• Thread starter praiano63
The hostilities are hardly warranted... people read things with such anger in their minds.

Simply asking if the free posts are over based on his own original words and that I am quite happy to contribute at a later date when it's more financially viable for me to do so. Then wished all the best.

Not everyone has the means to subscribe to every service that they want too these days. If you do, all the best too you and well done for being in a position to afford it... that is assuming you've earned it and it's not your allowance.
Hostilities? I gave a suggestion to save money and still get the tunes...

@praiano63 any chance you can look at the "Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe (C2) '63 " as since update 1.47 it's taken this long for it to be available in "Legendary Dealer" today so I don't want to ruin it if the 1.47 setup doesn't work apply to 1.50, please?
Cheers for the "Mazda RX500 '70" you updated 👍
cough C7 ZR1 cough

First let me say thanks for your tunes over all of these years! You have made countless vehicles enjoyable!

To all crying over his new paywall:

He has been doing this a very long time FOR FREE. No one is making you pay for his tunes. As a matter of fact, at the time of this post, he has 43 (over 4 weeks) FREE post 1.49 tunes in the first post! You do not have to pay for tunes to enjoy this game. In fact, you do not even need tunes to enjoy the game. @praiano63 is just making these vehicles better and more enjoyable. You can still enjoy them without the tunes. Learn the quirks of the vehicles to drive them better. OR perhaps learn to tune yourself!

I personally do not have the time to fine tune every vehicle I want to drive but I can have fun all the same. I also will not be subscribing yet but I am not mad that he wants to capitalize on his time and effort spent and I appreciate that he is still offering free tunes.

We should all be grateful he did not paywall his tunes a long time ago!
@praiano63 any chance you can look at the "Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe (C2) '63 " as since update 1.47 it's taken this long for it to be available in "Legendary Dealer" today so I don't want to ruin it if the 1.47 setup doesn't work apply to 1.50, please?
Cheers for the "Mazda RX500 '70" you updated 👍
I'll check , i bought a new one because my only Corvette '63 was SWAP. I hope that 1.49 turn it in a better car , pre update it wasn't good at all. I'll test it in a couple of days.
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This is already different. Now gets a 712.95pp
My existing tune went up only to 700.01.
This is now coming out at 712pp on 1.50 :(
My existing tune went up only to 700.10.

Did your existing tunes go up that much are did you just install them?
If you just installed them, you must have made a mistake somewhere in the settings.
Post screenshots and maybe I can help.
Your tunes are World class. I recently modded the Porsche 959 tune just a little bit. I lowered the ride height just a bit. Makes more stable but also harder to turn the car. I have no solutions. It is good enough for a win a Nurburgring 😊
Perhaps PD should implement a Praiano tune giveaway on the roulette wheel.

Star rating aligned to his tune rating ;)
Be worth wayyyyyy more than the normal garbage roulette gives. "Oh hey here have a sport muffler for insert random car no one cares about, or 10k in game credits".
Not for the moment , i have to empty the list a few more to add some new cars.
Coming soon BMW M3 swap and normal , also Toyota one at 800PP. Soon

You're welcome.Also coming soon. I have a new Patreon site with all my cars but it's still under construction.

I've been a lurker using your tunes and having great time using them. I created this account to thank you for all the time and effort you've spent sharing your settings and updating them through all the patches we've been through.

Already connected to your patreon and l'm looking forward to sharing your new endeavor on that site
You can't have searched that hard... Exeter GT Tuning is back up and running on GTPlanrt... he has quite an extensive pre 1.49 catalogue and is now working on post 1.49 tunes. Though I have only just caught back up this morning so yet yo apply any in game.
There is also the YouTube model that a lot of tuners use to generate revenue. Just search a model and GT7 tune and you see the same handful of names pop up, JohnnySVDR I've used before and seems OK and posts regularly.

But yeah, failing that I'll drop a membership for a month maybe in a couple months time and stock up on the tunes I need, especially as he seems to have stopped posting any free tunes at all now. I don't online race so mainly focus on the new swaps when they drop. Can't see PD doing any more major event drops any more, like the a chunk of endurance races or anything particularly hard that really needs a dedicated tune.
The way I discovered GTPlanet was from a Reddit comment where a guy had recommendations for beginners of GT7. I never played more than a couple hours of any Gran Turismo before the PSVR2 launched. That guy recommended 2 people to get tunings from. Praiano and Exeter. I used tunings from both during the first few months of lurking here. My casual following of the game grew rapidly by the time I registered here to comment. I appreciate and openly search for advice and tunings from anywhere. I don't discriminate. It can be someone commenting here as a first time user or a well established Youtuber who has been playing for many years. I am grateful for Exeter and for anyone here who shares a modification or tuning that they completely did on their own. I have applied tunings from at least 30+ people. I stand by my statement that there is no one out there who is this consistent and has this many tunings available. I have never been opposed to paywalls if I find value in the content being created. I even searched to see if maybe there was someone equivalent to Praiano that is only on Discord or behind some paywall. As someone that has purchased every vehicle and swap in the game, it would shock the average person if they learned the amount of hours I have spent and saved just adding Praiano's tunings instead of testing the vehicles myself. I know that he has spent far more time testing to come up with those settings. This is why I will happily come to his defense to anyone criticizing the decision of Patreon.
Hi guys, does anyone know if there's a way of getting the Ferrari ticket to buy the locked cars like Enzo etc, I've literally played this game for years now and I've never got the Ferrari ticket as a reward and it's driving me nuts 😂, I want to try Praianos new Ferrari tunes but can't buy the cars. Is it pure luck of the draw or can you influence it somehow? Thanks in advance
Hi guys, does anyone know if there's a way of getting the Ferrari ticket to buy the locked cars like Enzo etc, I've literally played this game for years now and I've never got the Ferrari ticket as a reward and it's driving me nuts 😂, I want to try Praianos new Ferrari tunes but can't buy the cars. Is it pure luck of the draw or can you influence it somehow? Thanks in advance
It’s absolutely random but a few days ago I did the last event in Ferrari Challenge (Monza) and I got the Ferrari ticket… (I used the F40)

And, another thing: when you get a manufacturer ticket, other tickets are in arriving
In a week I got Ferari, Lambo and Bugatti

Good luck
Hi guys, does anyone know if there's a way of getting the Ferrari ticket to buy the locked cars like Enzo etc, I've literally played this game for years now and I've never got the Ferrari ticket as a reward and it's driving me nuts 😂, I want to try Praianos new Ferrari tunes but can't buy the cars. Is it pure luck of the draw or can you influence it somehow? Thanks in advance
Yeah only thing yiu can do to increase odds is literally playing every day for a ticket.

Not meaning to rub it In but shame you weren't around from the beginning. I think within the first 3 months or so, pd gave everyone a month of unlimited access to all cars locked behind this silly system. Iirc as a gesture after the amount of disgruntled players complaining at state of the game at launch.

Obviously concensus on here was to dive the hell in abd stock up whilst you can, as God knows how long it'd take to draw one via roulette.
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The way I discovered GTPlanet was from a Reddit comment where a guy had recommendations for beginners of GT7. I never played more than a couple hours of any Gran Turismo before the PSVR2 launched. That guy recommended 2 people to get tunings from. Praiano and Exeter. I used tunings from both during the first few months of lurking here. My casual following of the game grew rapidly by the time I registered here to comment. I appreciate and openly search for advice and tunings from anywhere. I don't discriminate. It can be someone commenting here as a first time user or a well established Youtuber who has been playing for many years. I am grateful for Exeter and for anyone here who shares a modification or tuning that they completely did on their own. I have applied tunings from at least 30+ people. I stand by my statement that there is no one out there who is this consistent and has this many tunings available. I have never been opposed to paywalls if I find value in the content being created. I even searched to see if maybe there was someone equivalent to Praiano that is only on Discord or behind some paywall. As someone that has purchased every vehicle and swap in the game, it would shock the average person if they learned the amount of hours I have spent and saved just adding Praiano's tunings instead of testing the vehicles myself. I know that he has spent far more time testing to come up with those settings. This is why I will happily come to his defense to anyone criticizing the decision of Patreon.

That's the key difference. I appreciate anyone who takes time to publish tunes. Exeter has done more than most, other than Praiano's.

But no one has produced the same volume abd quality consistently as Praiano's.

Also Praiano uses dd pro and vr2 with no assists apart from abs (vast majority of time). Whereas iirc and sorry if I'm wrong, but Exeter uses tc1 and controller to tune.

Praiano's setup/assists is exactly same as mine, so that gives me a nice fuzzy feeling/reassurance to know I'm using car same as he does, so a replica or his experience.

Which is part of the reason I politeky requested (not ungrateful or demanding) Praiano's kindly lists all wheel sizes rather than 'up to you'. As a yiutube video tgat I saw a while back extensively tested all variations of wheel sizes, width etc, abd tgey recorded a difference in performance between them. So assume it does influence handling of car, even if marginal. I'd like the pure Praiano' car experience.

So as a result I'm currently in the market for a house in Brazil, simikar to his. So I'm playing in same climate, environment etc. Just waiting for Praiano to confirm room measurements, flooring, lighting etc that he has :D.

Then of course I'll ask him for clothes he wears whilst playing :D

No doubt no a massive deal, but I'm sure you know what I mean.(well, up unto the last para or 2...)
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my 2c. I think @praiano63 should continue to post in this thread, the first car image and Praiano written summary of each tune published to Patreon, even if for subscribers only. Totally cool to highlight the cool stuff he's offering on Patreon to help incentivise subscribers. Lets be honest; the more people who subscribe, the more energised and enthusiastic Praiano is going to be to deliver great set-ups. More set-ups will also equal more free set-ups available to non-subscribers.

Its in everyones' interests for this to be a huge success.
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my 2c. I think @praiano63 should continue to post in this thread, the first car image and Praiano written summary of each tune published to Patreon, even if for subscribers only. Totally cool to highlight the cool stuff he's offering on Patreon to help incentivise subscribers. Lets be honest; the more people who subscribe, the more energised and enthusiastic Praiano is going to be to deliver great set-ups. More set-ups will also equal more free set-ups available to non-subscribers.

Its in everyones' interests for this to be a huge success.
I suppose the only risk is he'll become so successful/rich he'll turn into a minor celebrity.

Appearing as a guest for interviews on tv shows. His ego will blow up, he'll start leading the high life, develop too much of a liking for white powder and beautiful but dubious women. He'll run off with one, then his volume/quality of tunes will suffer, patreon/fame abd fortune will dry up. His g/f will leave him and he'll spiral into a deep/dark depression and no longer play the game, never mind publish tunes for us to enjoy.

my 2c. I think @praiano63 should continue to post in this thread, the first car image and Praiano written summary of each tune published to Patreon, even if for subscribers only. Totally cool to highlight the cool stuff he's offering on Patreon to help incentivise subscribers.
I think if he's using GT planet to advertise his site, then he should be giving them a cut of the profits.
Lets be honest; the more people who subscribe, the more energised and enthusiastic Praiano is going to be to deliver great set-ups.
Are you flipping kidding. Out of 700 subscribers, if 300 or 400 actually pay, then that's 1500 to 2000 dollars. At 5.4 Rs to a dollar, that's 8100 to 10800 Rs. This places him well into the top 10% average income earners in Brazil.. If this doesn't make him energized or enthused, then no amount of money will.
More set-ups will also equal more free set-ups available to non-subscribers.

Its in everyones' interests for this to be a huge success.
There hasn't been a free set-up in the last 20+ set-ups.

I don't blame him though. If I were in his position and could milk the sheep to pay my bills, I'd probably do the same.
That's the key difference. I appreciate anyone who takes time to publish tunes. Exeter has done more than most, other than Praiano's.

But no one has produced the same volume abd quality consistently as Praiano's.

Also Praiano uses dd pro and vr2 with no assists apart from abs (vast majority of time). Whereas iirc and sorry if I'm wrong, but Exeter uses tc1 and controller to tune.

Praiano's setup/assists is exactly same as mine, so that gives me a nice fuzzy feeling/reassurance to know I'm using car same as he does, so a replica or his experience.

Which is part of the reason I politeky requested (not ungrateful or demanding) Praiano's kindly lists all wheel sizes rather than 'up to you'. As a yiutube video tgat I saw a while back extensively tested all variations of wheel sizes, width etc, abd tgey recorded a difference in performance between them. So assume it does influence handling of car, even if marginal. I'd like the pure Praiano' car experience.

So as a result I'm currently in the market for a house in Brazil, simikar to his. So I'm playing in same climate, environment etc. Just waiting for Praiano to confirm room measurements, flooring, lighting etc that he has :D.

Then of course I'll ask him for clothes he wears whilst playing :D

No doubt no a massive deal, but I'm sure you know what I mean.(well, up unto the last para or 2...)
My room is 3.20m to 3.50 , my TV is 50" , an old cinema chair over my old rig , and a Fanatec DD pro. A fan under my TV in front of me , it's very hot here...
No bed at all , i don't use, only Hamoc since 20 years. Don't worry , just need to be used to sleep in it , after 1 week you'll sleep like a baby better than ever. :lol:
Good luck.
my 2c. I think @praiano63 should continue to post in this thread, the first car image and Praiano written summary of each tune published to Patreon, even if for subscribers only. Totally cool to highlight the cool stuff he's offering on Patreon to help incentivise subscribers. Lets be honest; the more people who subscribe, the more energised and enthusiastic Praiano is going to be to deliver great set-ups. More set-ups will also equal more free set-ups available to non-subscribers.

Its in everyones' interests for this to be a huge success.
I have around 45 free cars on Patreon and 143 cars total +-. We are still far from 1/5 free cars . This is why i stop to publish free cars for the moment, just to reach the % +-
Thanks a lot for your help.
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They already get one, by selling their data on everyone he pulls in. How many views since he started? More than enough.
100% this. Praiano brings in the eyeballs and GTPlanet makes their money from advertising.

Are you flipping kidding. Out of 700 subscribers, if 300 or 400 actually pay, then that's 1500 to 2000 dollars. At 5.4 Rs to a dollar, that's 8100 to 10800 Rs. This places him well into the top 10% average income earners in Brazil.. If this doesn't make him energized or enthused, then no amount of money will.
Patreon keep a %. It doesn't all go to Praiano.

The entitlement is dripping from this post. The resentment at someone else charging a tiny price for their hard work and skillset; a skillset possessed by very few people in the world and that he has shared for 15 years for free. I honestly don't understand the resentment at such a reasonable subscription price, especially since you can pay it as often as you want - wait 12 or 24 months if you want and then pay $5 and get every single tune. Or don't pay it and just go without the tunes if you find them of so little value that you're kicking up a fuss about $5.

I bet I make less money than most of you. I have a small business and can barely cover my living expenses at the moment. Sim racing is a hobby that I enjoy though and Praiano's tunes are (to me) an investment that I can easily justify despite my financial position.
I don't blame him though. If I were in his position and could milk the sheep to pay my bills, I'd probably do the same.
"milk the sheep". What a strange negative way of describing it. Yes - most of us would like to receive some payment from a past time in which we invest tens of hours every week, and which benefits others, and that we have an undoubted talent for.

Do you work for free? Or do you expect payment for your time and effort?

We should all be over the moon happy that Praiano is able to monetise his talent and cover some of his expenses.
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100% this. Praiano brings in the eyeballs and GTPlanet makes their money from advertising.

Patreon keep a %. It doesn't all go to Praiano.

The entitlement is dripping from this post. The resentment at someone else charging a tiny price for their hard work and skillset; a skillset possessed by very few people in the world and that he has shared for 15 years for free. I honestly don't understand the resentment at such a reasonable subscription price, especially since you can pay it as often as you want - wait 12 or 24 months if you want and then pay $5 and get every single tune. Or don't pay it and just go without the tunes if you find them of so little value that you're kicking up a fuss about $5.

I bet I make less money than most of you. I have a small business and can barely cover my living expenses at the moment. Sim racing is a hobby that I enjoy though and Praiano's tunes are (to me) an investment that I can easily justify despite my financial position.

"milk the sheep". What a strange negative way of describing it. Yes - most of us would like to receive some payment from a past time in which we invest tens of hours every week, and which benefits others, and that we have an undoubted talent for.

Do you work for free? Or do you expect payment for your time and effort?

We should all be over the moon happy that Praiano is able to monetise his talent and cover some of his expenses.
Done already told you I'd probably do the same thing. Frankly, I'm glad he has started charging for tunes. Now instead of using his tunes as a crutch, I'm forced to create my own. They don't drive as well, but I'm faster with them than I was. Even if he were to offer them all for free, I don't believe I would ever go back to them. Look them over for sure, but I want as much speed as possible and still keep it on the track.

More power to him. Brazil's economy isn't the best, and he figured out a way to overcome that through you and others. It's all good.
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Seriously. People are looking for GT planet, before they find him. If there were no GT planet, there would be no Praiano. Without GT planet, he's tuning in obscurity.
I found GTPlanet strictly from a word of mouth recommendation for Praiano and Exeter's tunings. Their work is what brought me here. Having said that, Praiano has given GTPlanet plenty of credit for his passion for the game and even for helping him learn English. Also the same argument can be made for GTPlanet. Without the community contributing to GTPlanet, it would be a community of crickets.

I truly believe the Patreon idea is long overdue. I have been encouraging and offering suggestions in DMs for months in the hope that his time is given the value that is deserved. I know there were plenty of others before me that were offering to donate and encouraging him as well. Its not like he got greedy all of a sudden one day. He finally put into action what many have been suggesting and encouraging for awhile now. Our last conversation was back in March when he told me his son was going to help him put together a platform that provided more value to those that have been generously donating to him. It's awesome to see it finally come to fruition. He is now the 4th person I've supported through Patreon and the content he has provided in under 2 weeks is far more valuable than any previous tier of Patreon I've subscribed to. One of those creators charged $5 a month and the other 2 charged $10 a month.
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I am curious if anyone that is complaining here about the Patreon has any idea of what is going on at Twitch daily? Drop in on the daily streams of Lovelylo or Slater playing Call of Duty and see the kind of money that people are throwing at them. I have no issue with it and have converted to the mindset that they are providing quality entertainment and deserve every penny. I used to be so confused at the concept of Twitch, but those are 2 creators that finally opened my eyes to the platform and why it works the way it does. Spend a few hours a week on a successful Twitch stream and $5 a month is pocket change by comparison.
I am curious if anyone that is complaining here about the Patreon has any idea of what is going on at Twitch daily? Drop in on the daily streams of Lovelylo or Slater playing Call of Duty and see the kind of money that people are throwing at them. I have no issue with it and have converted to the mindset that they are providing quality entertainment and deserve every penny. I used to be so confused at the concept of Twitch, but those are 2 creators that finally opened my eyes to the platform and why it works the way it does. Spend a few hours a week on a successful Twitch stream and $5 a month is pocket change by comparison.
Twitch is the way forward! I bet some people would pay to watch a streamed tuning session, or at least part of one 🤔
Seriously. People are looking for GT planet, before they find him. If there were no GT planet, there would be no Praiano. Without GT planet, he's tuning in obscurity.
I found him recommended on Reddit. See that often enough.

And come on man, if there were no GT Planet, what would really happen?

There’d be another site
Also Praiano uses dd pro and vr2 with no assists apart from abs (vast majority of time). Whereas iirc and sorry if I'm wrong, but Exeter uses tc1 and controller to tune.

Praiano's setup/assists is exactly same as mine, so that gives me a nice fuzzy feeling/reassurance to know I'm using car same as he does, so a replica or his experience.

Which is part of the reason I politeky requested (not ungrateful or demanding) Praiano's kindly lists all wheel sizes rather than 'up to you'. As a yiutube video tgat I saw a while back extensively tested all variations of wheel sizes, width etc, abd tgey recorded a difference in performance between them. So assume it does influence handling of car, even if marginal. I'd like the pure Praiano' car experience.

So as a result I'm currently in the market for a house in Brazil, simikar to his. So I'm playing in same climate, environment etc. Just waiting for Praiano to confirm room measurements, flooring, lighting etc that he has :D.

Then of course I'll ask him for clothes he wears whilst playing :D
Did you miss the post where Praiano said his Dr. prescribed him to wear Gravity Boots while tuning and driving cars in VR2? It helps with his condition and shaves off a couple seconds off each lap. You should probably order some if you are going to properly replicate.


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