POLL - MULTIPLE CHOICE: Where Have You Spent Most Of Your Time In GT5?

  • Thread starter VBR


Meme Dissident in Exile...
As the GT5 era is coming to a close (with GT6 on the horizon), I thought it would be interesting to find out where we've spent most of our time. Also, it might be handy for PD to see what the most popular aspects of GT5 are.

Have your vote, & have your say!


EDIT: By "Online Time Trials" I mean in Lobbies which are set to Free Run, not to be confused with Seasonal Time Trials. 👍
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On the Nordschleife...
Ive done so manny laps there that i have a F2007 with over 10 000 km on the clock
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I suppose it is all technically "offline racing" but I've personally driven likely 25,000+ miles between endurance racing and arcade-mode racing yet have barely touched any of the non-endurance A-Spec events beyond what it took to clear them once. Nitpicking perhaps, but the gameplay varies quite widely between them. I'd actually consider seasonal races to be much more similar to "normal" A-Spec races in terms of gameplay than either is to enduros or arcade races or even one-makes.

Drag racing would be a good addition as well, and you could probably argue that shuffle racing is a noticeably unique way to play too. It's always hard to figure out where to stop dividing things up when you are categorizing.
Mostly Tsukuba in my Bright Orange MK3 Supra that I affectionately call Thunda Punkin(intentionally misspelled)
Both online and offline, mostly just driving, tuning, track days, then take pictures, collect some credits offline, buy more cars, and more driving, and driving, trying out cars, tune them, and race them online.
Offline time trials. To be more specific, WRS time trials. About 90% of my time is spent there, with the other 10% spent collecting and painting cars.
Great poll VBR, I hope many members will vote in order to get good feedback.

Thanks Amar, hope so! :D

I do not see a option for drag racing. :(
Need to add Drag Racing

Drag racing is done in online lobbies, so it would come under "Online Racing", as would Shuffle, Spec, PP based racing etc. If you were doing Drag Races in 2 player mode, then it would come under "Offline Racing".
Online racing is half my lifetime in GT5, but i got busy with my fanfic recently..

So photomode it is (despite not being my forte).
It's varied as time's passed.

1. First few months I only did ASpec and the early seasonals.
2. For the next year or more 95% was online. Dabbled in WRS and only used offline for credits. I hated offline since the physics were so different.
3. Post physics update making both similar-present day, I've gone 85% offline. Got burned out practicing and tuning so much for league races, using the same car for months etc.. Been enjoying using stock cars, no aids, comfort tires, cockpit cam trying out the many cars I'd never used. TT's, Arcade, One Makes, 'Ring cruising, Non SRF Seasonals.
Online racing / cruising, but also a lot of a-spec endurances, mainly those who starts with N and ends with ürburgring.
As far as 'Gran Turismo days' I answered collecting cars using the UCD database. I'm pretty balanced between online and Arcade Mode racing as I have good racing against the AI with my Playstation R8 LMS and the R35 TC.
"A lot of people go through life doing things badly. Racing’s important to men who do it well. When you’re racing, it... it’s life. Anything that happens before or after... is just waiting."

Michael Delaney in 1970 just before Le Mans - Pesky Loading screens making everyone wait. GT5 the real driving simulator.
Online racing is the future. There is no better opponent then a REAL opponent..

Just like first person shooters. I never play campaign mode!

Aspec is for when the ps network is down..

Pd needs get with the program(ing)!
... in the menues and load screens

:lol: I actually did laugh out loud when I read that, great comment, should've added it as a poll option! ;)
I do quite a bit. Since I do not have internet, everything I've done is offline. So, Racing, Drifting, a little time trialling, photo mode, collecting trophies, and tuning. Other things I've done include: Drag Racing and being what you would call spectating, which I'll park my car on the side and watch the AI race around and mess up.