Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
We got spermies! (tadpoles)


And we actually have minnows left from last year. :eek: We thought they all died, but I saw some for the first time since last year. (not the goldfish)

Pet owners, I need help badly... An animal broke into my yard (somehow entered my yard) and picked a fight with my pet cat...

There is blood all over him, but I have no specific reason to believe any is his - most is near his paws... Notably, the paws which were not declawed... He put up a good fight.

I need advice on what to do. This cat is the most important thing in my life...
Pet owners, I need help badly... An animal broke into my yard (somehow entered my yard) and picked a fight with my pet cat...

There is blood all over him, but I have no specific reason to believe any is his - most is near his paws... Notably, the paws which were not declawed... He put up a good fight.

I need advice on what to do. This cat is the most important thing in my life...
Start with giving him a bath and check for any cuts after. If there is, I'd reccomend bringing him up to a vet.
First of all @ITCC_Andrew, check for cuts, and see if he is tender anywhere. Then if he does have cuts, take him to the vets straight away as there is a chance he will have a abyss. And abyss will build up under the skin and eventually pop, leaving a hole in the skin. These are caused by bacteria getting under the skin. If there is a abyss, the vet will surgically remove it.

Its most likely if you have any cuts they will put the cone of shame on (that's the cone over there head to stop them licking there wounds) This can lead to very funny video's of them walking backwards to try to get the cone off :lol:. I hope your cat is alright as I know that he means so much to you.
I guess most, if not all, if the blood is the other cat's. I've raised a monster. :lol: he's already back to normal. I'll keep an eye out for signs of infection, just in case, but I guess everything is fine.

Thanks, @Turbo_snail and @ildd

Megan, four next month.

My fiancé and I are moving in together in July, but she isn't a dog person, so we plan to get kittens. My family have never had cats, bet her two family cats are lovely.
Mika lost a claw in combat. Torn clean out, probably lodged in some other animal... Obviously deserves a purple heart from the ITCC_Andrew household for valiant defense of the territory of the Yard. :cool:

:lol: or maybe a trip to the vet... No, not war vet... Veterinarian.
Here are my 3 cats.

This is Ginny. She likes killing stuff and wanting food at like 4 AM.

This is Muffin (Muffy). She likes being small and hates cuddles. Nobody can resist picking her up the first time before she digs in her razor sharp claws, jesus almighty it's like a thousand angry hornets are attacking you.

This is Nippy. Nippy doesn't like anything because he is an angry fat idiot.

Nobody likes you, Nippy.
Cray-Z the crayfish came out for the first time in a while. (He comes out every night but this is the first time I've seen him out in a while)


One morning a week or so ago I woke up and said "Oh 🤬" when I saw this. I thought he was dead, but if you look closely, you can see his antenna poking around the rock on the right. He moulted! This is the first time I've seen him moult the whole shell. The first time was just partial (he probably ate most of it before I saw it that time).

Yes, I need more gravel.

crazy shell.jpg

I also have a bluegill and an unknown type of minnow (or possibly baby fish, he's getting kinda...big) in there with him, but I can't get any good pics of them.
@xXKingJoshXx, what does Cray-Z eat? I have often thought about rescuing one from a crawfish boil.

I hear they eat pretty much anything you give them. I feed him a main diet of shrimp pellets and these circular things I got for crabs and crays. Sometimes I'll cut up small pieces of carrots, but only one or two because if you do more then they (the carrots) will grow a very nasty fungus on them that is not pleasant. I also had a very small bass minnow (which I intended to keep) that Cray-Z ate a while back.

They are very fond of real plants, for eating and climbing. I put one in with him when I first got him, and he ate the hell out of it but the pieces that he chopped off and didn't eat clogged up the filter.

Also, very important: If your cray moults, leave the shell. He has to eat it.

I've heard cat food and hot dogs are pretty popular, too, but I haven't tried it. I thought about putting in a small piece of hot dog but decided not to.

Here is a website with more information. It is badly designed and hurts the eyes, but the information is has is good.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :)
We recently got a new one.


Her name is Schumi. We thought that, since we got her the day the real Schumi was announced that he was out of his coma, it would be a nice little tribute to him. Anyway, we weren't actually planning on getting a new cat. The reason we got her is because my mom decided to take in a kitten a friend of her's had found. She is about 5 weeks old and really playful. Her favorite toys seem to be my hands, my face, and my glasses, so it's a good thing that she can't break the skin yet with her claws or her teeth. We haven't introduced her to the other cats yet because we want her to become fully healthy first, though we think they may enjoy her.
We got spermies! (tadpoles)

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Update! They grew legs and became toads! This was a couple weeks ago but I never got around to posting the pics.


Since I had so many (14-16 at first) I had to get a bigger tank. I bought a new 20 gallon tank and put some gravel in it. I need to put some more stuff in it but for now I think it's OK.


And here is what I've been feeding them. I'm going to put it in a quote because I'm not sure if anyone here has a queasy stomach over these things. They turn into flightless fruit flies. The fish (especially the bluegill...go figure :lol:) like them too but the fish have their own food.

I also got some new fish for my aquarium! These are rosy reds. I bought 12 of them, but since they are just feeder fish they didn't even count and I ended up with 19. I think there's 10 or 11 left now.


I got some mollies for sort of the same purpose as the rosy reds. I don't want the mollies eaten, just their children. :mischievous:


I forget what type of pleco this is, but it's supposed to get to about 4".

And here are my two silver dollars! We got three but one died.

And here's Jasper, who we officially adopted today, using his pillow, who is going on the houseboat with us tomorrow!

Finlay came and set next to me and was very interested in my phone.


And then he wanted a selfie :P

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