Polyphony Digital: Your most important customers think..

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What are your feelings right now towards PD's marketing?

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If you ask me PD should embed a forum on the official GT forum, and appoint an official GT community manager like most of the big development studios do these days.
I apologize if i did not get the point - would you mind enlightening me to the point he was trying to make?

He was referring to how he can play a game but he cannot play information ;) - we'd rather them focus on making the game than messing about telling us things with newletters.

Anyway, if every single member of GTPlanet bought a copy of GT5, we'd still represent around 1 in 100 sales. And Sony in particular would prefer that we simply didn't exist - they have their own official GT forums and they'd rather we used them instead of this one.

In short, they owe us squat and our importance to them is nil.

Listen to this man, he is a moderator for a reason.
I voted for the first one because while I want more info, that info is worthless, is useless, I can't do anything with it.

For me the info would be extremely useful and valuable... it affects my choice of do I 1) upgrade my PC and stick to PC sims, 2) buy a PS3 for GT5, 3) buy an xbox 360 and a fanatec wheel for FM3.

But that said, I agree with what people before have said... we aren't even close to PDs most important customers. Unless we happen to maybe work in a shop which would be recommending the game to people who would be buying it, or professional reviewers for sites/magazines that people trust. That said, its bad to make your "enthusiasts" angry, they are often responsible for their friends buying the game and would be a large proportion of the people who buy DLC and other pay to play features.
I would much rather want PD to concentrate on making the game, instead of supplying us of a little bit of information, which would probably be close to useless anyways, as they're not going to give out any vital information before release...

And, as Torero82 already said - we can't really do anything with information, there only is a chance that there would be something so awesome that people on this board would get even more anxious and we'd get a lot more whining from people who want the game to be released now, and not wait until it's ready.

Just imagine how amazed you'll all be when the game finally comes out and you see all these superb features you didn't even know the game had!
That's probably what we are going to get, and I'm not even a bit disappointed about that.

Anyway, if every single member of GTPlanet bought a copy of GT5, we'd still represent around 1 in 100 sales. And Sony in particular would prefer that we simply didn't exist - they have their own official GT forums and they'd rather we used them instead of this one.

In short, they owe us squat and our importance to them is nil.

Valid point,BUT they are not even giving any info on their forums, seems they think we HAVE to buy their product.
I didn't vote as it was a very biased pole. I also already hate Twitter, Facebook and whatever other social network is there as Myspace is bad enough. Anyhow, I'm content with what PD is doing right now. Seems like their strategy is save the big and important news for the big shows (as we clearly saw with E3) and that in my opinion is better then feeding us useless infomation in short portions on a monthly basis. Besides as I've said multiple times, there are more games then just GT5 so I honestly have a hard time believing that anyone is only looking forward to GT5 and not any other games. I have other things I'm doing so I'm not very worried.

And on a unrelated note:

Touring Mars
everyone would have gagged on my sausage!

Consider this sigged :lol:
The info it's only important for planify things, for example, buy another game to play it in a while until the release date. Also it could help you to decide what you have to buy, for example, a Ps3 an Xbox360 or a PC.
I always liked Gran Turismo, but during 2006 and 2007 I was thinking to upgrade my PC to play racing sims, because I like their online mode. But when I saw, in autum 2007, a trailer of GT5P and a gameplay video, I decided to buy a PS3.

I like the way of work from PD. They gave us Gran Turismo HD Demo, also they gave us Gran Turismo 5 Prologue DEMO in the japanese store. And finally GT5P, wich is really a great buy.
Can you tell me how many game developers have done it? What's better, know the full car list, the feautures list and a release date or can try some cars in some tracks?

I think we might think about it. I don't know why a lot of GT fans are always talking bad from PD, I can't understand it, because next you buy the game.
Spend time to send information, causes less time to make the game. Let PD work and sure they will make a game that will surprise us.
I am satisfied by PD's current marketing strategy. It needs improvements with fan communication, but I love surprises.
I am satisfied by PD's current marketing strategy. It needs improvements with fan communication, but I love surprises.
I guess I'm with you

and amar gives me a reason to go on:
Welcome to the world of video-gaming, this has been going on since 1984. Internet didn't even exist on Cern these days while everyone was predicting flying cars will become reality till 2001.

Although I do not also like what PD is doing, you have to look at that issue much more less west-o-centric. PD is Japanese developer and all employees are also Japanese. Their cultural heritage and overall life-logic massivly differs than western.

Marketing is also different. Everything is different. And since they're so important on the global scale to SCE, PD has the strength to keep their business humble untill they really want to.

If you look at the past, nobody had any idea that Nurburgring will be in Gran Turismo games before BMW Demo arrived - and it was just 2 months before GT4 Japan release.

The very first glympse of exhaust-flames in GT4 was given in some spy-movie less than 4 weeks before game was actualy released in Japan. We didn't have a clue about features, car list, anything untill game was actually released.

Hence, I still remember how I was amazed when I first popped the GT5:Prologue PAL disc in my PS3 and witnessed F12007 for the first time. Nobody even knew they got Formula car in the game, not even SCEE staff.

And that is good in some wierd way. If nothing else, it keeps people wonder about what hides underneath everything.

And I guess that in these days of full-frontal-nudity and wester-o-centric bestiality-porn we somehow forget how beautiful and subtile true old-school erotica can be.
Thanks to you all that voted.👍

Next time I'll word my poll questions so that they do not sound biased for those that didn't. :)
I would like to see a little more inforamtion/updates from PD. However, I have seen how releasing info this can turn into a huge problem with misquotes, misinterpretations, etc.