[Poll] So how good do you think the physics are?

  • Thread starter Kalder

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best), how realistic do you think the physics of GT7 are?

  • 10 (True to life, ultra realistic)

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • 9 (Extremely realistic but could still be slightly improved)

    Votes: 49 16.3%
  • 8 (Highly realistic but there are a lot of better sims out there)

    Votes: 74 24.6%
  • 7 (Pretty realistic, physics could definitely be improved)

    Votes: 84 27.9%
  • 6 (Kinda realistic, there's still a lot of work to do)

    Votes: 42 14.0%
  • 5 (Not realistic)

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • 4 (I don't know what I'm talking about)

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • 3 (I think NFS and FH5 are way more realistic)

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • 2 (duuuuuhhhhh)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 (I just hate this game)

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • 10 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • 9 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • 8 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • 7 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • 6 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • 5 (I play with controller)

    Votes: 4 1.3%

  • Total voters
Much better than GT Sport, the Real Understeer Simulator, but it's still got some big issues with anything slower than a Group 4 car.
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it's still got some big issues with anything slower than a Group 4 car.
This. You can't touch the gas pedal without the rear end snapping out, even in 5hp cars, it's ridiculous. I absolutely hated the early game in the street cars in comfort tires, it was just not enjoyable.
End game, in race cars, with racing softs, it's a whole new world, significantly improved over Sport in my opinion.
Ive driven a 350z hard irl, there is definately something off with the rwd physics/grip level. Not sure if pd are trying to make up for too much front end grip. It feels a bit better than GTS, I gave it a 7 there is a good bit of room for improvement
I love the new physics so far, I spent a bit of time to get use to and lose all the bad habits I have on GTS, once you finally get it and find a good FFB stup, this game is a blast ! Not better than assetto corsa or another serious sim, but interesting, and rewarding

I play with a wheel, no aids, and I play mostly on confort / sport medium tires
For the most part, the physics are great. They took a bit of getting used to (definitely more oversteer than GT Sport), but I think I have a solid handle on it now. :D

The sore spot that needs to be addressed is off road. All the rally tracks have at least one or two solid jumps, and upon landing it's 50/50 if you'll remain stable and carry on, or if you'll veer to the side and spin out, roll over, or... start bouncing? Hopefully that gets addressed soon.

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The sore spot that needs to be addressed is off road. All the rally tracks have at least one or two solid jumps, and upon landing it's 50/50 if you'll remain stable and carry on, or if you'll veer to the side and spin out, roll over, or... start bouncing? Hopefully that gets addressed soon.

To be fair, the dirt physics need to be taken out the back and shot. They're atrocious. GT should cut it's losses and focus on tarmac where it's really pretty good.
Step in the right direction, FWD cars feel "alive" but the physics of RWD road cars above 600pp is kinda broken, there's cars I've driving in anger IRL that don't handle how they should and with Porsche specifically they've gone with the Jeremy Clarkson parody of Porsche's.

@Nismonath5 That kinda confirms my suspicion that it's something to do with the damper rebound on all cars.
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Very much on the oversteery side on basically all cars. I enjoy that on FWD and AWD cars though. The GTRs in particular feel like they should imo, they were really prone to understeer in previous GTs and it was impossible to dial out.

Some RWD cars however are not enjoyable and/or borderline undrivable. The Supra RZ feels so snappy...
Also I haven't been able to get any good suspension tuning done on it. It will always feel way to stiff and unresponsive or very sluggish, lots of body roll.

The counter steer physics are also subpar imo. I've been into competitive drifting on GT and AC respectively and the feedback from the tyres to the steering wheel when catching a slide or drifting on purpose especially feels almost dead at times.
Surely the physics are consistent across the game and the rally stages just show up the issues more. I doubt they’ll have a whole separate engine for a couple of stages.
I quite like it in anything other than the 911s which are ridiculous. A 997 definitely doesn't try that hard to kill you in real life.

Also, before you pass judgement, give the DualSense a try - it's a lot easier to get some of the more ropey handling cars around a track with the nuanced feedback that gives you than what you get from a wheel. I've gone faster in quite a few licence tests using the controller than I could with a G29.
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Imho Weight transfer exaggerated is your wheel not being set right. Dig into your wheel settings outside of the game itself
It's on both wheel and controller. I'll dig into the wheel a bit, but I think it's more an issue of basic car tuning and possibly the cars becoming too soft when you put different suspensions on them. I was tuning my 180sx for a bit and then went to a somewhat unmolested 911 for a career race and even with the 911 on race tires it was like night and day levels of grip/stability in the 180sx favor. I kind of walked away at that point because it can be frustrating to dump 30mins of tuning into a car just to get a feel that it should have while stock/default.
Today I'll have time to see if I can't greatly improve the 911, pretty sure I know what I'm going to change allready
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6 from me, poor ffb, why can't we have stronger ffb without the wheel being stiffer too turn in the process when you ramp up the ffb settings. Forza horizons have way better ffb
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To be fair, the dirt physics need to be taken out the back and shot. They're atrocious. GT should cut it's losses and focus on tarmac where it's really pretty good.
I've noticed slight improvements, but yeah, it's generally still pretty crap. Driving on gravel with gravel tires shouldn't feel like you're driving on ice...
It's on both wheel and controller. I'll dig into the wheel a bit, but I think it's more an issue of basic car tuning and possibly the cars becoming too soft when you put different suspensions on them. I was tuning my 180sx for a bit and then went to a somewhat unmolested 911 for a career race and even with the 911 on race tires it was like night and day levels of grip/stability in the 180sx favor. I kind of walked away at that point because it can be frustrating to dump 30mins of tuning into a car just to get a feel that it should have while stock/default.
Today I'll have time to see if I can't greatly improve the 911, pretty sure I know what I'm going to change allready
Upping both FFB sliders helps a fair bit, but you'd do best to change the 911 for something else. They're all awful in this game! 😀
Upping both FFB sliders helps a fair bit, but you'd do best to change the 911 for something else. They're all awful in this game! 😀
I definitely agree. I'm pretty stubborn though, there has to be a way to make them more drivable, granted I think I'm going to gimp the diff to essentially not work unless at high power and rebalance the suspension to be softer in the rear. Both of which will make the car very not 911, but these handle nothing like 911s right now.
Ive driven a 350z hard irl, there is definately something off with the rwd physics/grip level. Not sure if pd are trying to make up for too much front end grip. It feels a bit better than GTS, I gave it a 7 there is a good bit of room for improvement
I think the best way that I can describe it is I feel like FR cars are missing that zone when you accelerate through a turn and the rear tires kinda dig in and help you through the corner. That sweet spot is just not there. It goes from understeer straight to spinning. They basically left out the one thing that makes FR cars what they are.
To be fair, the dirt physics need to be taken out the back and shot. They're atrocious. GT should cut it's losses and focus on tarmac where it's really pretty good.
I've just done a couple of the Gr.B races for that menu book and I really don't think they're as bad as everyone's making out. Yes, they can get a bit unwieldy on a bad landing, but on the whole, they move around much as I'd expect them to.
Driving on gravel with gravel tires shouldn't feel like you're driving on ice...
It should probably feel closer to that than driving on tarmac with slicks though. Most of the time if I'm sliding and the car's struggling to get traction, I'll check the speedo and realise I'm sideways somewhere north of 100-120mph. Cornering on gravel is always going to be a challenge at those speeds, but turning early, trying to keep the car pointing forwards and anticipating the weight shifts help to make good progress.
It should probably feel closer to that than driving on tarmac with slicks though. Most of the time if I'm sliding and the car's struggling to get traction, I'll check the speedo and realise I'm sideways somewhere north of 100-120mph. Cornering on gravel is always going to be a challenge at those speeds, but turning early, trying to keep the car pointing forwards and anticipating the weight shifts help to make good progress.
Oh of course, I'm not suggesting that it should be super grippy, but GT leans too much into the "icy" feeling. Modern rally cars, with all their aerodynamics and other tech, are pretty damn grippy on gravel with good tires.

In all honesty, they're definitely not the worst gravel physics in any racing game ever, but they could do with a bit more tweaking.
This is a strange Gran Turismo, from the way the game is laid out down to the physics. It's also the first GT in which I've needed to use more than a tick of traction control. But then, I'd like to know how many of you have driven a car with no assists in real life. Let's make it more fun: driven a car in RL with only your vision, hearing, and feeling in your arms.

Every game is a caricature of real physics, though some are more like paintings than comics. I invariably have to adjust to every game because they all have their own take on what's "real." GT7 is like an amazing comic, but some things are a bit squirrely. I'm with Scaff on thinking it's somewhere between 7 and 8 - I chose 7 this time, fitting - but that fudged 20% or so makes racing on all but racing tires an experience. I fully expect a few physics patches to come, as we got in the past. All the talk about the Porches is scaring me, as I love those little monsties. I might feel better about the physics if I could get to the wheel settings (edit: found them). It's said by a few that strong settings, like I use, overwhelm the communication with the car and road. I use a G959 or whatever it is - yes, using PS4 until I can manage to grab a 5.

One trick I learned to deal with the floundering Rally cars over jumps is to completely let off the gas in mid-flight. The drag on the drivetrain on landing almost always keeps the car going the right way, and a quick but measured push on the gas lets me pick right up with the drive.

All in all, I think this is a great Gran Turismo, and in the coming months I expect it to get even better. I can hardly wait to "race mod" up some rides, which will stretch the car list even more for me. Now, to see about those money grind races I can currently get to...

As an aside, Red Rock Valley is one of my favorite missing tracks. Ultimately I hope all of them return in some form or fashion. Shame, what they did to Trial Mountain though.
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"I'd like to know how many of you have driven a car with no assists in real life.." Funny :cool:

About realism; not too much.
I gave the Supra a couple more laps around Tsukuba with the steering lock kit on and off and it seems like high damper settings can rectify some of the RWD handling issues.
The default rates are just really low.
I maxed out compression and put extension about 5 above that, made the car more planted and the slides felt more linear.

Gonna try that on the 996 next
Voted for 7.

Pad user here but still think the Pad gives you a feel for the cars and tracks so you can determine how good the physics are. Unlike quite a few (I suspect) I don't play with a HUD so I find it heightens my awareness to the car and its surroundings, if my tires are fading I have to feel for it rather than look for an icon bottom left, same with the wet weather conditions etc.

This time around in a GT game for me, it feels more like the small things you do to a car in terms of modifications and tuning the impact can be felt more. You can just slap slicks and the biggest turbo on a car and dominate in the same way you could other games. Sports Soft vs Slicks is interesting and I found the Hard compound Slick just plain sucked and felt like it's not an upgrade in so much a Road car will benefit but true racing cars will.

Suspension tuning also feels more dynamic this time around and just a few clicks will swing the cars abilities a lot more than what the stats on the left hand side predict. I also feel the game is now less about just power figures and the whole package means more, where as previous GT's could be washed over with a few cars overpowered and the main game was done and the only challenge was the license test.

However I still think PD could up their game again but at what point does a physics engine in a game go from being fun on a pad for the average gamer to something only Aliens and Wheel users car have fun playing?
Wow, this game lacks "realism". Touch the handbrake and you`ll get a five second penalty. Counter a slide and the car starts spinning like crazy.* And about tuning; where`s the springs?

Hotting up a RWD without upgrading its rear tirewidth is a waste. Pre-tuned racecars will do fine but any upgrading & tuning
streetcars is wery limited. 4 out of 10?

* I`ve used my 400hp 64 Ford Fairlane as a daily driver on icy Norwegian winterroads+ spent decades driving on the limit so I
can do powerslides in my sleep
Surely the physics are consistent across the game and the rally stages just show up the issues more. I doubt they’ll have a whole separate engine for a couple of stages.
See this is what I thought too. The rally stages wouldn't even be so bad if they didn't all have ridiculous jumps all throughout them, Sardegna Windmills is the worst offender. Even the AI can't get those jumps right 9 times out of 10.
"I'd like to know how many of you have driven a car with no assists in real life.." Funny :cool:

About realism; not too much.

This gets batted around a lot to people who complain about the physics.

The thing is I've driven a lot of powerful stuff with no assists on in my job.

I drove a Toyota GT86 about 100 miles of spirited driving and high (at the speedlimit officer) speeds on the motorway until I realised it had the TCS off. But not once did I feel it snapped or tried to kill me. Everything was very tactile but not once did it get dangerous or even interesting. Its a very planted car...

But in GT7 its a widow maker. Why is that?