POLL: HANDEDNESS : LH, RH, or Ambidextrous.

Handedness - Left, Right or Both.

  • Right

    Votes: 219 68.4%
  • Both

    Votes: 38 11.9%
  • Left

    Votes: 63 19.7%

  • Total voters
There's only one thing I do with my right hand but, it's quite undignified to write it here (I'm sure though it is not what you think). Apart from that, I'm completely left-handed.
Very left-handed. If I try and write with my right hand, it comes out as a mirror image!
Interesting how many left handed people are here, given they aren't 30% of the population if I recall correctly.

I spent some time writing with my left-hand; have a feeling if I spent a couple of hours fiddling with it, it would be pretty quick and consistent. Just don't find myself writing a lot, what the with computer and all. I do text a lot with my right or left hand, and use whichever is closer to a touch display to navigate when needed.

With mousing, I leave the mouse in the right hand configuration. Years ago I had a Photoshop related job where I'd switch off to my left hand for 30 minutes every couple of hours to allow my right hand to relax.
Right handed, but left-footed and with a left dominant eye.

Which is a pain in the arse for activities like skateboarding and snowboarding.

When I was much younger, I got to have a go at a rifle range. The rifle had sights on it - due to me holding the sights up to my left eye and holding the rifle as a right handed person would I got recoil that kicked back and gave me a black eye.
Interesting how many left handed people are here, given they aren't 30% of the population if I recall correctly.

I spent some time writing with my left-hand; have a feeling if I spent a couple of hours fiddling with it, it would be pretty quick and consistent. Just don't find myself writing a lot, what the with computer and all. I do text a lot with my right or left hand, and use whichever is closer to a touch display to navigate when needed.

With mousing, I leave the mouse in the right hand configuration. Years ago I had a Photoshop related job where I'd switch off to my left hand for 30 minutes every couple of hours to allow my right hand to relax.

I believe the percentage is 10% of the population is lefty. Then again since the sample size here is completely up to whomever decides to vote (if they are voting honestly) we cannot tell if everyone who voted lefty is actually a lefty.
I was just thinking about it and realised I do most things lefty; smoke, drink, mouse, eat but with me feet I'm more of a right footer. Strangeness.
Do everything with the right hand.

However, the left hand can be used for eating, holding a fork/spoon, operating the remote and sometimes texting if necessary.
I can hold mugs, knives and scissors with the right hand. I also play a right handed instrument and play things like hockey and golf right-handed. Tennis and Badminton are left-handed. I can only text and type with my left hand, and I'm left-footed.
I smudge everything I write. I can't use scissors without stopping to think about it. I elbow anyone to the left of me while I attempt to do anything.

I am a proud left-handed.
I smudge everything I write. I can't use scissors without stopping to think about it. I elbow anyone to the left of me while I attempt to do anything.

Sounds like you're just a clumsy so-and-so like me.
I'm a righty, all I can do with my left hand is hold my hair/bag, or anything else which is heavy. :P
I knew that...

It was a joke because I write right handedly and smudge most of my work because my handwriting and hand positions are terrible.
I had an art teacher who could draw simultaneously with the 2 hands. And good, not one crap and one good.
It's a training thing, has to do which part of the brain you use most, but both can be trained to have equal possibilites
I have pointed out on GTP before that I can write more legibly with my right foot than my right hand.
The world favours right-handed people.
In fact, in ages past, when perception was tempered more by superstition than reason, left-handed folk were regarded as evil - hence the etymology of the word 'sinister'.
Worse - ambisinister is the opposite of ambidextrous. As if. Yeah.
Left out of the equation, sinistral sufferers had to put up with doors, irons, scissors, screws, button configurations - all designed handily only for dextrous denizens.
Buttons and zippers on clothes are more complicated. The sexes are divided by more than just handedness.
Lefties, for instance, have to use 'opposite' torque when tightening a screw - the motion is outward 'stead of inward.
But, there are subtle ways lefties get to enforce their rights. Let's take sports; this is one of the reasons I practised left-hand bowling. The whole angle of attack is different. And 90% of the time I would be facing a right hand bat. Also - when I bowl right I attack with a counter-clockwise spin. When I bowl left it's clockwise. Feels different - best way I can explain it.
Rafael Nadal comes to mind when I think left-advantaged.

And then - closer to home - as drivers, wheel-worshippers, petrol-heads, gasoline-junkies . . . what happens when we switch from LH Drive to RH and vice-versa?
TG for the F1 GTR! An ambidextrous car that favours the ambisinistral, too - built for the aiming-eye of both lefties and rights.
Now, if we could only switch pedals with the flick of a toggle. . . .
It's been said that Britain drives on the left because of right handedness.

Wiki - Driving side
Some historians, such as C. Northcote Parkinson, believed that ancient travellers on horseback generally rode on the left side of the road. As more people are right-handed, a horseman would thus be able to hold the reins with his left hand and keep his right hand free—to offer in friendship to passing riders or to defend himself with a sword, if necessary.

Horseback left-sided traffic became automotive left-sided traffic.
I smudge everything I write. I can't use scissors without stopping to think about it. I elbow anyone to the left of me while I attempt to do anything.

I am a proud left-handed.


All the way up until I entered the seventh grade, I was forced to use scissors like these by my teachers who believed I would injure myself if I used a real pair. These things do not cut at all.
I am right handed, but if I wanted to, I could do almost everything I do using my left hand, except write.
I am a north paw, but i can do things with my feet like open hot oven doors and place food in side the oven and i also set the oven temp with my feet.
I'm a righty but my dad and my brother are both lefties. I've always found that intriguing.
Villain - that is intrigue.

More clues, please:
Is your Mom a lefty or righty?
Were you born before or after your bro?
Other siblings?

Btw - great userID.
I have two sisters, they and my Mother are both righties. Also, I'm the youngest and he's the oldest (putting my sisters between us in age). We were born 6 years apart (my brother and I).
Villain - so, if Mendel was right - you are the fourth 'pattern', that your Mom and Dad genetically designed. It was a 'Left/Male' that was selected first, naturally.
Villain - so, if Mendel was right - you are the fourth 'pattern', that your Mom and Dad genetically designed. It was a 'Left/Male' that was selected first, naturally.

How about mine?
I am a lefty, my brother is a lefty (but switches mostly). No other family member is a lefty. Aunt and uncle on mother's side are lefties but both grandparents are righties.
I am very blatantly, clearly right handed when I try to write or throw a ball with my left.

What's interesting is that my right eye has a slight defect in it making my left eye better, which means I shoot guns and bows lefty and a few things along the way have slipped in. So while I am principally a righty, quite a bit of lefty techniques as it were have been added to my abilities. Mouse using is one of those, and I'm not going to tell you why I learned.

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