We got spermies! (tadpoles)
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Update! They grew legs and became toads! This was a couple weeks ago but I never got around to posting the pics.
Since I had so many (14-16 at first) I had to get a bigger tank. I bought a new 20 gallon tank and put some gravel in it. I need to put some more stuff in it but for now I think it's OK.
And here is what I've been feeding them. I'm going to put it in a quote because I'm not sure if anyone here has a queasy stomach over these things. They turn into flightless fruit flies. The fish (especially the bluegill...go figure

) like them too but the fish have their own food.
I also got some new fish for my aquarium! These are rosy reds. I bought 12 of them, but since they are just feeder fish they didn't even count and I ended up with 19. I think there's 10 or 11 left now.
I got some mollies for sort of the same purpose as the rosy reds. I don't want the mollies eaten, just their children.
I forget what type of pleco this is, but it's supposed to get to about 4".
And here are my two silver dollars! We got three but one died.
And here's Jasper, who we officially adopted today, using his pillow, who is going on the houseboat with us tomorrow!