POLL: Will you buy a PS4 for GTS?

  • Thread starter Conza

Will you buy a PS4 for GTS

  • Yes

    Votes: 238 38.0%
  • No

    Votes: 176 28.1%
  • Already own a PS4, but wouldn't for (just) this

    Votes: 89 14.2%
  • Already own a PS4, but would (just) for this if I hadn't

    Votes: 123 19.6%

  • Total voters
It's really not enough to warrant the purchase alone, but I assume I'll be getting a PS4 anyway so it's a partial influencer for sure, even if it appears to have the same level of muted excitement as the PS3 GTs.
I pretty much did buy a PS4 for this being the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak :P I've wanted one for a while but yeah I guess GTS being announced was finally what made me go "Hey I feel like spending a LOT of money today" :P
No, probably not. There's nothing from what I've seen about GTS that makes me want to run out to the store. I don't even have any plans on purchasing a current generation system due to upgrading the PC.
I already own a PS4 so that's that.
But if I didn't own one, I don't reckon I'd buy it SPECIFICALLY for GTSport, I mean sure I'd play the game, but I'd like some more variety and a much larger variety of games to play before deciding whether I'd buy a PS4. Because otherwise when I don't feel like GTS it just sits there collecting dust.
Um, no, definitely not. Spending all that money on a console for a single game is just silly in my opinion, especially when its PD we are talking about.