[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Cruz is right and your own sources show this to be true.

How odd, I just read the source and it says the opposite. As handguns were not prevalent in defence before the ban the gradual increase in recorded crime was to do with the wider instances of reported crime. Cruz, as @prisonermonkeys says, is half-right.

It's true to say that there were no emails before Marathon changed to Snickers, and it would be just as helpful.
Are you really trying to have a serious conversation about a Monty Python reference?

If so, I can quote the entire scene, so it'll be fun.
I take the mythology of the Arthur and the symbolism of the sword rising in the lake as historically and culturally meaningful, if that's what you mean. Monty Python is not relevant to me except as a fun diversion.
How odd, I just read the source and it says the opposite. As handguns were not prevalent in defence before the ban the gradual increase in recorded crime was to do with the wider instances of reported crime. Cruz, as @prisonermonkeys says, is half-right.

It's true to say that there were no emails before Marathon changed to Snickers, and it would be just as helpful.
What @Johnnypenso is trying to say is that Cruz is right, as I have addressed this two posts ago before I got his source. It is the Washington Post that has its bias showing. That paper is a democrat leaning paper, and as such, judges Republicans in general a lot harsher when they fact check. That is why I generally stray away from that paper when citing stats because I know that the "facts" can be slanted.
American Rape Statistics over the same period:

I would say the decrease in rape statistics in America is due to:

1) Juries no longer assuming the woman is at fault by reason of having a vagina
2) Increased jail time for offenders
3) Better DNA testing causes more rapists to get caught
4) Folks are wiser about rape and stuff
5) It's not cool

Guns aren't the answer and solution to everything. Seriously, take the 30-minute drive over from Winsdor and actually check out the Unites States sometime when you get a chance, it's not the wild west.
That chart would also not make sense, as the judicial system on these two countries are soo different, thinking it ends up with the same result would be insane.

Basically everything here wouldn't even come close to happening in Australia for example.

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7 Days from the Iowa Caucuses, and here is how the polls are shaping up:
(Source: Real Clear Politics Averages)

[Note: I will update Iowa daily up to and including results on caucus night.]

Trump: 33.6%
Cruz: 27.2%
Rubio: 11.8%
Carson: 7.2%
Paul: 3.6%

Sanders: 46.3%
Clinton: 45.5%
O'Malley: 4.8%
Wow 33.6% of polled Iowa voters would pick a guy who'd mow someone down on Fifth Ave and never face the judicial system...scary
Kind of like a post quoting Monty Python might be?
The symbolism of the sword rising from the lake transcends Monty Python, from a thousand years before 1975, and now in 2016. What do you suppose it means? I regard it as a clear symbol of nationalism. If you would wear it on your tee-shirt, you should be prepared to be seen as a nationalist, and perhaps as a patriarchalist.
I would say the decrease in rape statistics in America is due to:

1) Juries no longer assuming the woman is at fault by reason of having a vagina
2) Increased jail time for offenders
3) Better DNA testing causes more rapists to get caught
4) Folks are wiser about rape and stuff
5) It's not cool

Guns aren't the answer and solution to everything. Seriously, take the 30-minute drive over from Winsdor and actually check out the Unites States sometime when you get a chance, it's not the wild west.
Guns aren't the answer nor am I saying they are. I'm just disproving a false claim that Cruz lied or exaggerated the statistics. First his words are deliberately misquoted for exaggeration (sudden, sharp spike vs. the actual "increased significantly") and then the source material provided shows that Cruz was right, that there was an increase in violence against women after the gun ban. Juxtapose that with another western culture, in this case the U.S., where there was little to no change in gun laws over that period and draw your own conclusions as to the effectiveness of banning guns. I don't know if Cruz is right or wrong drawing the connection between the gun ban and the increase in violence towards women in Australia nor have I claimed there was a connection, but it's not fair to misquote his words and misrepresent the statistics to suit one's own agenda as has been the case here.

As to your reasons, I don't disagree, it's a complicated issue and I'm sure there are many factors, but did not those same deterrents/solutions also come into effect in Australia, along with most western cultures, over the same period? Might you not also add to the list that perhaps less men/women are raping than they used to?
The symbolism of the sword rising from the lake transcends Monty Python, from a thousand years before 1975, and now in 2016. What do you suppose it means? I regard it as a clear symbol of nationalism. If you would wear it on your tee-shirt, you should be prepared to be seen as a nationalist, and perhaps as a patriarchalist.
Only by Buzz Killington.

It's a joke. An obvious one. No one I know would take it any other way.
Trump throws a tantrum (a tantrump?) and withdraws from the final debate ahead of Iowa:


Also from your source:
Do you know what it doesn't say? "The numbers went up significantly because of the gun buy-back scheme." Correlation does not imply causation. Like I said, the only significant short-term increase came around 2000, when the Skaf gang was terrorising Sydney. Each member of the gang was charged for each individual crime, naturally driving the numbers up.
By default and necessity, feudalism was the system of government when Alfred the Great began filling the holy grail of an England unified south of Hadrian's wall.

I would just point out that you are correct in that Alfred the Great was the most dominant Anglo-Saxon King during his lifetime but he was only the King of Wessex, one particular area of modern England; there was no such thing as a united "England" until 25 years after his death. But he did set the wheels in motion by making Wessex the most powerful and influential of the AS kingdoms.

Us Celts were content with our little follies up in the mountains...
I prefer Blue Bell myself, but I'm staying away from Ben and Jerry's from now on because of this.

That's dumb. Ben and Jerry's is the best. But these are people that should be making ice cream full-time, the way they wouldn't be able to if they actually lived under what they believed in. That is the beauty of capitalism. I'm not too fond of Ben, but I don't have to be. I love his ice cream, therefore I share my love with him for a couple bucks a pint.

What's the connection between mint and communism? Honest question:sly:

Where did I say that? I said they are connected as things I hate. Mint-chocolate is almost as bad as central planning.

Trump throws a tantrum (a tantrump?) and withdraws from the final debate ahead of Iowa:


It's unbelievable that he is afraid to be confronted by Megyn Kelly. I love Megyn. She is one of the only honestly intelligent and fair journalists left. Trump is used to being a bully that can silence anything he doesn't like with his hired muscle. Everywhere he's been, he's had people escorted out instead of trying to reach out to them to persuade them differently. It's hard to fight against the truth with words and the mind. It can only be repressed with violence. Hence, the evil of the state.
It's unbelievable that he is afraid to be confronted by Megyn Kelly.
I don't think it's fear, but a desire for control. If Kelly participates, Trump won't be able to control the situation the way he would prefer to, and that will reveal him for what he is. At best, he gets the protest vote; at worst, he's a demagogue.

He has pledged to "Make America Great Again", but the rest of the world considers him to be something of a joke.
I read an good quote this morning, "If Trump's afraid of Megyn Kelly then how will he deal with Putin?".
I expect that it will involve leading a column of armoured tigers into Red Square, tying the Constitution to a jousting pole and charging into the Kremlin while red, white and blue fireworks explode overhead and culminating with a guitar solo of "Living In America" in front of the assembled ministers, politicians and oligarchs before a bald eagle emerges from Trump's toupee and chases Putin out into the streets while the assembled public cheers.
Trump isn't a politician he is a reality TV star, any press is good press for him.

He can basically say what he wants and the sheeple will swallow it.

I went to college with a couple of Cruz types. They're kind of jerks. Not bad guys, not enough to be considered assholes. But they have a jerky nature to them.
Comparing a GOP debate to discussing matters of national security is quite the stretch. At this point the debates serve no purpose other than to generate revenue for the media outlets. Majority of voters don't change their minds about who they're voting for after watching a debate (How many GOP debates have there been?) so realistically I don't see a problem with Trump deciding not to take part. Also remember Reagan walked out on the Soviets during the 1986 Reykjavik summit and as mentioned skipped the final Republican debate in 1980 which both eventually resulted as Reagan emerging the victor.

When Rand Paul skipped a debate earlier this month no one seemed to object but now because the name "Trump" is attached to the story the media goes in a frenzy.
Where did I say that? I said they are connected as things I hate. Mint-chocolate is almost as bad as central planning.
This is what I was referring to.
Ironically, the communist ice cream combines my least favorite things: mint ice cream, and mint chocolate.
Not bluffing, but playing the odds. Reagan skipped the final Republican debate in '80, and went on to win a landslide.
Trump has a huge lead in most polls. He has literally nothing to gain by participating in the debate at this point, same as Reagan. I understand he'll be doing a fundraiser event for veterans or so I heard, which will likely solidify his base and maybe sway a few veterans and their families his way. Be interesting to see the polls in the day or two after along with the ratings. The previous encounter apparently generated record viewership.

He's been critical of Fox News for weeks, months in fact, it's nothing new.
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