Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Oh, so your dog actually has some sense of bravery? Normally I'm the one chasing the coyotes (they only attack if they sense fear) to save the dog.

But, in terms of "gorgeous dog" :cheers: Thanks! Do you have a photo of ^ her?

Right here

Lakota fears nothing .... seriously. Well, I take that back, she hates the 4th of July fireworks and she does not like gun fire. She will run and hide from these sounds. Sadie on the other hand, just does not care about anything anymore. For her, it's just another day. :lol:
Right here

Lakota fears nothing .... seriously. Well, I take that back, she hates the 4th of July fireworks and she does not like gun fire. She will run and hide from these sounds. Sadie on the other hand, just does not care about anything anymore. For her, it's just another day. :lol:

My old dog Joey has to be put up during the 4th. He will chase fireworks and grab them. Not real smart of him but he has no fear or maybe extreme prey drive. Either way I'd rather he be that way then deathly scared. I feel for dogs that fear storms, fireworks, and gunshots. It's very traumatizing and sad to see them tremble and shake.
Russian Tortoise eating lettuce and shredded broccoli. Hates spinach. haha
New (to me) lens, 85mm f:1.8. Very old lens, AI-converted manual focus on my D7000 (for a 127mm film equivalent.) The cat sat still long enough to get a good focus, and I used a flash. Wide open aperture for extremely narrow depth of field.

New (to me) lens, 85mm f:1.8. Very old lens, AI-converted manual focus on my D7000 (for a 127mm film equivalent.) The cat sat still long enough to get a good focus, and I used a flash. Wide open aperture for extremely narrow depth of field.

Nice dof on that shot.

I've been to lazy to shoot DSL. iPhone 5 shots in previous pics from me. Inside shots using a flash light above and lamp. LoL not "great" shots but for a phone and the lighting used. I'm pleased.

This shot was done on my nikkor 1.8f 35mm prime -
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Here are mine when they were little, Mina (female) on the left, Witse (male) on the right:


And this is what Witse does every minute of the day, every day, 3 years later:


And here is Yoda who never returned after a walk a few years ago. Our guess is that he probably got caught by a fox. Shame, he was such an awesome cat. This is him playing around with Mina:


Mina never grew much, and even though she is now 4 years old, she's pretty much the size as in the third image. The male cat is a huge and heavy thing though. All of the three pictured cats came from the same nest.
Here are mine when they were little, Mina (female) on the left, Witse (male) on the right:


And this is what Witse does every minute of the day, every day, 3 years later:


And here is Yoda who never returned after a walk a few years ago. Our guess is that he probably got caught by a fox. Shame, he was such an awesome cat. This is him playing around with Mina:


Mina never grew much, and even though she is now 4 years old, she's pretty much the size as in the third image. The male cat is a huge and heavy thing though. All of the three pictured cats came from the same nest.

I MUST cuddle these cats :dopey:.
Feeling sorry for himself but if we take the cone off he rips the bandage off in a second! Funny to watch him sulk around the house moaning to himself :lol:

Here are my doggies:


Not Pictured: My Grans dog who is staying with us and my cat.

Apologies for crappy iPod photo still not used to taking good photos with them.
"Man, that's some good stuff!" -Missy



Tinker, the chihuahua (looking happy as ever) and Snickers, the pomeranian and something (I think chihuahua) mix. The chihuahua is my dad's and the pom is my brother's and his fiance's. Yes, chihuahuas are extremely popular in Tennessee, as are pit bulls. My dad has had 3 (I think) chihuahuas. At least 4 pit bulls (since I first met him 6 or 7 years ago), but two were shot (one by a local sheriff, who shot her for no reason other than the fact she's a pit), one was poisoned, and one was stolen. Oh, and that chihuahua chased away 2 full grown bulls once (with horns).


Oh, and Dennisch, that pic you posted reminds me of a few I took of my dogs:

Lady, the Weimaraner:


Pepper, the miniature schnauzer:


Jasmin, Pepper's daughter (believe it or not). We call here the polar bear. She weighs 16lbs more (38.5) than Pepper (22lbs). She has a lot of seizures and is on meds that make her really really calm, and she just kind of sits around anymore.




Just sittin' here:


Apparently, she makes a good pillow:


Even though this pic is really dark, you can see just how big she is (to be fair, the white dad schnauzer was pretty big):


Older one of Jasmin:


We recently got a beagel (named Bagel) but I don't have any pictures of her on here yet. She's a rescue and is about 9 years old and is the pickiest damn eater ever :lol: I've never seen a dog that won't eat peanut butter, chili, hamburger, pumpkin (it helps with their digestive system and supposedly tastes really good), or gravy. And when she does eat, she'll eat half and let Pepper or Jasmyn finish it off.

Here she is (bad pic):


Another tongue:

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You've got a zoo going on there! I'd love to have a bunch of dogs and cats around, wouldn't love to have to buy all that food though. :lol:

You also wouldn't like to clean up after all of them! :lol: There's also three cats: Sissy, Emily, and Kit-Kat (I wanted to name her Trashy, because we found her in a dumpster). And not pictured is our Great Dane, Dioge (pronounced dee-oh-gee):

I don't have any pics of the cats right now, but you can see Kit-Kat in the pic of Bagel.

Edit: Here's a pic of Kit-Kat and Bacon Bit (white pig) and Pork Chop (dark pig).


She's nice to the pigs but I've had to build a roof on their cage to keep her out, just in case.
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Thank you 👍 you can check out my thread in the member's rides section if you want to see more of it.
One more pic of Alfa, now facepalming