Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Sparky looks great :) He looks like a tall fella too! Napoleon was just given to me and he does not have any papers. He is 5 months old now. When Napoleon was 8 weeks he looked like a staffy, now he looks more of an APBT and he is quite large for a staffy too which fuels my suspicions of APBT blood. Or perhaps American staffy since APBT's are a restricted breed here (in sydney Oz atm) I'll never know but I'm quite happy with him :)

Sparky is big. Way bigger then his siblings. I know of two brothers. Weighing 42lbs and 52lbs. Then sits Sparky at 70+lbs!!! He is the biggest APBT I've owned. Which over the years has been 30+. The big dogs will pop up here and there. He looks like his brothers just plus size. LoL

Shelby is on par with average size. Guessing 40lbs for her.

Napoleon does have more of a APBT build. Best way to tell us the cat like roach in the spine. Most Staff aka show dogs are flat backed. All performance APBT's will have the roach. Which if you seen a cat's agility you know how this roaches back allows for amazing ability.

Here is a side profile of Sparky before he was 12months. You can see the roach in his back. This is what an APBT should have.

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Thanks for the information 👍 Quite certain now that Napoleon has APBT blood. He's got that roach that you're talking about. When he's of age I'll take him to try out agility courses. Speaking of big, Napoleon already weighs 41.5 lbs at 5 months old and he's not fat either! He's gonna be a big one too, although I hope he doesn't reach Sparky's size! :lol: He's already a workout on the lead with that pulling power of his :D .

Went to the ADBA dog show yesterday. Got a load of pics. Post just one and then a link to rest.

Also got Shelby some new hardware. She is all decked out now and should have collars that fit as she grows. ;)



Below is a dog that was being shown. These dogs are worked into a body builders shape for these shows. When not prepping for a show they have a much less ripped looked. Never fat but not pulled back this tight. Again think body builder. These are athletes and the muscle tone is astounding. Takes a good diet and human interaction to shape dogs like this. Very agile and powerful dogs are the true APBT.


Link to folder:

At the end of pics, the heavy set man in green. His dog won best on show. He set trophy down and you can see what he did in pictures. These people love these dogs and truly devoted beyond comprehension.

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Merlin won ALL THE AWARDS:


;) He actually got:
-Breed First Class
-Best In Breed
-Club Class 1st
-Third overall Ragdoll
-2nd in class (Humberside Cat Club, previous show)

And this is how he relaxes on my lap:

Koda the Poodle, after being groomed a few weeks ago. I would have taken a picture of her sister, Paris, but she can't sit still for 2 seconds to get a good picture. :dunce:



He's just sleeping. :)

Ooooh I had a dwarf hamster just like that! It used to sit in its house planning how to escape and everytime I'd switch off the lights then turn it on 20 minutes later I'll see it hanging upside down on its cage trying to get through the hatch. Funny creatures they are :lol:
Ooooh I had a dwarf hamster just like that! It used to sit in its house planning how to escape and everytime I'd switch off the lights then turn it on 20 minutes later I'll see it hanging upside down on its cage trying to get through the hatch. Funny creatures they are :lol:
Lol, one of mine did the same thing too, after a few falls to the floor of the cage, she stopped the crazy stunts. :)
Yeah, I know! Gotta get more pics soon! :D

And here, I got a new pet! It's called a Marimo and I think it's the most interesting pet in the world. :sly:

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My Staffie.. Snoop

My son asked if this was a real dog or statue.

I so see where he comes from now that he said that.

Thought you might get a kick out of it. If you too see it.
Haha yeah.. I think even more so in this b/w copy :)


Wow. For sure.

My girlfriend's new puppy, Dylan.

Dylan looks adorable. Is he a Jack Russel, Fox, or Rat terrier?


Some updated pics of Sparky and Shelby

Sparky is almost 16 months - he is being worked out to lean his puppy fat still. We're getting close. Goes for an hour walk. Then we come back and work Spring Pole and then he chases a hide on a rope. Called a flirt pole. This builds agility like no other. Sparky moves like the wind and agile as a cat. Weighing 69lbs now -




Shelby is 5 months old today- she is doing really well. Knows her name. Knows Sit, Shake, Down, roll over. She is getting the command "come" down well. Growing well. Super hyper but super lovey. She is treated like the Princess she is. Need to scale her. Guessing 25+lbs. -


Both are gorgeous.. 👍

Thank you. We are proud of them.

Do you read pedigrees at all? If so I can post up these guys peds. Pretty incredible bloodlines behind them.
My stepdaughter's papillon, Gizmo. I keep using him for lens tests. This one was shot with a horrid Tamron 200-500, which I returned almost immediately. I named it "Gizmo in a Field," but it's actually my back yard. I have a rule about mowing before March (the rule is "Don't,") and this was in February.


This one was with my Sigma 30mm f:1.4, with only a couple of regular ceiling lights burning.


This is her calico, Mocha:

This is Midnight, who has unfortunately gone to the tenth life, seen here watching TV:
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Koda the Poodle, after being groomed a few weeks ago. I would have taken a picture of her sister, Paris, but she can't sit still for 2 seconds to get a good picture. :dunce:




Awwww it almost look slike my Poodle :)

Sorry For Double Post*