Possibly the worlds most Over-The-Top Simulation Project.

  • Thread starter Nicecar
"Possibly the worlds most Over-The-Top Simulation Project."
I've seen many racing simulation set-ups with realistic g-forces but I think this toyota creation makes you look like a blind mouse.





Next time say "possibly the most over-the-top-simulation project...in my house"
Awesome, just awesome. :drool:

Guess I've got to start saving to buy a bigger house, I could never fit that in my current 3-room apartment...

Oh thats fine, i tell you all i'm broke then you show me a multi-million pound sim!!

I may aswell pay for a car, flights to the nurburgring, etc.etc.etc.
If your that broke sell your pc and cut off your internet service and use that money towards other things :)
Ok, ive found that the speedometer doesnt need much rotation from the motor to get it up to 30-40mph, i can easily do that with my fingers. just need to file down my motor's (pole thingy forgot the technical word :P) so it will fit in the square hole, and then test how to hook up to PS2 sound cables/wether i need an amp or not.
AHH! I've come across a problem, not sure what to do.

My Y/Pb/Pr cables (Audio and video) have red and white for left and right audio.
How can i connect my rig up to them to make the motor work? My first idea was to use connectors at the point you plug into the tv, but that would mean shorting the terminals, or the cable would not fit.

The other option would be to tap into the cables themselves, which is risky, as i only just bought that cable, and as i said, i'm broke.

Any solutions guys?

Also, could be getting my hands on a car, so interior here i come!!

I'll buy it cheap, and pay off my debt by scrapping it (we get £100 for that here)
whats better, a free circuit, made CUSTOM by me

If you can scratch build a "circuit", then you should be able to figure this out. You won't be using the PS2's audio cables at all, just like i was telling you before. You will be using the audio signal coming from an amp. The wires from the PS2 will be untouched.
Oh i see, i guess i got a little confused.

This may be easier than expected. I'm thinking i can do the same for revs, but using pitch rather than amplitude.
Its as easy as it gets really. Pretty much plug and play. Its not going to be reading the correct speed, but its better than nothing, unless you want to spend the time trying to use different gears to either make it read higher or lower to get it more accurate.
i could always use my theory, add a variable resistor (i'll hide it behind the dash) so i can fine tune, drive at say 100mph then tune the speedo to read that? i dunno, but circuit development starts tomorrow.
maybe i wont, it'll just have to be an inaccuracy.


I got my hands on a boost gauge and holder, completely free, because the guy i was gonna buy it off said he will donate it to my project!

Totally awesome! I might make it react to throttle pressure? I dont know, this is pretty cool news so i'm gonna have to think about it.

P.S., it tints black when off, and is clear as day when on :)
save for the car interior? Its free at a scrap yard. When they flip that sign over that says closed and all the rednecks go home to beat theyre wives you just jump in and take what you want.
Shame i live in the uk eh?

Hehe. Anyway, i was thinking of asking a company near us who take scrap cars for metal for £100. I could either buy a cheap car and sell it to them once i take the interior, or ask them for an interior.
I can tell you that any junkyard won't just give you anything off a car. Thats theyre money maker, selling parts. Now if you could get a car from someone thats just begging someone to take it then take the parts and scrap it. Just look for cars sitting under trees that you can tell have been there for years. Ask them if you towed it could you have it because you have one like it and need some parts.
You don't have to take my word for it, but I would suggest you make your sim for PC if you want real gauges to work properly and accuratly. There is a huge amount of time, research, effort and money that needs to be spent to make a functional good looking sim-racing cockpit.
I wish every teen would take a serious interest in driving... kids in our area are asshats they way they drive... terrible...

best of luck with this endeavor! sounds fun!

all cables have been re-assembled, organised and cable tied. A green footwell "neon" (its just a PC's cold cathode) has been added and my pc, ps2 and tv have been moved. 2.1 speakers have been added as "surround sound". As soon as i get a new graphics card for my pc, i will show pictures of the project working, with test drive unlimited.

Pictures: :D


Delica L300 driver's seat. Bass subwoofer next to it.

Driver's view. LCD TV 15".

The PC will soon be replaced with centre console and dashboard, with handbrake, gear stick and numerous switches, air conditioning and JVC radio with 4-way CD changer.


Completely forgot about posting this here, but good news is on its way.

I've got some time soon to be working on this project again. I'm going to be rebuilding the whole thing with some help from my technically minded family, so it will be sturdy as well as functional, and won't hurt my arms (my current one has the wheel positioned too far away)

So at the moment some sawing needs to be done and measuring, i got 2 free recaro half leather bucket seats off a guy i know, he also is giving me a dashboard soon.

One of the seats will be the driver's seat, the other will be mounted to an office (spinning) chair, so the passenger to my games can wheel in/out.

Also, i'm selling my DFP soon, cause my next paycheck will hopefully be bringing me a G25 :D

That's all for now, sorry about the like 2 year holiday lol.
