Porsche pack 2 March 2018

  • Thread starter MarcoM
We still don't know where the Road F40 wil be placed. Road version was hinted for Ferrari Pack.

On the other hand 959 wasn't as fast as F40.

That’s the pack I hope to see it in. I remember the 959 not bring quite as fast. It should be heavier than the F40. But doesn’t the 959 have 6-Speed gearbox?
That’s the pack I hope to see it in. I remember the 959 not bring quite as fast. It should be heavier than the F40. But doesn’t the 959 have 6-Speed gearbox?
The six gearbox speeds do not offer any major speed advantage over the five-speed F40: first, in the 959 is very low, and both cars have so much torque and power that five cogs are quite enough.
I agree, a road-going F40 in the the game is better suited against the 959.
It's certainly going to be so painful to see th F40 placed in Road D or even E lol. I hope they treat the beast with respect and is eventually placed, at the very least on road B.

I love the road cars myself. I’d just love them a lot more if they handled a lot better.
I'll get bitten for saying this again heh, but you need a wheel to drive road cars to its true potential in project cars. Not to mention that project cars is basically meant to be played with a wheel as a whole, so with racing cars you'll also find yourself in eden when using it, and now more with the refined slicks for racing after patch 4.0. They are a blast even in the rain.

Patch 4.0 for has raised this game to another level indeed. Let's just hope all these souring lobby issues get ironed out soon enough, and if possible release a hotfix before patch 5.0 that sorts out the extra lag introduced on dedis
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It's certainly going to be so painful to see th F40 placed in Road D or even E lol. I hope they treat the best with respect and is eventually placed, at the very least on road B.

I think they should fit it in Road C with 458 Speciale. F40 is much slower than Ferrari Enzo in Road B. In Road C we have Audi R8, Lamborghini Huracan, Porsche Carrera GT, McLaren F1 etc...

And to be honest i found road car classes in Project Cars 2 to be weird. I am still thinking why Veneno isn't in Class A and Jaguar Xj220 is in class B while McLaren F1 is in C... There is even an invitational event which puts together F1 with Xj220. Porsche 911 GT3 RS also should be more sport car in Class C than super car on pair with Enzo and Aventador. And Mclaren 720S definately should by Class B not A.
I know SMS took some lap times to compare this cars but still this car classes are strange.
I am still thinking why Veneno isn't in Class A and Jaguar Xj220 is in class B while McLaren F1 is in C... There is even an invitational event which puts together F1 with Xj220. Porsche 911 GT3 RS also should be more sport car in Class C than super car on pair with Enzo and Aventador. And Mclaren 720S definately should by Class B not A.
I know SMS took some lap times to compare this cars but still this car classes are strange.
Yeah totally agree. Even Driveclub separated classes by true HP efficiency way better lol, in spite of having always one overpowered car on each of the tiers.

Super light Cars should also be separated in their own tier regardless they are road legal. This is something requested for long too
It's certainly going to be so painful to see th F40 placed in Road D or even E lol. I hope they treat the beast with respect and is eventually placed, at the very least on road B.

You would think because of its power to weight ratio it would/shoukd be placed in a higher class.

I'll get bitten for saying this again heh, but you need a wheel to drive road cars to its true potential in project cars. Not to mention that project cars is basically meant to be played with a wheel as a whole, so with racing cars you'll also find yourself in eden when using it, and now more with the refined slicks for racing after patch 4.0. They are a blast even in the rain.

Patch 4.0 for has raised this game to another level indeed. Let's just hope all these souring lobby issues get ironed out soon enough, and if possible release a hotfix before patch 5.0 that sorts out the extra lag introduced on dedis

I know right. I hate to say this but I just get lazy about moving my rig out in front of the tv. The game is easier to play with the my wheel though. Assetto Corsa is unplayable without a wheel in my opinion.
Question: in that video I won't link it shows one leipseg track layout, are there others? Cos I read something about it having a "KARRUSELL" and that seemed a bit flat? Still seemed good though.
They ought to have its multiple layouts. The real track has an exact replica of the Karussel
According to files installed in patch, all new car files are installed before launch of this dlc with the last update. If somebody saw the name of the files meanwhile installing, the new track included is SACHSENRING ;)
According to files installed in patch, all new car files are installed before launch of this dlc with the last update. If somebody saw the name of the files meanwhile installing, the new track included is SACHSENRING ;)

Nope. The new track is Porsche's Leipzig test track.

Not trying to look down on an effort that sure takes hundreds of hours of work to bringing it to life in to the game, but there were certainly other tracks that were at least requested by community, such as Sebring. Nobody asked for Leipzig, let alone it was in anyone's wishes lists.

The only thing that gives me hope about this again so far disappointing dlc, is to rest assured that the presence of the 959 is a clear indicative that the F40 is indeed coming too.
Not trying to look down on an effort that sure takes hundreds of hours of work to bringing it to life in to the game, but there were certainly other tracks that were at least requested by community, such as Sebring. Nobody asked for Leipzig, let alone it was in anyone's wishes lists.

The only thing that gives me hope about this again so far disappointing dlc, is to rest assured that the presence of the 959 is a clear indicative that the F40 is indeed coming too.

Some people asked for a test track. I don't know if Leipzig will have a full complement of test features, but if so it could be useful for tuners.

As a track to race on, it looks flat and featureless and about as interesting as Silverstone on a wet Tuesday afternoon.

Personally if we were getting a test track I would rather have had "Rattlesnake Raceway" which is where Jim Hall developed the Chaparrals, but I understand the logic behind Leipzig - it is almost certainly where SMS did most (or all) the testing of the Porsche content so it makes sense to add the track where they did that work.
The list in that post is speculation based on unpacked game files, not a confirmed list of what is in the patch. The only confirmed cars for the Porsche pack are the RSR and the 917/10. From what I've read the expectation is that (if we are getting it, not confirmed remember) the 919 will be in the Le Mans pack.
The list in that post is speculation based on unpacked game files, not a confirmed list of what is in the patch. The only confirmed cars for the Porsche pack are the RSR and the 917/10. From what I've read the expectation is that (if we are getting it, not confirmed remember) the 919 will be in the Le Mans pack.
Le Mans pack, what kind of track will they bring along? It also does not make sense ... we just have to wait.
Le Mans pack, what kind of track will they bring along? It also does not make sense ... we just have to wait.

How does it not make sense? 919 hybrid won 3 le mans in a row, it belongs in the le mans pack. And the track is an older layout of le Sarthe
What a load of ... this pack is. Why so many cam-am cars? These cars are nearly death machines that want to kill you in every single corner.
Man, Pcars 2 DLC's have been a disapointment so far IMO. Maybe I will buy it later just for the Carrera GT

So...What. exactly, is your issue? I mean, there are many of us who like having to work for excellence rather than have it handed to us. The "death machines" are that kind of car: they make you have to work to drive them fast, and do so in a manner that in real life would not end in a fiery ball of twisted metal.

Many of us teethed upon these cars when we were younger and they are the cars we most wish to drive.

I do not understand the younger generation's insistence upon having everything done easily, without having to put more effort than it takes to butter a piece of toast.

Now, I must go outside and shake my cane whilst yelling at the clouds on my lawn.
I didn't know racing cars were meant to be harder than factory. Would love to see your skills with Hypercars on road tyres, or maybe just with sport or supersport cars, and pay to see your face of total surprise the moment you find out where actual skills at the wheel are required.

Ah...But therein lies the rub. Hypercars, while made to perform much better than, say, a Focus, are road cars and made to be driven as such. If there are people driving hypercars at race speeds with wheels shod with road tires (no matter the tire), then they are driving their cars with a great amount of stupidity.

Just because the car can go that fast does not mean it should, nor would you find professional drivers driving such car beyond its limitations except in very structured environments.

There is a reason why You Tube is filled with videos of people with billions of dollars but mere hundreds of brain cells who crash their hypercars. Hell, there are even people who were experienced racers that died when they outdrove the abilities of their hypercars. I am sure you can think of one or two.

Skills required to drive a hypercar are not translatable to anything real world except to knowledge that if those skills were employed the driver would die at some point because he abused the limits of the car.

Hypercars are for those with more money, less brains, and the need to impress the ladies.

Race cars are for those who like competition.
Yes it is too late. And a lot of people have been looking forward to classic le mans

All right, i do not disagree, but is it worth the price? For you maybe... an un-scanned track that could well be in the game or be added for free, sorry, i and many people want something that is worth our money: Sebring, Susuka, Interlagos, Macau and others, but anyway, apparently that choice is not up to us, i did not see many requests for Leipzig...
All right, i do not disagree, but is it worth the price? For you maybe... an un-scanned track that could well be in the game or be added for free, sorry, i and many people want something that is worth our money: Sebring, Susuka, Interlagos, Macau and others, but anyway, apparently that choice is not up to us, i did not see many requests for Leipzig...
I can at least agree with you on that. I want Sebring, Canadian tire, road Atlanta. But that being said pc2 still has one of the most complete track lists for a sim, so can't complain too much
It has been stated, multiple times (ever since pCARS1 launched) that there was more chance of my winning the lottery every week (without buying a ticket) than there was of Sebring appearing.

It is also public knowledge that the license for Suzuka was bonkers money.

As for "an un-scanned track could well be added for free", the scan ONLY provides the data for the topology of the circuit. It does not significantly reduce the amount of man-hours required to create the circuit, so the cost for producing a scanned, vs non-scanned, circuit is roughly the same.

As for Interlagos, that's a game of wait and see. Although Ian said progress was being made on that front, these tracks don't just appear overnight, they take months and months of work. If it comes, I wouldn't expect it to be for another few months. Macau was mooted but I suspect it would be too expensive to do the circuit justice and the AI would have a hard time with it - given that people will expect to be able to run every car in the game there. I'd love to see it too but I honestly doubt we'll see it :(
Macau was mooted but I suspect it would be too expensive to do the circuit justice and the AI would have a hard time with it - given that people will expect to be able to run every car in the game there. I'd love to see it too but I honestly doubt we'll see it
Also, Ian said licensing for Macau was "interesting."

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