I dont think anyone here is saying do away with TT or even saying they are useless. Just that it shouldnt be a way to up your license. You should have to race your way out of the rookie series or any other license level. If you cant get out of rookies in offical races do you really think your ready to race some of the faster cars in the service?
I like the fact that you get points fot TT. Those few little points you get may be enough to get more people to practice and get better at the tracks. Some people have to be rewarded when they do anything. I don't care if some guy gets .04 for running 20 minutes worth of clean hot laps.
I know for me when I get close to 4.0, say around 3.90 or so i will start running TTs to get over that hump. It's nice to know that once you get close to 4 you don't have to risk losing 25 points going into a race and having someone take you out to knock you back to 3.65 or something.
I've ran many more practice laps because of TTs then any other reason on the game. If I have 25 minutes before a race and there isn't any good practice sessions going, instead of just leaving the game and waiting I go into TT and earn myself .02 or so SR, and get myself some really good practice in before the race starts. If it wasn't for the little .02 or so of points I'm sure I wouldn't run near as may practice laps as i do before a race.
I really don't see how anyone is arguing against the tiny bit of SR boost TT gives you. I would rather race with a TT guy then with a practice allstar anyday. I'm sure most that run TT are very aware of SR and worried about losing it or they wouldn't be running TTs. I would bet that if you looked at the guys with decent TT ratings their incidents per race are alot lower then guys who haven't run many TTs. Why would you not want people to be rewarded for learning how to run clean laps? Without that small reward some people wouldn't practice near as much.
As far as TT not teaching you how to drive in traffic, that is true. The one thing though is like I said earlier, that guys who run alot of TT are doing it because they worry about their SR, so I really don't think they would be going into races and pushing in places where they should with traffic around them and wanting to risk losing the 2 or 3 hours it took them to get that .12 SR boost because of a stupid mistake.
I just really don't see how TT giving such a time consuming SR boost is a bad thing. If someone were to TT boost all the way to A class, they will soon be out of it if they need to be. I imagine in more cases then not the SR system will get you into the class you should be in regardless of TT boosters. If they can TT boost to A class and then race in it without ruining their SR then who cares how they got there. They're a clean racer and should be there racing anyway.