the movement.
Thanks for all the contributions - well done. Thought-provoking.
I voted for "both". I can only write with my left hand, but that is where it ends. I play right handed guitars, but not left. I can open jars with both hands, though I prefer to use my right hand as I had an accident 7 years ago that severed a finger on my left hand. Doesn't affect me playing guitar, but I don't want to risk it.
When I use a computer mouse, I always use my right hand. I can shave with any hand and when I play sports, I'm generally ambidextrous.

A good, recent example is when I went for dinner with my in laws the other night. We were using chopsticks, which I'm quite good at for a Gaijin. As a matter of fact, I often get compliments about how well I can use them. However, after a certain amount of time, my hand cramps. However, I can use chopsticks equally well with both hands. Which my wife's Grandmother was amazed by.
Definitely a Lefty (except for the fact that both of my parents are not so they messed up somewhere).

I write, paint, bat, golf and throw with my left hand. In fact, the only thing I do with my right hand is utilize a mouse for a computer (since I don't own a lefty mouse).
Same here, I do pretty much everything with my right hand except open lids.
I'm exactly the same way. Right handed for writing and drawing.
I wonder why we do that. I find it weirder still that I use my right hand for most of the fine-motor-skill things that I do, but I'm left-eye dominant.
I'm mainly right handed, I can't really do anything with my left. It's a useless piece of body, I should cut it off. :lol:
I was born as a rightie but as a Welder I can do all-position with either hand and that is the best tool in my toolbox by far!
I'm right handed but as I learn to do new things I try to do them with both hands. When I was learning Kung Fu I had to use both hands and feet equally. My left hand has no fine control for things like writing, good ol Righty does that.

I voted Right because most things that need fine control are still done with my right hand, mouse, writing, etc.
Lefty and proud! :lol: The only thing that I can do with my right is throw a ball and even that's worse than my left.
I identify myself as a leftie.

However the only everyday task I really do left-handed is write. Most other handed tasks are right-handed with a significant number of sports done either-handed (it's actually against the rules of hockey to play left-handed, but I can reverse quite well).

Which does rather render the poll rather inadequate for me to answer it.
I'm a lefty, left foot dominant, left eye dominant and use my left hand for everything except the following:
- Computer mouse
- Eating

Also, many of my PS3 game controls are set up for right handers :dopey:

I do not have any particularly dominant hand for holding phones/grabbing things randomly, etc.

In some cases, it is quite difficult, like being forced to use right-handed scissors since no lefty scissors are available over here :grumpy:
I'm left handed, but growing up in a household full of right handed people there are several things I use my right hand for that I would have been better off learning with my left.