"Man, that's some good stuff!" -Missy
Tinker, the chihuahua (looking happy as ever) and Snickers, the pomeranian and something (I think chihuahua) mix. The chihuahua is my dad's and the pom is my brother's and his fiance's. Yes, chihuahuas are extremely popular in Tennessee, as are pit bulls. My dad has had 3 (I think) chihuahuas. At least 4 pit bulls (since I first met him 6 or 7 years ago), but two were shot (one by a local sheriff, who shot her for no reason other than the fact she's a pit), one was poisoned, and one was stolen. Oh, and that chihuahua chased away 2 full grown bulls once (with horns).
Oh, and Dennisch, that pic you posted reminds me of a few I took of my dogs:
Lady, the Weimaraner:
Pepper, the miniature schnauzer:
Jasmin, Pepper's daughter (believe it or not). We call here the polar bear. She weighs 16lbs more (38.5) than Pepper (22lbs). She has a lot of seizures and is on meds that make her really really calm, and she just kind of sits around anymore.
Just sittin' here:
Apparently, she makes a good pillow:
Even though this pic is really dark, you can see just how big she is (to be fair, the white dad schnauzer was pretty big):
Older one of Jasmin:
We recently got a beagel (named Bagel)
but I don't have any pictures of her on here yet. She's a rescue and is about 9 years old and is the pickiest damn eater ever

I've never seen a dog that won't eat peanut butter, chili, hamburger, pumpkin (it helps with their digestive system and supposedly tastes really good), or gravy. And when she does eat, she'll eat half and let Pepper or Jasmyn finish it off.
Here she is (bad pic):
Another tongue: