Polyphony Digital: Your most important customers think..

  • Thread starter craste

What are your feelings right now towards PD's marketing?

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but what if the monthly newsletter contained the following;

Interviews with people who work at PD and what they do - with some questions supplied by us.

Features where they follow the crew when they map tracks\record engine sounds and the challenges they face.

Interesting facts and figures from the forthcoming and previous versions of the game.

Stories about life at PD.

If somebody asked me if I could have regular information about PD and Gran Turismo I'd snap there hand off and say YES PLEASE!

Good ideas. Also, it sounded like you wanted pics and vids like Forza, then you said those ideas?
For the 22 (current) polled people who'd rather stick to the current level of information from PD instead - well, I'm just really surprised to be honest.

Why? I prefer them to let us have it when they're ready (except the odd big gameshow tease). I am not interested in a monthly routine, it would get stale with a bunch of filler info, however I do wish for some sort of update in all the major gameshows.
Maybe the choosed that option because it fits better than the other one to their opinions?
Next time you should put some more, varied options in there instead of just A and B.

:) mate, I wish I could turn back the clock and had a simple poll.

Would you like a monthly newsletter from PD yes or no?

That would of been so much simpler.
1. Interviews already happen, and we already ask them questions which they already avoid or don't really answer. I mean, why would they answer any differently to how they already have in the various existing interviews?
2. Features about or at least showing them mapping tracks, etc, already exist, though I agree more wouldn't hurt.
3. Pointless rubbish
4. More pointless rubbish (pretty much - got into work, modelled a Supra headlight, went to sleep).

What you're asking for wouldn't give you any more information about GT5 than you're already getting, so even if you got this, you would still be complaining about the "lack of information".

One word.

OK I'm confused. 1/3 of the people answered in the poll that they are happy with PD not giving any news, Yet I see these same people on this, A GT5 news forum looking for news on GT5... HUH?

OK I'm confused. 1/3 of the people answered in the poll that they are happy with PD not giving any news, Yet I see these same people on this, A GT5 news forum looking for news on GT5... HUH?


Myself, I look for GT5 news on the forum. But I don't complain if I don't get any. Because I'm not a spoiled brat. I don't know if this applies to someone else here. But it's my case.
I'm fine with what PD's doing. It's the fanbois who complain about it that get on my nerves.

I'm fine with how PD go about their business. Its refreshing in this day and age where most games you've practically played them before they get released with the amount of info released before launch.

And to qoute myself:

...in these days of full-frontal-nudity and wester-o-centric bestiality-porn we somehow forget how beautiful and subtile true old-school erotica can be.

Didn't vote. I agree that poll is biased.
First, I will say I voted for the first option, not because I wouldn't like more info, but because I am not disappointed and annoyed. Well, not with PD anyway.

I am curious, can anyone here give me the name of five games that don't have an offcial release window yet that do developer diaries or anything like that? Heck, can anyone give me one that has an official monthly newsletter devoted to just one title?
Not having news on a new video game....is not new. PD is not the only company that does this, I know having worked at Gamestop for 4 years. This thread will not change anything, therefor it is pointless.
First, I will say I voted for the first option, not because I wouldn't like more info, but because I am not disappointed and annoyed. Well, not with PD anyway.

I am curious, can anyone here give me the name of five games that don't have an offcial release window yet that do developer diaries or anything like that? Heck, can anyone give me one that has an official monthly newsletter devoted to just one title?

I can think of a few, but they have all died off fairly quickly because either of a lack of interest or running out of ideas.
Harmonix and Relic are good examples of developer-community relations but even these examples eventually stopped what made them great. (in Relic's case, they stopped support for mods, not providing new mod tools for DoW2, in Harmonix' case they scaled back their involvement with their forums after the backlash over the "Nevermind album download confirmation").
I had a barbecue once, and a girl asked me for a sausage. I told her that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd tell everyone when they were done. A few minutes later, she demanded an update. I told her the same thing - that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd let her know when they were done. A few minutes later again, she came looking for an update. I told her that the sausages were nearly ready, but still not quite edible as the sausages were taking longer to cook than I had expected (not that I had given her an actual time when they would be ready anyway). However, this time she just took one off the barbecue and began to eat it. She gagged and said "Yuck! It's totally not cooked yet!", and threw it away. The sausages took another 10 minutes to cook properly, and I was glad that I hadn't told everyone to come and get them 10 minutes earlier, otherwise everyone would have gagged on my sausage! Suffice it to say that most people were happy enough to know that the sausages were being cooked without having to ask the chef every few minutes for a status update, and trusted that when the chef said they were ready to eat, they really were ready to eat.
I voted for the second choice.
We are disappointed and annoyed with the lack of news and we’d prefer PD to have a bit of communication going on with their fan base with regards to the games development periodically.

We do need some feedback from PD, there are many many developer own forums that people log in, talk about new ideas that may happen with patches, stuff they dislike, etc etc. Most developers use the forums to create a game for everyone, and they do listen to their fans.

Seems PD is basing their FAN opinions based from rumors.. and not good old fashion developer forums.
gagged on my sausage


Anyway, if every single member of GTPlanet bought a copy of GT5, we'd still represent around 1 in 100 sales. And Sony in particular would prefer that we simply didn't exist - they have their own official GT forums and they'd rather we used them instead of this one.

In short, they owe us squat and our importance to them is nil.
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I had a barbecue once, and a girl asked me for a sausage. I told her that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd tell everyone when they were done. A few minutes later, she demanded an update. I told her the same thing - that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd let her know when they were done. A few minutes later again, she came looking for an update. I told her that the sausages were nearly ready, but still not quite edible as the sausages were taking longer to cook than I had expected (not that I had given her an actual time when they would be ready anyway). However, this time she just took one off the barbecue and began to eat it. She gagged and said "Yuck! It's totally not cooked yet!", and threw it away. The sausages took another 10 minutes to cook properly, and I was glad that I hadn't told everyone to come and get them 10 minutes earlier, otherwise everyone would have gagged on my sausage! Suffice it to say that most people were happy enough to know that the sausages were being cooked without having to ask the chef every few minutes for a status update, and trusted that when the chef said they were ready to eat, they really were ready to eat.

I watched this movie once..

The lady asked the Butcher for some sausage, he duly obliged and they were both very happy after.

The next day she asked him again for some sausage and the butcher couldn't believe his luck and she was well impressed I'm telling you.

This went on for many weeks and months and they lived happily ever after as she didn't need to ask another man for some sausage.

People like friendly butchers.

Her friends butcher was tight with his sausages and wouldn't let her have much so she asked if she could join her friends butcher and have some of his sausage too.

The butcher couldn't believe his luck, he was like a, well a butcher with two sausages.

They were all now even more happier.
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OK I'm confused. 1/3 of the people answered in the poll that they are happy with PD not giving any news, Yet I see these same people on this, A GT5 news forum looking for news on GT5... HUH?

This isn't solely a GT5 news website. It's a Gran Turismo discussion forum (not to mention the various non-GT related sub-forums). Just because we're here to discuss the forthcoming video game in the series, it doesn't mean we need routinely updates from PD.

Anyway, if every single member of GTPlanet bought a copy of GT5, we'd still represent around 1 in 100 sales. And Sony in particular would prefer that we simply didn't exist - they have their own official GT forums and they'd rather we used them instead of this one.

In short, they owe us squat and our importance to them is nil.
Actually they only have one forum, not multiple and the one they have is very crowded and unorganized since it's one forum for all things GT related. I have a feeling they will make a separate community though like they have been with their other games lately.

This forum is set up way better since we have a separate forum for each GT.

Also, I would like a little more info, so far in 5 years we have had a series of demo's leading up to a big demo and a 2-minute video.
Actually they only have one forum, not multiple and the one they have is very crowded and unorganized since it's one forum for all things GT related. I have a feeling they will make a separate community though like they have been with their other games lately.

This forum is set up way better since we have a separate forum for each GT.

Indeed - we're better. But we're still not affiliated in any way with Sony and their preference would be that we simply didn't exist.
I voted for the first one, but I would have preferred to vote for something more along the lines of: "I'm indifferent, but I would rather PD release information when it makes the most sense to PD." If they spent money to do any kind of newsletter or to employ someone to send regular updates, it would be money not available for licensing of new cars/tracks/etc., which I'm sure is fairly expensive. I'd rather they spend this money on developing the game during the period it needs to be developed, and then wait to spend money on actual marketing when it makes the most sense, i.e. when the game is just about to hit shelves.
I had a barbecue once, and a girl asked me for a sausage. I told her that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd tell everyone when they were done. A few minutes later, she demanded an update. I told her the same thing - that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd let her know when they were done. A few minutes later again, she came looking for an update. I told her that the sausages were nearly ready, but still not quite edible as the sausages were taking longer to cook than I had expected (not that I had given her an actual time when they would be ready anyway). However, this time she just took one off the barbecue and began to eat it. She gagged and said "Yuck! It's totally not cooked yet!", and threw it away. The sausages took another 10 minutes to cook properly, and I was glad that I hadn't told everyone to come and get them 10 minutes earlier, otherwise everyone would have gagged on my sausage! Suffice it to say that most people were happy enough to know that the sausages were being cooked without having to ask the chef every few minutes for a status update, and trusted that when the chef said they were ready to eat, they really were ready to eat.

At the risk of further cementing my status as a "whiner", I hope you won't mind if I expand upon your analogy TM...

Imagine this scenario: How do you think the people at your barbecue would have reacted if--while waiting for their sausages (GT5)--another group of people drove up, got out of their cars with big smiles on their faces, sat down and asked you "Are the steaks ready?" You say, "Why yes, they are. Give me 5 minutes and your food will be ready."

Huh? When we asked you about the sausages a minute ago, you said "They'll be ready when they're ready." Then we asked you a minute later and you said "Oh, I know you are hungry now, and the sausages actually are ready to eat now, but I'm going to cook them a little while longer, so they will be perfect ;) " Then, you go to the kitchen and bring out a nice platter full of steaks and other goodies (GT Mobile) and serve them before you serve the other group who were waiting on their sausages (GT5).

At the very least, the group waiting on the sausages (GT5) might be a bit puzzled. I know I would. I would be wondering, "Hmm, who are these folks?" Or "Wow, those steaks look good. Wonder if the sausages are close to being ready too?" In fact, a scenario like this would probably cause me to become even more inquisitive/impatient about the status of the sausages (GT5).

I would probably also be wondering why you couldn't have told me about the steaks being ready before the sausages. If I had known that, maybe I would have planned accordingly and asked you to fix me a steak as well. If I were the cook in this analogy/metaphor (Kaz and PD I assume?), I wouldn't be surprised if my guests (GT fans/customers) became a little impatient while watching the other guests getting ready to "dig in" to their feast (GT Mobile).

I am sure you no doubt disagree with me on this one TM (as do many others apparently), and I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm just trying to illustrate how your metaphor can be seen from a different viewpoint 👍

*realizes he is not going to change anyone's views on the topic*
*braces for inevitable backlash from staunch PD loyalists :ouch: *
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I beg to differ about this threads trend about us not being important enough to Sony and PD.

Word of mouth can be a far better tool then any advertising. Sure, are numbers are small in scope but we most likely have the biggest GT mouths on the planet. Our passion forces us to tell all our friends how great this game is and we do everything we can to lead someone to the game that has never played it before. Other “gamers” think it’s just another racing game and go back to get another head shot.

Think of the amount of friends each of us has on our PSN accounts. Are you sure we really don’t have an impact on influencing others to pick up the game.
Think of the amount of friends each of us has on our PSN accounts. Are you sure we really don’t have an impact on influencing others to pick up the game.

The point isn't that we don't represent something, the point is that we represent very little, no matter how you paint it, we are a small percentage of the players of Gran Turismo - I'd be surprised if the majority of the buyers even use the internet to search the words "gran turismo 5" at all.
I am curious, can anyone here give me the name of five games that don't have an offcial release window yet that do developer diaries or anything like that? Heck, can anyone give me one that has an official monthly newsletter devoted to just one title?
Quoted as a visual aid for my point.

I can think of a few, but they have all died off fairly quickly because either of a lack of interest or running out of ideas.
Harmonix and Relic are good examples of developer-community relations but even these examples eventually stopped what made them great. (in Relic's case, they stopped support for mods, not providing new mod tools for DoW2, in Harmonix' case they scaled back their involvement with their forums after the backlash over the "Nevermind album download confirmation").
This does not match my criteria, which is the GT5 situation. I am not asking about info regarding DLC, updates, patches etc. Criterion, Harmonix, even the Pain team are good about that, but then they are still the oddity. But all their info is for either a game that has been given a release date/window or the patches and DLC stuff. Prologue's News section serves to do this somewhat. Granted it rarely gives more than a one week notice, but they do it, some.

Taking Harmonix: Rock Band 2, no details until after we knew when it was coming. The Beatles: Rock Band, no details until it was given a release date. Lego Rock Band, no details given until it was given a release date.

I am looking for examples of companies that just pour out info about a game before it even has a release date/window yet.

We do need some feedback from PD, there are many many developer own forums that people log in, talk about new ideas that may happen with patches, stuff they dislike, etc etc. Most developers use the forums to create a game for everyone, and they do listen to their fans.
How many of these developer run forums release information about a new game before its release date is even mentioned?
I voted for the first one because while I want more info, that info is worthless, is useless, I can't do anything with it.
I voted for the first one because while I want more info, that info is worthless, is useless, I can't do anything with it.

So the info which nobody has yet created and therefore nobody has seen the content of you know is worthless?


(Mate: top tip - go place some bets down the betting shop - you will soon be very rich):)
Although I do not entriely agree in the methods PD market there products and I would also like more info as the wait does seem endless. I do respect the decisions that PD make.


The sooner GT5 can be done the quicker they will start work on TT2 then I will have to wait several more years for that!! argh!!