Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28

I swear Carl smiles.
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Yesterday I had to put down our 15 year old Chorkie “Becka”. Her health had drastically deteriorated over the past few weeks. My dad got her for us when she was only a few weeks old. Was literally the size of a hamster then. She worked as my moms stress relief service dog when she was dealing with PTSD. As a result we would take her everywhere with us. Into stores, and restaurants. She was the perfect service dog because she was quiet. Never made a sound. Most of the time people wouldn’t even realize we had her with us until she would stick her head out of the bag we’d bring her in.
And because of us bringing her everywhere with us, her favorite thing was car rides. She loved them no matter how short or how long they were. When we retired her from service dog duties, we still brought her everywhere with us.
We’ve had to put animals down before, but this was the first one where I was there when we did it. I cannot even begin to describe how hard yesterday was. Spend as much time with your pets and take as many pics and vid’s of them as you can.
Rip Becka. 2007-2022
That is pretty much all we buy now. With the previous bulldog being a crusher and the poodle and now corgi being shredders, Kong and Tuffy are the only toys that last longer than 6 minutes. :lol:
Milk jug gives better chewing results.
She gnawed some holes in the cap. It looks like a salt shaker. I'm pretty sure there a few drops of milk in the carpet now.

Coulda shoulda woulda rinsed it out first.
She gnawed some holes in the cap. It looks like a salt shaker. I'm pretty sure there a few drops of milk in the carpet now.

Coulda shoulda woulda rinsed it out first.
Lesson learned for next time (or not learned, if she managed to do it again since you took that picture).
Lesson learned for next time (or not learned, if she managed to do it again since you took that picture).
We go through milk pretty steadily but not quite that quickly.
Out again. This time a 2 hour walk past the river and canal and through some woodland, across an abandoned railway past the pub and on to get some tea. Then sit and enjoy the sun by the canal lock.

Fun & food and some doggo exercise.

Mallow's been doing this thing where she goes to the bathroom in the morning and simply waits for someone to turn on the water for her.

She has a bowl. She has one of those pet fountain things. She has puddles outside she likes to lick out of. But she still demands to drink from the tap.

My only guess is she likes the noise of freshly running water? I've tried to explain about water waste, but cats lack the ability to be concerned about either the environment or the water bills.

One of my cats like water from the shower drain. I don’t know why. They have plenty of option for drinking water.
When I exit the bathroom after a shower, my small cat will enter and drink from the drain. It’s weird because there’s probably soap residue in that water.
Mallow's been doing this thing where she goes to the bathroom in the morning and simply waits for someone to turn on the water for her.

She has a bowl. She has one of those pet fountain things. She has puddles outside she likes to lick out of. But she still demands to drink from the tap.

My only guess is she likes the noise of freshly running water? I've tried to explain about water waste, but cats lack the ability to be concerned about either the environment or the water bills.

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My cat does this too sometimes. I think the reason why they do it is to keep their whiskers dry.
Cats just don't drink much water if they've got decent wet food. They're evolved desert dwellers, they're good at getting water from food.

If you combine all the advice... clean rain water in a fountain, somewhere away from their food (and litter tray) is the best bet - but even then they just might not want/need much additional water.