Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
Looks like a fun place. No trouble with the cops right...?
Nope. We had a helicopter fly right over us once, but I don't think it was a police unit.

That road goes through an industrial area to a dead end, but the last mile or so is empty. Some guy showed up in a newer Impala with his little kid to watch a few runs. :lol:
On a road trip to New Brunswick with the girlfriend. We spotted this plane near the bay of fundy.
Nope. We had a helicopter fly right over us once, but I don't think it was a police unit.

That road goes through an industrial area to a dead end, but the last mile or so is empty. Some guy showed up in a newer Impala with his little kid to watch a few runs. :lol:
So I really want to go here for a few runs...
So it's been a year since I got my car, and I don't have a garage to park it in. So with a years worth of water spots I rolled her into my parents garage for a thorough cleaning. Two stages of Mothers auto polish, wax and a significant amount of time and sweat later I was all done. I had HBO on in the background and watched Godzilla and some movie I don't remember twice while doing all of this. But all that time came out to this:

She's finally a deep blue again. I didn't realize how much this paint had lost its vibrance over the past year, but it's back.

Also, there were some pretty crazy storms here last week, and they made the skies do some pretty crazy things. Only got a few good pictures of the storms because I didn't have time to set anything up.

Some of the fastest moving and most ominous storm clouds I've seen in a long time.

But then later that day, the sky did this:


But this is the photo as my camera took it. Everything had this faint glow, when just moments before everything had a light blue/green glow.
Yeah haha. I should probably get round to taking a photo with the reverse view (from the peak, looking behind the buildings)...

You'll struggle to get your car up to a location that you can have it in with the view down though!
The old man and I (it was originally just going to be him but, the ix needs the engine rebuilt) bought a 1982 Kawasaki KZ650CSR a few weeks ago and after a few weeks we got it looking halfway decent and rideable. It still needs a lot of stuff like a new tank (older style), tyres, a few bugs worked out etc.

Say what? :lol: I'm just too lazy to because I live at the other end of HK hahaha

Ah. I had assumed you're talking placing the car in the view from this vantage point:

Officially let go of my Audi today.. To go back to my original car brand. Traded in my E92 for my new baby. Which means I only have the one car now. And what a beast it is..