Post your FORZA 3 PICS here

  • Thread starter African Kat



Picked up F3UC, here are my first couple pictures.

Still working on making a decent looking logo.

Have alot (ca 1000) of Pics and all cars and Logos are made by me =)






AM Vanqiush Crashtest :scared:

















And the last one! My StarWars Themed F355 With a deathstar on the roof

XboxGamerTag Kollba360
Design I put about 10 hours into. Finally finished up the colors last night after messing with my tv settings.

AVFC Aston Villa Football Club *in my storefront*


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That's impressive. Are you a fan or is it a request?
Thank you. It was a request on I finished the design last night and now its in my storefront for everyone that wants it. Also from what I could see viewing the storefront, its the highest detailed AVFC design in F3. Plus it has "Proud history bright future" at the bottom. :)
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OMG OMG OMG. You sir are my favourite person ever. Lol :lol: Seriously great design and brilliantly done, the person who requested it is a legend and clearly knows his football :D
OMG OMG OMG. You sir are my favourite person ever. Lol :lol: Seriously great design and brilliantly done, the person who requested it is a legend and clearly knows his football :D
Thank you. Its been a while since I worked on a design for anyone. In fact I quit doing designs for other people back in F2 after spending months and months in the vinyl editor. But now the vinyls from F3 carry over to F4, so I decided to create designs again. 👍
Design I put about 10 hours into. Finally finished up the colors last night after messing with my tv settings.

AVFC Aston Villa Football Club *in my storefront*


Perfect, one little critique, and it could very well just be the angle of the photo, but the white circle with the star in it seems off center just a bit from the shield above compared to the original. Could be my eyes also but it just looks that way. Optical illusion maybe?
I am pretty sure its the angle of the pic because I had a 3/8" grid system (took 2 hours to create the grid) layed out in the game, and on a piece of paper, and the star was perfectly centered. Its hard to get a good pic in the garage. However I will check the design tonight just to make sure that star is centered. Thanks for the feedback. :)
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I am pretty sure its the angle of the pic because I had a 3/8" grid system (took 2 hours to create the grid) layed out in the game, and on a piece of paper, and the star was perfectly centered. Its hard to get a good pic in the garage. However I will check the design tonight just to make sure that star is centered. Thanks for the feedback. :)

No problem. Just hate to see a perfect recreation have just one little gotcha in it. And that IS a perfect recreation. Great work man.
Thanks again. I will will make 3 vinyl groups out of this AVFC design tonight.

1. AVFC vinyl group with the "Proud History Bright Future" box. $50,000

2. AVFC vinyl group without the "Proud History Bright Future." box. $45,000

3. "Proud History Bright Future" box by itself for $5,000.
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Perfect, one little critique, and it could very well just be the angle of the photo, but the white circle with the star in it seems off center just a bit from the shield above compared to the original. Could be my eyes also but it just looks that way. Optical illusion maybe?
I checked last night and it was centered. But I did change the "y" in HIstory so that it didint have the curve. I also tweaked a few of the "Bright Future" letters to make sure they were perfect.Then after that I put 3 different designs in my storefront. :) This is still the old pic but here are the 3 options that can be purchased now.

1. AVFC vinyl group with the "Proud History Bright Future" box. $50,000

2. AVFC vinyl group without the "Proud History Bright Future" box. $45,000

3. "Proud History Bright Future" box by itself. $5,000.
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I checked last night and it was centered. But I did change the "y" in HIstory so that it didint have the curve. I also tweaked a few of the "Bright Future" letters to make sure they were perfect.Then after that I put 3 different designs in my storefront. :)

Cool. I think maybe the glare on the star is throwing the balance off creating an optical illusion.
Cool. I think maybe the glare on the star is throwing the balance off creating an optical illusion.
Here you go, this is a better pic without the light reflection. And with the "y" repaired.

This is the next design I will be working on for the same customer. It will be ONLY the lettering which will make it more difficult but will be well worth it.
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Ty. I put 3 versions of the AVFC into my sf.

I will try to finish up the "Genting Casinos" over the weekend for the same customer.
I finally got one pic onto this. It's my VW Rabbit in my custom taxi yellow, and a fantasy racing team I made called "MadCab":dunce:

Sadly it's on the front, so I'll get something up soon.