Was his mother a chameleon? I can't see anything.
lldantellno,and i can see it perfect
OwensRacingThe picture is really dark and the dog is hard to see. All I can make out is white with brown patches. Is that his coloring?
By chance update us with a picture taken out doors or infront of a window with sunlight.
lldantellpicture updated
MrMelancholy15He is a handsome boy!
My cat, Mika, circa 2009.
He was four years old, at that point. If you do the math, you realize something.
Regardless, this photo really captures him well. Not only is he doing his staring (which freaks my family right out,) but, he's also showing his fully gold-coloured ears, which are extremely strange.
And the family's Belgian Malinois, on a very, very windy day, at the top of a nearby mountain. Reminds me of....
OwensRacingGreat looking dog.
I've considered a Belgian a few times. How you like the breed? How's the natural protection?
Great looking dog.
NicksfixMy 2 girls.
Sadie, a 14 year old AKC registered German Shepherd.
Lakota, a 6 year old AKC registered German Shepherd.
PowripperIn anticipation of buying a new house I decided to get a dog. A rescue dog named Rolo. Cant say I'm too sold on the name but he's all ready 3 years old and awesome dog. We figure he's a German Shepard Lab cross with maybe something else in there.
Sadie, a 14 year old AKC registered German Shepherd.
Got a picture of my cat.
*cute story*
Very nice looking pack.
14 years! She's lived quite a long time, and she doesn't look like an old dog, at least in that last picture. Taken good care of her.
I gotta get to a computer and get some pjcs up of the zoo that is my house.
2 dogs,2 cats, and an aquarium with a bala shark and 2 ghost catfish
Outside: small garden pond with 2 turtles, a ten year old texas red ear and a 4 year old painted. Also a large koi pond 38+fish a Bullfrog, several apple snailsa crayfish (crawdad, mini lobster etc..) or 2...
Words words words need to get pics.