Post your GT PSP Nürburgring lap times

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Just for fun, I went & checked my Nurb times. Got 2 in here...

Daihatsu Storia X4 '00 - S3/S3 - Pro - No aids - 9'28.154

And my first ever lap in GT PSP, so this one was BAD...but it was fun as hell too!

RUF 3400S '00 - N2/N2 - Pro - No aids (BIG mistake) - 9'48.862 - and that wasn't even close to a clean lap :P Was still fun as hell, though.

BTW, I always run the AT...I'd be driving stick in real life, but on GT I just can NOT get my head wrapped around shifting for some reason. I think its because I can't feel what the car's doing (that's how I shift in a real car, instead of having to watch the tach) I just let the computers do it for me.
7'19.221 corvette ZR1 R3/R3 pro mode No assist
7'02.898 Ford GT R3/R3 Pro mode no assist (I saved the replay)
7'04.892 Nissan GTR R3/R3 Pro mode no assist

clean laps :)
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Amuse S2000 GT1 '04, R3 front and rear, Professional, No aids, Manual

6'45.305 👍

just done the following;

Nissan GT-R SpecV '09, R£ front and rear, Professional, No Aids, Manual


wasnt the best run, had a few slides so room to improve to about 6'50.000 i reckon
Nissan GT-R SpecV '09, R3 front and rear, Manual, no aids, Professional - 6.49.611

anyone gone faster? i had a major screw up at Tiergarten which cost me about a second or so though
I got a 8:02 on my camaro ss, I was pushing the car about as much as you can but maybe I could've done a little bit faster.

R3/R3 tires
No Assists

EDIT: Just tried it in time trial and I wound up with 7:50, but I crashed a little bit and I think I could've gone at least 6 seconds faster.
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I'm still finding my way on this track so am using AT and Standard physics. Plenty of room across the board for improvement, but the revelation car for me, indeed by far my favourite car in the game so far is the Lancia S4.

Despite losing out enormously on top speed - 156mph - to other more powerful cars I managed a 7:20 in it, quicker than the Enzo, the M5 and the GTR. Also a lot quicker than I managed in its counterpart, the Peugeot 205 T16 Evo 2.
5:23 in the F2007 with no draft, and after being hit by the crashing AI once and making a few other small mistakes including riding the grass once. Proves that sub 5 minutes may be possible.
mine are :

Ferrari F2007 - 5.29.774
toyota GT-ONE - 6.04.908

nissan XANAVI NISMO GT-R '03 - 6.43.932
honda TAKATA DOME NSX '03 - 6.48.824

Corvette ZR1 '09 - 6.58.929
Nissan GT-R SpecV '09 - 6.59.509

all in manual, assists off, pro, R3R3,
Nissan GT-R Spec-V: (from standing start in a race, not time trial mode)

TCS: 4
ASM: Off

S3 on Front and Back
I'm at my friends, played GT PSP for the second time. I tried the same combo as the last time, and pretty soon I drove a clean lap (15 min), faster than the last time. Too bad he doesn't own a GT-R Spec-V, otherwise I would use that car...


Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R '01 (stock)
Manual Transmission
All assists off
Proffesional physics
S2 tyres
Nurburgring Nordschleife
Ah finally i found a forum to post the TA result :)


Mitsubishi Super Lancer WRC: 7'11.286
Transmission: Manual
TCS: Off
ASM: Off
Active Steering: Off
Driving Physics: Professional
Tyres: R3 Front & Back
Details: Default


F1 2007: 5'10.920
Transmission: Manual
TCS: Off
ASM: Off
Active Steering: Off
Driving Physics: Professional
Tyres: R3 Front & Back
Details: Max Aerodynamic
Sorry a little bit lazy to post them but here is the link to my personnal website if you want to see it !

Have a nice day !

EDIT :OK I felt bad about this so here they are :

6'45.461 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09
(R3 / R3 Standard)

6'58.023 Opel Astra Tourning Car '00
(R3 / R3 Pro.)

6'58.235 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren '03
(R3 / R3 Standard)

7'02.923 Toyota WOODONE TOM'S SUPRA '03
(R3 / R3 Pro.)

7'05.420 Toyota WEDSSPORT CELICA '03
(R3 / R3 Pro.)

7'08.903 Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R '01
(R3 / R3 Standard)

Manual, all assists off except for a TCS 1 with the Bugatti if I can remember...
Now that I have more experience, I think I could be faster than that !!!
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I can try ;) ...


All off
R3/ R3

first lap I went off-track, second lap : 7'08.043. I think best times would be under the 7'

You should turn off the TCS, isn't really needed with this car ;) ! I can post you my ghost replay if you want to (I have an EUR version of the game) ! I'll wait for you to beat mine and I'll try again ;) ! Good luck !


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i'm shocked! :)

yes, post the ghost please
thanks for tcs tip. can you advice me with ruf yellow bird also? i'm 7.45 now (i understand this is very bad - but this car is hell! but i love it :)
PSP is at home, in five hours I'll be able to post my ghost ;) ! Don't know about the RUF... But almost all best times are done with all assists off ! Quick tune is needed though ! I don't know about your tuning skills, mine are ok but I usually need others'guy tuning and then adapt it to my driving style ! Good luck with the RUF !

EDIT : sorry worked late tonight ! Here is the ghost ! BTW, I didn't tuned (quick tune) the car if you wanted to know... You should try out some challenges we have here too, you got Crooooooow's challenge, lbsf1 will host a new round and may 9th you'll have a New Weekly Time Attack Challenge (week one) ! The more you drive, the better you get and the more the merrier ;) ! Good luck with the Green Hell !


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Bugatti Veyron - 6:44
Ferrari Enzo- 7:01
VW Nardo W12- 6:56
Jaguar XJ220 - 7:04

BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 - 6'51.710

No Assists
Automatic (can't drive manual while using the analogue nub)

are you serious? just switch the controls so that your triggers are shift up and down.

Yeah, I think GT4 was inbetween standard and professional. It's quite ironic really that the PSP game probably has a fair bit more advanced drivnig model than GT4! Certainly I'm getting that impression from the game.

haha I completely agree and always have. I thought pro mode in GTPSP was more like GT3 but standard mode is more like GT4. at first I hated how the cars handle in GT4 and now that I'm used to GTPSP and GT5P when I play GT4 it seems so weird lol good game eitherway but the physics aren't quite as good

The Bugatti Veyron is a piece of junk. Just as I suspected, it's a car with a lot of horsepower but suck in the corners. Driving it is like driving a train with the turning radius of mars.

you're only saying that because you're not a good driver. the Veyron's the easiest car to master without any assists. you just can't handle so you whine that it doesn't handle like an F1 car. get a life. I used it to get 6:44 at nurburgring w/no assists, pro, manual, R3's and 3:14 at Sarthe Old w/ same settings. that's faster than most of the race cars in the game on both tracks, still think it's a train? learn how to drive, I think you should try doing more driving challenges. at least get bronze on all of em bcuz it's clear you haven't even done that yet

Here are my times:

And here is the video of my Bugatti doing that time

.. I think nobody has been faster around the ring in a Bugatti :P but I could be wrong.

I'm not sure but I think I commented on this video on youtube bcuz I was trying to beat it and finally did. 6:44. I raced nothing but nurburgring on the train everyday so that's how i did it, it's just practice and I don't think it would take as much for someone else to beat my time
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You sure did a great job with the Bugatti because she is hard to handle ! However I'm sorry to agree with you that you're not the fastest with it ;) nor mbilaalch :

6'33.991 PiTch_ Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 R3 / R3 Pro.
6'42.934 Genesisfury Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 R3 / R3 Pro.

But you sure are fast with it ;) !
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You sure did a great job with the Bugatti because she is hard to handle ! However I'm sorry to agree with you that you're not the fastest with it ;) nor mbilaalch :

6'33.991 PiTch_ Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 R3 / R3 Pro.
6'42.934 Genesisfury Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 R3 / R3 Pro.

But you sure are fast with it ;) !

thank you. you did 6:45 right? that's very impressive. It took me a long time to even equal that. I had alot of practice before I got that time so I can understand how someone with more talent could get better times but 6:33? there must be a catch. did he have active stearing or any other aids maybe? I can imagine getting 6:42 but 6:33 is crazy.
Unfortunately I did my 6'45 with standard physics so... Not that good ;) ! I could try again ! And about 6'33.991, all assists off (here is the link to official french forum, you'll see time, aids and photo), PiTch_ is really fast !!! REALLY !!! Glubags and lion-face are really fast too here ! I guess fast guys are simply fast guys ! I need a lot of practice, they might do the same but when they have a clean and fast lap, I'll only have a clean OR fast lap :lol: !
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