[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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And this marks Hillary Clinton's third loss in a row of the same election...

And this marks Hillary Clinton's third loss in a row of the same election...

So the Blacks and Saudis elected Obama

The Jews nearly elected Bernie but were denied

And the Russians elected Trump....

When is Hillary going to say she is her own reason for the loss?
Is that the largest number of faithless electors in a single modern election - and, for Hillary, the largest number of faithless electors for a single candidate in a modern election?
Since 1912? No. That dubious honor actually went to the 1912 election when 8 faithless electors who were pledged to vote for James Sherman voted for Nicholas M. Butler instead. It was for good reason, though. Sherman died before the election. In history, however, the most faithless electors was in the 1872 election, where, again, the vice presidential candidate actually died before the electoral college voted. 63 out of 66 electors didn't vote for a dead man, and those who did had their votes disallowed by congress.
Since 1912? No. That dubious honor actually went to the 1912 election when 8 faithless electors who were pledged to vote for James Sherman voted for Nicholas M. Butler instead. It was for good reason, though. Sherman died before the election. In history, however, the most faithless electors was in the 1872 election, where, again, the vice presidential candidate actually died before the electoral college voted. 63 out of 66 electors didn't vote for a dead man, and those who did had their votes disallowed by congress.
Nice bit of research there. 👍

Random notes:

- Little girls are exploited, sexualized, even one-year-olds now receive makeup. While pedophilia remains a taboo, we will not investigate Pizzagate, where the rich and famous do it. 'Murica is ground zero for hypocrisy, and has been since the Pilgrims.

- Ignoring known liberal bastions California and New York, Trump beat Clinton by 3 million votes in the popular vote, with a crushing landslide in the electoral college. For good or ill, there is a populist rebellion taking hold in 'Murica and elsewhere, and not only on the right. Mainstream institutions and legacy media are no longer seen through a rose-colored lens. We voted for change, but what will it look like when it arrives? Will it be like receiving a check for a million dollars in the mailbox, or more like a sharp stick in the eye?

- Next year, the US government will hit its 25-year deadline to release approximately 3,000 never-before-seen documents, and 34,000 previously redacted files relating to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. These files are largely from the Congressional investigation which concluded the assassination was a conspiracy, but declined to publicly support that with the data they uncovered. 'Murica has been floating on an ocean of lies for a long, long time. Are we now ready for the ugly truth, or do we continue to prefer beautiful, useful or necessary lies?
Hillary WAS the warmonger, prosecuting conflict in Libya, Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere with continuing catastrophic consequences for Europeans.

Trump is posturing about a modernization of the nuclear arsenal, principally replacing aging city-busters with more modern, more "usable" precision-guided, smaller-yield, stealthily delivered nuclear munitions. The optimistic presumption here is that the threat of these nukes will make war between nation states less appealing and less likely. Peace through strength is the idea. I hope.
While pedophilia remains a taboo, we will not investigate Pizzagate, where the rich and famous do it.
Pizzagate has largely been debunked by publications from across the political spectrum. No victims have ever come forward, and no evidence of its existence has ever been found. So what, exactly, is there to investigate?
Pizzagate has largely been debunked by publications from across the political spectrum. No victims have ever come forward, and no evidence of its existence has ever been found. So what, exactly, is there to investigate?
Pedophilia amongst the rich and famous is an ongoing problem. Disagree if you dare. It didn't end with the death of Jimmy Savile, the convictions of Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, financier Jeffrey Epstein and the scandals and (ongoing) investigations of Congressman Anthony Weiner. It's sad to see you fall for the fake news of the establishment and its legacy media.

Ignoring... you know... a huge part of American identity...

Those millions of CA and NY votes were meaningless in the context of our political system and the 2016 election. She could have won those states by one vote and still received the same number of electoral votes. Clinton screwed up by ignoring the millions of motivated voters in the swing states.

It's kind of like she took pole position and 99 of 100 fastest laps in a race, then strutted, preened and gloated on lap 100, mistaking it for the victory lap. She simply ran a defective race, ignorant of the most basic facts.
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Pedophilia amongst the rich and famous is an ongoing problem.
And your solution to this is to spend endless amounts of time, effort and money investigating an obvious fabrication? How exactly does that achieve anything except waste resources that could be better-spent investigating the actual problem?
Pedophilia amongst the rich and famous is an ongoing problem. Disagree if you dare. It didn't end with the death of Jimmy Savile, the convictions of Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, financier Jeffrey Epstein and the scandals and (ongoing) investigations of Congressman Anthony Weiner. It's sad to see you fall for the fake news of the establishment and its legacy media.
While it might be possible it was at one stage there is no proof, anyway here is a good Video about the massive and still happening Paedophile problem involving elites and thousands that have managed to be hidden from the public(picture on video may disturb):
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Ignoring known liberal bastions California and New York, Trump beat Clinton by 3 million votes in the popular vote, with a crushing landslide in the electoral college.

Ignoring known conservative bastion Texas, Trump loses to Clinton by 4 million votes instead of 3 million, and fails to garner enough votes to win the Electoral College.

What's the point? I really don't know.
While it might be possible it was at one stage there is no proof, anyway here is a good Video about the massive and still happening Paedophile problem involving elites and thousands that have managed to be hidden from the public(picture on video may disturb):

Most disturbing. Anyone enervating the investigation of this sorry and ongoing system of abuse needs to do a "serious and searching moral inventory", true detective. The ugly truth cannot forever be hidden by lies and dissembling.
Anyone enervating the investigation of this sorry and ongoing system of abuse needs to do a "serious and searching moral inventory",

Where did I say that?

All I pointed out was that investigating pizzagate was a waste of time, effort and money because it's obviously a hoax. No victims have ever come forward, and no evidence has ever been found. To start an investigation into pizzagate would be the same as trying to catch Freddy Kruger during a murder investigation.

Where did I say that?

All I pointed out was that investigating pizzagate was a waste of time, effort and money because it's obviously a hoax. No victims have ever come forward, and no evidence has ever been found. To start an investigation into pizzagate would be the same as trying to catch Freddy Kruger during a murder investigation.
Just for the record, you did watch @mustafur 's video?
Do you have proof it's fake?
Do you have proof that it's real? The story emerged from the bowels of the internet, and was little more than rumour and supposition masquerading as fact. There wasn't a shred of physical evidence to substantiate the claim, and no victims have come forward. So how, exactly, is a criminal investigation supposed to proceed, much less taken to trial?

Have you ever heard of the curious incident in the dog in the night-time? There's a scene in one of Arthur Conan Doyle's stories where Sherlock Holmes deduces that a murder victim knew their killer because the victim's dog did not bark when it saw the killer; therefore, the dog was friendly to the killer, and by extension, the victim was a friend of the killer. But this is a logical fallacy (indeed, most of Holmes' deductive reasoning is actually inductive, and almost always wrong). The absence of evidence cannot be used as evidence of a crime. In Holmes' scenario, the dog did not bark because the dog knew the killer - but Holmes does not consider other explanations, such as the killer evading the dog.

What your post implies is a paradoxical loop. It suggests that if there is no evidence of a paedophile ring, it's because the paedophile ring has gone to extreme lengths to conceal itself; therefore, there is no evidence of their existence, thus proving that they must exist. But conversely, if there was evidence, you'd latch onto it as proof of their existence. Either way, the outcome is the same - you have simply chosen the evidence to fit a foregone conclusion.

The American justice system is built on the principle of innocence until guilt is proven. Therefore, you must assume that there is no wrongdoing until you can prove that it happened. Without it, you get the Salem witch trials.
Here's a question about the Syrian Civil War...

Who is fighting who, exactly? What I understand (more like, what I've read on wiki) is that it's a many sided war including the Syrian Government, the Free Syrian Army, the Kurdish Rebels, ISIS, and the Al Nusra Front.

Whenever something comes up on the news, it's only mentioned as Syria, Syrian Rebels, or ISIS/ISIL. Who are the rebels that the American government back? Because it really hasn't been made clear to the American public. For all we know the rebels that we support is actually ISIS, and the American public's just being lied to.
Do you have proof that it's real? The story emerged from the bowels of the internet, and was little more than rumour and supposition masquerading as fact. There wasn't a shred of physical evidence to substantiate the claim, and no victims have come forward. So how, exactly, is a criminal investigation supposed to proceed, much less taken to trial?

Have you ever heard of the curious incident in the dog in the night-time? There's a scene in one of Arthur Conan Doyle's stories where Sherlock Holmes deduces that a murder victim knew their killer because the victim's dog did not bark when it saw the killer; therefore, the dog was friendly to the killer, and by extension, the victim was a friend of the killer. But this is a logical fallacy (indeed, most of Holmes' deductive reasoning is actually inductive, and almost always wrong). The absence of evidence cannot be used as evidence of a crime. In Holmes' scenario, the dog did not bark because the dog knew the killer - but Holmes does not consider other explanations, such as the killer evading the dog.

What your post implies is a paradoxical loop. It suggests that if there is no evidence of a paedophile ring, it's because the paedophile ring has gone to extreme lengths to conceal itself; therefore, there is no evidence of their existence, thus proving that they must exist. But conversely, if there was evidence, you'd latch onto it as proof of their existence. Either way, the outcome is the same - you have simply chosen the evidence to fit a foregone conclusion.

The American justice system is built on the principle of innocence until guilt is proven. Therefore, you must assume that there is no wrongdoing until you can prove that it happened. Without it, you get the Salem witch trials.
Curiously, I recall you "convicting" a 60 minutes crew of bringing an assault upon themselves a few months ago, based entirely on supposition and inference and without a shred of direct evidence. I guess innocence until proven guilty is one of those things that sounds great in a textbook.
Curiously, I recall you "convicting" a 60 minutes crew of bringing an assault upon themselves a few months ago
Then your memory is faulty. There's a big difference between accusing people of committing a crime without a shred of evidence, and deliberately orchestrating a scenario whereby a crime is likely to be committed against you and then calling foul when that crime is committed.
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