Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Rooie. (Red) Passed away this September. 18 years of fat food and doing almost nothing.
Still miss him. He now lives on in a urn at my parents house.


And an older picture of one of my own cats, Gizmo, who turns out to be a bit fruity.

That Gizmo guy is cute C:

He is our gay cat. He is scared of new women walking into our house, but with men? No problems.

He also doesn't like to eat meat, like chicken filet or beef, but when my girlfriend is eating a salad, he begs for carrots and stuff.

This is Max again. This is him while Lucy and Sheba were in a ball of fur, teeth, and claws on the floor. I had to pin one of them while my mom grabbed the other by the collar. 🤬 my hand up pretty bad. They seem to be getting along now, though.

And I know this is a pic thread and all, but this is a thing that was happening a couple minutes ago:


My dogs are weird. : /

(You get a cookie if you can guess the movie playing in the background.)
This is my dog Bailey on New Years Eve. She is a full beagle runt. Just turned 1 year. I'll try to get a picture of her and her brother. He is literally twice the size of her.
I don't think I've posted my pet here before because I didn't have any photos but I've just found some while going through my hard drive.

This is Steve. He's a Turkish Angora pure bread seen here in his summer coat. Loves to fight which is why his face is a bit scabby. Very friendly and placid in nature.


He's been in here before but it's been a while, my 13 year old Bengal cat :).

That animal means more to me than 99% of things in this world, he's been around most of my life so he's a bit like a brother.
He's been in here before but it's been a while, my 13 year old Bengal cat :).

That animal means more to me than 99% of things in this world, he's been around most of my life so he's a bit like a brother.

Man, I had a dog for 14 years. I know how you feel, she's been with me ever since I was like 4 years old.

She passed one year ago, 11.XII.2011 at 10:46 AM.

The first time I actually cried about something since like 6 years I guess.
Cats: the "I only bother you when I want something" type.

Dogs: the "I'm only not bothering you when I want something" type.

But, I've lived with my cat for 7 years now, I can pretty much read his mind. :grumpy: But, he still drops things off of the "cat-ledge" (we feed him there,) just to make more noise.

But, the dog... He's weird. He only bugs us when he doesn't want something. Otherwise, he goes to my mom, my mom tells him to show her what he wants, and he gets it.

The cat's just so much more logical! "I want something, I'll throw things 'til someone pays attention, and figures out what I want." I love cats. :lol:
Merlot, our cat.

As you can see, he is really using a tuxedo.
Sorry for the quality, but I can't find other images right now.

My girlfriend and I found him on a tree, near a church.
He was crying because he couldn't get down and it was freezing out there.
He was like 3 months when we find him.
So, he went with us.
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Here are the pictures of our new pup.

Day or two after his arrival. 11weeks old

12weeks old with my youngest son.


Update :9 month old female



Funny pic of Shelby and the Old Man Joey. He is going on 15yrs.

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Is it a Labrador by any chance?

As this went straight over his head....
Either that or a German Shepherd.

...or the automatic response: 'Scooby' Doo. Pfft. ;)

Or a Black Terri(er)

Hahahaha I was gonna say you guys are gold...

Not really. I knew exactly what the video was on about. I just still didn't think it was accurate... My dog's not like that...

But this was like the perfect crowning tough. I'm in stitches.

My actual dog, a few moments before he runs to hide under my legs, hiding from the mean coyotes he hallucinates.

Gorgeous dog ! 👍

My youngest German Shepherd does the complete opposite, when she gets outside, she is on the hunt for the coyotes and rabbits. She's no dummy, she sniffs out who or what has been in the back yard. Sometimes it's a fiasco getting her back inside.
Gorgeous dog ! 👍

My youngest German Shepherd does the complete opposite, when she gets outside, she is on the hunt for the coyotes and rabbits. She's no dummy, she sniffs out who or what has been in the back yard. Sometimes it's a fiasco getting her back inside.

Oh, so your dog actually has some sense of bravery? Normally I'm the one chasing the coyotes (they only attack if they sense fear) to save the dog.

But, in terms of "gorgeous dog" :cheers: Thanks! Do you have a photo of ^ her?
My purebred Siberian husky, Shadow. Taking last June when we were camping.



In my living room







Playing dead

Just chillin'

His eyes change random colors all the time


Wish I still had pictures of him as a puppy. My sister thought he was a cat lol