I had a barbecue once, and a girl asked me for a sausage. I told her that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd tell everyone when they were done. A few minutes later, she demanded an update. I told her the same thing - that the sausages weren't ready yet, but that I'd let her know when they were done. A few minutes later again, she came looking for an update. I told her that the sausages were nearly ready, but still not quite edible as the sausages were taking longer to cook than I had expected (not that I had given her an actual time when they would be ready anyway). However, this time she just took one off the barbecue and began to eat it. She gagged and said "Yuck! It's totally not cooked yet!", and threw it away. The sausages took another 10 minutes to cook properly, and I was glad that I hadn't told everyone to come and get them 10 minutes earlier, otherwise everyone would have gagged on my sausage! Suffice it to say that most people were happy enough to know that the sausages were being cooked without having to ask the chef every few minutes for a status update, and trusted that when the chef said they were ready to eat, they really were ready to eat.
At the risk of further cementing my status as a "whiner", I hope you won't mind if I expand upon your analogy TM...
Imagine this scenario: How do you think the people at your barbecue would have reacted if--while waiting for their sausages (GT5)--another group of people drove up, got out of their cars with big smiles on their faces, sat down and asked you "Are the steaks ready?" You say, "Why yes, they are. Give me 5 minutes and your food will be ready."
Huh? When we asked you about the sausages a minute ago, you said "They'll be ready when they're ready." Then we asked you a minute later and you said "Oh, I know you are hungry now, and the sausages
actually are ready to eat now, but I'm going to cook them a little while longer, so they will be perfect

" Then, you go to the kitchen and bring out a nice platter full of steaks and other goodies (GT Mobile) and serve them before you serve the other group who were waiting on their sausages (GT5).
At the very least, the group waiting on the sausages (GT5) might be a bit puzzled. I know I would. I would be wondering, "Hmm, who are these folks?" Or "Wow, those steaks look good. Wonder if the sausages are close to being ready too?" In fact, a scenario like this would probably cause me to become even more inquisitive/impatient about the status of the sausages (GT5).
I would probably also be wondering why you couldn't have told me about the steaks being ready before the sausages. If I had known that, maybe I would have planned accordingly and asked you to fix me a steak as well. If I were the cook in this analogy/metaphor (Kaz and PD I assume?), I wouldn't be surprised if my guests (GT fans/customers) became a little impatient while watching the other guests getting ready to "dig in" to their feast (GT Mobile).
I am sure you no doubt disagree with me on this one TM (as do many others apparently), and I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm just trying to illustrate how your metaphor can be seen from a different viewpoint 👍
*realizes he is not going to change anyone's views on the topic*
*braces for inevitable backlash from staunch PD loyalists
