- 21
- ShaggySoCal
- Shaggy SoCal

SpecMugello04 by Shaggy SoCal, on Flickr

ProAmCamino06 by Shaggy SoCal, on Flickr

ProAmBugatti06 by Shaggy SoCal, on Flickr
theotherspongeyHow do you get interior shots?
theotherspongeyMods? Where?
That's the most realistic FM3 shot I have ever seen.
If F3 looks good in photomode what the hell is F4 going to be like?
Hotspitta, your a man of few words but you delivered on your recent pics.
What clean tracks.
Just for the record I'm not a graphics junkie.
The blue Megane shot is epic. Love the muted colours and the contrast.
Hmm...can you export the pics from your Xbox? Or how do you get these?