Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Don't ask me!!!
Well he’s now 8 months old and humping anything which moves.

He won’t be castrated until he’s at least 1 (recommended leaving whole nut by the vet)

13kg of muscle and not an ounce of fat on him due to his raw diet. Absolute bonkers animal but such a great dog.


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This is Chubs. On the night of my birthday he ended up having a respiratory failure.

At around midnight I went to my bedroom and noticed him on my bed, his mouth was fully open and his chest was contracting quite fast. I googled and found a vet emergency hospital. I rang and they said due to Covid they wouldn't be able to see him unless I'd show them a video, and that I'd have to email it to them. I told them that it seemed like he couldn't breathe but they insisted on the video.

So I had to film him as he was nearly dying. I sent the video but hey Gmail wouldn't send the stupid video. I ended up uploading it to YouTube and sent the link. Unsurprisingly they said I should take him straight away.

There they told him they'd have to put him on oxygen and leave him there for the night. Next morning I went and they told me he nearly died and had to be given adrenaline to open up his airways. He spent two nights and they also did an x-ray which found he had congenital hernia and most of his organs had moved up against his heart.

So R.I.P. savings. I had to cough 2,7k on the spot. He was discharged and given meds. About two weeks later when he was looking to make a full recovery he started having a similar problem. His breathing rate seemed really high. Thankfully I found this other clinic that has payment plans. Again same story but I will have to pay 1300 dollars but at just 30 bucks a fortnight.

They found he had feline asthma. He's now doing fine but he has to take a puffer twice daily. I know it might sound bad but he looks really cute with the puffer on. But yeah, I used to think people were nuts for spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on their pets but now that it happened to me now I fully understand. They are family.


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I had a pup that seasonally would chew endlessly on his feet and his back around the base of his tail. Turns out he had an allergy, and some medication took care of it. Well worth it, not just for his health, but mine... NO sleep having to hear him gnawing and moaning all night!
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I had a pup that seasonally would chew endlessly on his feet and his back around the base of his tail. Turns out he had an allergy, and some medication took care of it. Well worth it, not just for his health, but mine... NO sleep having to hear him gnawing and moaning all night!
Similar situation here. It's gotten much worse with age. When he was younger it wasn't an issue. Last 3 years or so it has flared up. He's got some medicine now :)
At first it was a seasonal injection, but lately it's been a prescription of not-very-cheap pills every day, about 60 bucks a month!
Dog's meds cost more than mine, and I'm a 64-year old cardiac patient!
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I had to say goodbye to my sweet little girl CC today. She gave our family nearly 21 years of joy and happiness.
I miss her terribly already.
Bless you my sweet orange ghost.
Very sorry for your loss :( She was a cutie and I'm sure lived happily. She doesn't even look half that age in the photo.

Sometimes they cuddle, sometimes they don’t.

Cat is full of crazy tonight. Can’t move in bed without a flex of the death mittens and the wide stare!!


we also recently rescued Maud here from our yard. She’d been living on our lilac bush and in fear of the cat or birds getting her, we moved her to the local park and put her on this pine tree.

So this is Bobby. He just appeared a few months ago as a small kit. He’s now ~1 year. He’s a neibourhood cat so I shouldn’t get attached, but he’s booked me as his human. Currently purring away on my lap as I smoke…

He’s now sound asleep. I don’t have the heart to tell him that he needs to be snipped before he can come and live at my house. :(
Even if he's a neighborhood cat, he needs to be snipped. There are many organization everywhere with trap/neuter/release programs, and he doesn't even need to be trapped. Gotta make every effort to control the feral population!
Even if he's a neighborhood cat, he needs to be snipped. There are many organization everywhere with trap/neuter/release programs, and he doesn't even need to be trapped. Gotta make every effort to control the feral population!
My local vet has a program that does them for free, however, this little guy lives in a remote village 50 miles away from my city. I’ll have to look into somewhere closer as I don’t want to uproot him.
My wife recently signed up to temporarly adopt animals, so I now share my sofa with this fella this fella now shares his sofa with me:



How friendly is he? With those eyes he sort of looks like a Bombay.
How friendly is he? With those eyes he sort of looks like a Bombay.
I'm new to all this, but we were told he's a common European Shorthair.

He's still getting used to us and discovering the place, but I'd say he's quite friendly.
My small one was away for a few days and came back this morning with a limp. Seems like she fudged a landing while clicking down from somewhere. No breaks or cuts.
I’ll keep her home for the next few days to rest up.