Am i the only one who sees exactly how the media manipulate who succeeds here.
No, you are not the only one who sees how the media is trying to manipulate who succeeds.
I am sure everyone has seen these first two videos, I am just posting them as sources. Both videos are longer than they need to be for my purpose here.
1. Hillary Clinton claims that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool.
2. Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton a liar.
3. A Different group makes a recruiting video using Donald Trump.
Notice, at about 1:06 in this news report, the reporter says "Hillary Clinton said ISIS
would produce videos, using Trump's travel ban as a recruiting tool..."
sorry no YouTube link for this
Notice at around 1:18 the reporter says: "This is the first known instance of extremists using Trump's language to attract followers, although not by ISIS
as Hillary Clinton predicted." The reporter goes on to say, "The Democratic front runner ignited a war of words with Trump, when she warned that his rhetoric
would become recruiting fodder."
So ABC News would have us all believe that Hillary Clinton's lie about ISIS using videos of Donald Trump was just a prediction?
Let's not forget What Mrs. Clinton actually said: "They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."
This might seem like a small thing, but we are spoon fed crap like this all of the time. ABC is one of the big three networks in the US and ABC News is one of the most respected news organizations in the country.
Emphasis added