We all want all the cars in the world there. In all colors and versions. We all want all the tracks in the world. In every shape, time and weather. The best damage model. All the possible mechanical settings and realistic upgrades available. But that will be GT...X in year 20xx... The waiting just builds up the expectations a bit too much IMO and we do have to see what we are getting as a good thing.
Also... "some people" would always find faults and compare it to "much better games".
So I'd like to take those "faults" or unmet expectations and turn it around in a couple of aspects:
a) Tracks.
Negative speech "only 20? wtf!"
Positive view: They will be (even) more gorgeous than ever, and many can be raced at night or/and in the rain. Thats a LOT of HD rendering to do. Not to mention 24h cycles with weather mixed in it. So 20 tracks and 60 layouts in FullHD bliss? With time and weather cycles? I say 👍👍👍👍👍
I'm pretty sure people will be stunned and so distracted watching the scenery, they will be crashing their cars and not even caring. Not looking or worrying about driving the first times they run the game at night in a city track for instance. And more tracks will surely come in due time...
b) Cars.
Negative speech "mostly imported from GT4, no damage in all, no interior, etc..."
Positive view: 1000+ ? Come on... And even if most models are from GT4, they will be in FullHD 👍👍👍👍👍
And as a treat, racing cars will have damage to make it even more real 👍
Again, more will surely come in due time...
c) Damage, damage, damage...
Negative: "not realistic, not in all cars, etc"
Positive: It's there! for those who care. And it looks good to me (external view of the damage), and it's there in the cars where it counts the most, in "real" racing simulation. Even if it's not realistic as tizzla said, it will stop wallridin' and taking shortcuts. And that's to start with at least, again, there can always be more to come in every aspect.
- WRC: rally stages with a co-pilot and damage 👍
- NASCAR: Even for those who don't like it, respect it...
- Private rooms... we've all been waiting for this one!
- Youtube replay upload... just great news!
- New phisics... 99% sure new=better
- Even better AI... think of it. This time I think it may be as good as some

online racers today and recreate reality rather well.
- PSP GTM interaction? Just great.
- Eye toy head tracking for cockpit view. How great is that? There were people sayng this would ruin cockpit view... how come? Don't like it, turn it off.
So all that is pretty much confirmed and looks VERY GOOD to me.
And who knows we may get other "hidden" treats, like (and I speculate) 💡:
- tires becoming a factor again and more than ever, wear, tear, pressure settings (maybe even punctures and blow-outs?)
get to use the PS as rear view mirror, who nows? 👍👍👍
But let's not got there... raising expectations again...