Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
A rare photo of the monsters in the yard.

We called the vet and will be taking her in if the injury doesn’t seem to be healing. I was hoping to spare her the stress of a vet visit.
Follow up: x-ray showed nothing unusual. Seems to be a sprain. I’ve been given a few doses of painkiller for her to help with recovery.

She went back into the carrier for a rest, bless her.
Early this week we rehomed Kiki, a street dog from North Macedonia. She's roughly six months old and very loving - and full of puppy mischief, of course. Got her to walk on a lead a couple of times today, which is good progress.
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Everyone's got such cute dogs and cats, but I have something a little less orthodox. :D

Meet Lili, a 1 year old mixed breed rabbit! I rescued her from a shelter in August and she's been my office companion since then.

She's a total brat and I love her for it.
I see the pen, I see the litterbox, I see the chew toys, I see the barricades protecting the wires over in the corner. Either not your first bunny, or you've gotten some good guidance!
I see the pen, I see the litterbox, I see the chew toys, I see the barricades protecting the wires over in the corner. Either not your first bunny, or you've gotten some good guidance!
Lili's my first bunny, actually! I decided to do it properly and got guidance from the r/rabbits discord as well as from the shelter's manager who's well versed in rabbits.

Edit: I even made sure to take her to a vet who specializes in rabbits, and she's a perfectly healthy, 5.5lb little thing.
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My small floof, one that suffered a recent paw injury and still hasn’t fully recovered, now seemingly has haemorrhoids or some other kind of bottom extrusion. I’ve read that it might correct itself with time (as mine have done in the past after a few days) but so far it looks like we’re going back to the vets for some bum treatment.

Poor thing. I think she’s sick of the vets by now.

Luckily, the large floof, despite being overweight, seems to be in perfect health.

Here they are being cats (that’s what they do):
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My small floof, one that suffered a recent paw injury and still hasn’t fully recovered, now seemingly has haemorrhoids or some other kind of bottom extrusion. I’ve read that it might correct itself with time (as mine have done in the past after a few days) but so far it looks like we’re going back to the vets for some bum treatment.

Poor thing. I think she’s sick of the vets by now.

Luckily, the large floof, despite being overweight, seems to be in perfect health.

Here they are being cats (that’s what they do):
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I ASS-ume you have the pleasant job of rubbing in the cream?
At least you're in the chair first. It's a capital offense to move a resting cat, you know, so had one of them been there first, you'd have to find something else to do!
Luckily for me, they don't care about the gaming chair for whatever reason. Only if I'm sitting on it first lol.