Positive things about GT5.

  • Thread starter Leonidae
There isn't Porsche, but maybe they include the cars with the name RUF again. There are 60 circuits. 60!!! That's a lot. Most of the tracks will be HD versions of GT4, but I can't wait to play it again in HD. 1000 cars. I hope so there is a cockpit cam for them all, else I would be very very disappointed... However there are many positive things in GT5. It's not just an upgrade of GT4: It's more. WRC Nascar Le Mans (without porsche :guilty:) DTM (I hope) supercar challenges and more and more!!!
Tokyo R246. i mean, it's so lush, the HDR is amazing, the shadows are immersive. It feels so urban. Ever since playing all PGR's i have taken a huge liking to city tracks. If tokyo look's like that. i can just imagine how New york,Madrid,Soeul and London long and All the other courses will look.

1000 and probably alot more cars. No game, has achieved this numbers of cars in a game before. GT just basically set a world record, 1000+ vehicles. That is a massive number of cars. And were not just looking at nissan toyotas or hondas.. Now were looking at lamborghini, Bugatti, RUF,Ferrari excettera. 1000+ cars. all to collect. All to look at in there HD glory. all detailed interiors. from driving a dedicated Hybrid pruis through new york, to tearing along laguna seca in a hyundai genesis coupe 4.6. To ripping along the Long straight of the nurburgring in a bugatti veyron. or taking pictures of a ferrari scudderia in Italy. 1000+ car's is ALOT.

New physics, new AI. Damage. it's all there, and i'm thankfull. Cars seem life like. there movements look very real. It's like prologue times 10. And AI are no longer pushovers they fight back, there aggressive. they make real mistakes. they make real decisions.

Track deformation, Now this is a huge key feature. having tires flying over the hood of your car. or slamming into a huge wall of barriers that actually move. Very interactive.

Graphics. This game look's beautiful. It look's like a work of art rather then a video game. And the fact that all that GT5 E3 footage was in game after all. They took the bar in GT5p and through it up once again.

Online features. All of them.

Custom sound tracks. I have alot of PGR songs that need to be played. in GT5.

Head tracking. PD have done it again. First they gave us photorealistic cockpits.
And now there giving us head tracking, Which is what set games apart.

And last but not least. Real Chase veiw is back.

The graphics are probably the most impressive graphics I've seen for a racing game. It looks SUBLIME. Looks far better than Prologue!
The camera recording of the Gamescom demo that have popped up online so far are quite incredible. While the image sharpness (due to camera recording) leaves a lot to be desired; the lighting, depth of field, and scenery detail is definitely a step up from GT5P. In the coming days i hope that the major gaming outlets release direct feed video's of the Gamescom demo. At that point i believe our mouths will be on the floor.

It is a shame that polyphony teases us with flashes of information (like the brief Japanese website update) without fully explaining the content. I would hope that polyphony would be more concrete about features, car list, tracks etc... the anticipation is killing me. Perhaps that is what they are shooting for.

The fact that GT5 is playable is huge to me. The rants/complaints i have been reading on these (and other) forums the last few days are quite outrageous.

I look forward to the GT5 release more than any other game on the horizon.
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First off, the graphics are simply amazing, it actually looks warm on that track!!
I love the Custom Soundtracks and YouTube support.
Thought it leads me to wonder if there will be some sort of video editor to customise the videos??(As good as GT's replays are in stock form)
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With all the negative comments i feel it's important we focus on the "positive" things

For me, i was at first very disappointed by the damage, but what i was expecting was basically it to look like a real life crash. And if you think about it, it will be many years before any console can produce such visuals

So the conclusion i have come to after watching all the videos, is that the damage is not realistic, but it looks real. You get me? this video here is the one that really made me think this http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yS0hHKHF_Y

if you pause the video at certain points it looks photo-realistic - no other game i have seen has had damage that looks photo realistic

My point is that you either have realistic damage, take Grand theft auto for example, which has great deformation of the cars but it does not look realistic. Or you have what GT5 has shown us, photo-realistic damage that does not replicate true deformation.

Photo-realistic damage with mechanical damage that will stop people from wall riding is more than enough if you ask me 👍

and the other positives are the much improved collision physics, graphics, huge amounts of cars, and the fact that i could be playing GT5 at christmas time :D
We all want all the cars in the world there. In all colors and versions. We all want all the tracks in the world. In every shape, time and weather. The best damage model. All the possible mechanical settings and realistic upgrades available. But that will be GT...X in year 20xx... The waiting just builds up the expectations a bit too much IMO and we do have to see what we are getting as a good thing.

Also... "some people" would always find faults and compare it to "much better games".

So I'd like to take those "faults" or unmet expectations and turn it around in a couple of aspects:

a) Tracks.
Negative speech "only 20? wtf!"
Positive view: They will be (even) more gorgeous than ever, and many can be raced at night or/and in the rain. Thats a LOT of HD rendering to do. Not to mention 24h cycles with weather mixed in it. So 20 tracks and 60 layouts in FullHD bliss? With time and weather cycles? I say 👍👍👍👍👍
I'm pretty sure people will be stunned and so distracted watching the scenery, they will be crashing their cars and not even caring. Not looking or worrying about driving the first times they run the game at night in a city track for instance. And more tracks will surely come in due time...

b) Cars.
Negative speech "mostly imported from GT4, no damage in all, no interior, etc..."
Positive view: 1000+ ? Come on... And even if most models are from GT4, they will be in FullHD 👍👍👍👍👍
And as a treat, racing cars will have damage to make it even more real 👍
Again, more will surely come in due time...

c) Damage, damage, damage...
Negative: "not realistic, not in all cars, etc"
Positive: It's there! for those who care. And it looks good to me (external view of the damage), and it's there in the cars where it counts the most, in "real" racing simulation. Even if it's not realistic as tizzla said, it will stop wallridin' and taking shortcuts. And that's to start with at least, again, there can always be more to come in every aspect.

- WRC: rally stages with a co-pilot and damage 👍
- NASCAR: Even for those who don't like it, respect it...
- Private rooms... we've all been waiting for this one!
- Youtube replay upload... just great news!
- New phisics... 99% sure new=better
- Even better AI... think of it. This time I think it may be as good as some :dunce: online racers today and recreate reality rather well.
- PSP GTM interaction? Just great.
- Eye toy head tracking for cockpit view. How great is that? There were people sayng this would ruin cockpit view... how come? Don't like it, turn it off.

So all that is pretty much confirmed and looks VERY GOOD to me.

And who knows we may get other "hidden" treats, like (and I speculate) 💡:
- tires becoming a factor again and more than ever, wear, tear, pressure settings (maybe even punctures and blow-outs?)
- get to use the PS as rear view mirror, who nows? 👍👍👍

But let's not got there... raising expectations again... :drool:
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We all want all the cars in the world there. In all colors and versions. We all want all the tracks in the world. In every shape, time and weather. The best damage model. All the possible mechanical settings and realistic upgrades available. But that will be GT...X in year 20xx... The waiting just builds up the expectations a bit too much IMO and we do have to see what we are getting as a good thing.

Also... "some people" would always find faults and compare it to "much better games".

So I'd like to take those "faults" or unmet expectations and turn it around in a couple of aspects:

a) Tracks.
Negative speech "only 20? wtf!"
Positive view: They will be (even) more gorgeous than ever, and many can be raced at night or/and in the rain. Thats a LOT of HD rendering to do. Not to mention 24h cycles with weather mixed in it. So 20 tracks and 60 layouts in FullHD bliss? With time and weather cycles? I say 👍👍👍👍👍
I'm pretty sure people will be stunned and so distracted watching the scenery, they will be crashing their cars and not even caring. Not looking or worrying about driving the first times they run the game at night in a city track for instance. And more tracks will surely come in due time...

b) Cars.
Negative speech "mostly imported from GT4, no damage in all, no interior, etc..."
Positive view: 1000+ ? Come on... And even if most models are from GT4, they will be in FullHD 👍👍👍👍👍
And as a treat, racing cars will have damage to make it even more real 👍
Again, more will surely come in due time...

c) Damage, damage, damage...
Negative: "not realistic, not in all cars, etc"
Positive: It's there! for those who care. And it looks good to me (external view of the damage), and it's there in the cars where it counts the most, in "real" racing simulation. Even if it's not realistic as tizzla said, it will stop wallridin' and taking shortcuts. And that's to start with at least, again, there can always be more to come in every aspect.

- WRC: rally stages with a co-pilot and damage 👍
- NASCAR: Even for those who don't like it, respect it...
- Private rooms... we've all been waiting for this one!
- Youtube replay upload... just great news!
- New phisics... 99% sure new=better
- Even better AI... think of it. This time I think it may be as good as some :dunce: online racers today and recreate reality rather well.
- PSP GTM interaction? Just great.
- Eye toy head tracking for cockpit view. How great is that? There were people sayng this would ruin cockpit view... how come? Don't like it, turn it off.

So all that is pretty much confirmed and looks VERY GOOD to me.

And who knows we may get other "hidden" treats, like (and I speculate) 💡:
- tires becoming a factor again and more than ever, wear, tear, pressure settings (maybe even punctures and blow-outs?)
- get to use the PS as rear view mirror, who nows? 👍👍👍

But let's not got there... raising expectations again... :drool:

Good post with good points. Think Positive people. 👍

I especially like the last part about the PSP. In fact I just made a thread about it. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=119375
Some poster on another thread gave a link that said damage was unfinished in the Gamescom build. Came straight from Kaz's mouth.

Anyone who thought what they saw on that 'demo' is the final product is an idiot. No stage demo ever resembles the final product.
-1.000 Cars with Interior View, thats Just AWESOME.

-The damage, In my Opinion i think its Full Damage for the 170 Cars, and Mechanical and maybe scratches Dust to the other Cars (hope).


-New Online Features.

-Custom Soundtrack.

-Youtube Video Upload.

Now im waiting for Exterior Modifications,though im almost Sure we wont Get Livery Editor :/
No negative thoughts at all. And whoooaaa, what an experience spectating the upgraded Tokyo "tour". It seems that PD has fixed the drafting also. Good good!
dont know if anyone picked up on this but, i realised the headlights on the scooby are switched on and look very realistic, even the reflection on the headlight lens is accurate...


definitley a positive for me, highlights the high depth of detail, can't wait to see HID headlights at night time, will look amazing if this is anything to go by
this game looks amazing. graphics are incredible and gameplay is gonna be expanded a lot from what gt5p was.

but........ i guess this is going to be what gt1 was in PS and gt3 in ps2. they were both excellent games in their respective consoles at the time of their release. but later on, gt2 and gt4 were much better and with much more features that the ones that preceded them.

gt5 is gonna be great, but i think that gt6 (if it is in ps3 :sly:) will be THE GAME OF GRAN TURISMO,adding all the features that all of us want GT and KY to provide...:drool:

sorry if my english is bad (not native speaker)
Frankly, the detail and graphics of GT5 mean that I'm going to require a constant supply of fresh underwear.

Also with any luck, all this moaning about "OMG DAMAGE" will mean there's not so many absolute, er, idiots racing über dirty online, but lets face it, that's one feature you can guarantee GT5 will have... Being knocked into the middle of next week by some kid (who really should be playing Burnout Paradise) in a Tuned Clio at the chicane on Fuji.
Frankly, the detail and graphics of GT5 mean that I'm going to require a constant supply of fresh underwear.

Have you considered contacting Hanes?:D
(many, MANY cool points...)
Three or four of you have said just about everything I was thinking.

If you remember the uproar over GT HD, there were cries of... well, all kinds of things.

"ZOMG... I'm in love!"

"That CAN'T be real!"

"It's not real... at least I can't believe it is."

"How many cars will we be able to have on track at once?!"

To me, it was overpowering. It was like Polyphony had gone far beyond a simple video game and into a reality simulator... it just wasn't Gran Turismo anymore. And Prologue, with all it's flaws, is even worse! Er... better. :sly: When racing in Prologue with my Logitech wheels, I've felt like I was playing some of my PC simulators, because the feel and handling are simply superb. And of course the graphics are drop dead gorgeous, and most of the time make me think I'm wating real life racing film. Good grief.

So along comes GC and the GT5 demo, and I can hardly believe it. 1,000 cars! Do you know how a few brave souls who expected that were treated a few years ago? Not very well; they deserve an award. Can you comprehend how long it will take you to race one thousand freaking cars?! Holy hadrons. The physics look phenomenal, the graphics astounding as usual. As usual... what an odd trite way to put anything about GT5. The interiors of buildings are modeled... it's getting ridiculous! And this isn't even the final build!

I am in utter awe of Kaz and his incredible team. If not game of the year - heck, game of the decade, it's darn close.

Thank you Kazunori-dono, for your excellent, soon-to-come gift.
1000 cars is mind boggling, youtube uploads I didn't expect but was hoping for, lambo and bugatti :embarrassed:

I've spent a *lot* of hours just puttering around by myself in gt5p. With the number of combinations coming, now with the vastly improve physics and g25 "feel", I'm going to be busy for the next 10 years.
The wild thing here (perhaps some of us have forgotten, or we actually want a transition) but races set at night have been in GT since the beginning. Why are we all so hype now? :lol:

Like I said, if it's an actual transition from day to night than it's more than understood, otherwise...we're just being a couple of nut baskets. :P
I'm positive i will like the game, know matter what is in it and what is not!!!:)👍 I'm also positive the game will be out this year!!:)👍
With 5.5 years experience on GTPlanet.net, I've seen and heard lots of things, both negative and positive. Like complaints that GT4 could have benefitted from having more supercars and more cars people actually want to race. Like GT games don't have damage while it's rival, Forza Motorsport, has this including online play and real cars people care about. That's why when others complain, I tend to offer some kind of wishful thinking. Why have I done all the speculative videos on YouTube and expressed my ideas on GTPlanet? It's because I love the series and love to think one step ahead for a game series.

Time after time, people just find ANYTHING negative or take cheap shots. Like when I was watching "Attack of the Show!" or a segment of AotS on YouTube, there was a cheap shot about wondering if the GT by Citroen can actually take damage unlike its GT5P counterpart. And everytime I've offered some kind of lighthearted thought, what do I get in return? I get hated on. Simply because I don't think the same way a mainstreamer would think, or that my ideas are miles/kilometers apart from the general consensus. If there are reasons to care about GT5, here are some basic things I'll name in detail:

* Ferrari. I'm not really drawn to big-name companies, but just the mere thought that this storied franchise has finally featured Ferrari adds some value in playing this game. Just knowing that a great series has this car in for the first time is enough reason to care.

* Damage (at least it's a start). I'm not drawn much to damage, either, because I don't like testing for damage like I'm going to let that decide whether a game is good or not. At least you can damage SOMETHING. Maybe not Forza or (especially) GTR damage, but at least it's a start. At least it's something to think about if eventually we look to Gran Turismo 6.

* Online Play. Some of you bitched at me when I wasn't protesting against PD dropping online play for GT4. Well, online play is for GT5, and I'm sure PD will do everything they can to build and improve upon their model.

* Nine More Opponents! Sixteen cars to a track is better than six. It offers up a much more intense experience having to go through fifteen other competitors as opposed to five in the past four iterations of Gran Turismo. Victory becomes even more critical in going through 15 other cars, and it also opens speculation of if class racing could be possible. Sixteen cars for a GT game means a great time. I think in the future, PD should try to get 20 cars or even 24 cars to a track.

* New Driving Model. I have never played GT5P or have a PS3 as of this post (still don't). At least trying out this new model will test some of the more adept GT racers. Think the driving model is child's play? Maybe the newer options will have you thinking otherwise.

* REAL In-Car Views. You're no longer a silhouette bitmap image racing in an invisible cockpit. Now, you see yourself and see yourself working the controls in ANY car, not just a convertible or open-top race car.

* Others... Lovely graphics, more racing venues, new ways to play, all among many others.

Looking for negatives seems too easy for most people that we forget positives. At least I've shed some light as to why be excited for this game instead of rip at it like a mad dog. This ends my passionate post.
Everything about GT5 reeks of awesome right now.

(except it's not 100% awesome damage, but in Hell would I complain LOL).
With all the negative comments i feel it's important we focus on the "positive" things

For me, i was at first very disappointed by the damage, but what i was expecting was basically it to look like a real life crash. And if you think about it, it will be many years before any console can produce such visuals

So the conclusion i have come to after watching all the videos, is that the damage is not realistic, but it looks real. You get me? this video here is the one that really made me think this http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yS0hHKHF_Y

if you pause the video at certain points it looks photo-realistic - no other game i have seen has had damage that looks photo realistic

My point is that you either have realistic damage, take Grand theft auto for example, which has great deformation of the cars but it does not look realistic. Or you have what GT5 has shown us, photo-realistic damage that does not replicate true deformation.

Photo-realistic damage with mechanical damage that will stop people from wall riding is more than enough if you ask me 👍

and the other positives are the much improved collision physics, graphics, huge amounts of cars, and the fact that i could be playing GT5 at christmas time :D

from the video you have posted, at 1.08, i can see the driver moving his legs on the pedals.. cool!
And imagine how beautiful all the cars from GT4 will be when they're updated to the glory of GT5 graphics.. :drool: I, uh, might get stuck just watching some cars.. :embarrassed: