- 6
- Trondheim
- Disturbed1337
Never mind, It`s just me that are a complete idiot
might need glasses after all the hours I`ve been playing this game 
Never mind, It`s just me that are a complete idiotmight need glasses after all the hours I`ve been playing this game
Just do like it`s on the sheet. Tranny trick ... easy. If you have the parts it´s OK . Don´t worry , sometime i have some glitch myself too.![]()
Hehe, comforting to know
But have you thought about making a tune for the new Lambo ? The Aventador, i dont like it as it is, feels to heavy through the corners. I have seen some tunes for it, but all the cars that are tuned in my garage are Praiano Tunes... Why ruining it with som other dudes tunes ?lol
Hi, i don`t know, i don`t have this DLC car, but it`s possible , try it, check the weight repartition total weight.... Really don`t know.
There is 4 tunes here , did you try them??
2012 Nissan GT-R Black Edition R35
Red Valley Racing
CSO Tuning
TheyVipers Garage
Phantasmagoria Performance
What ever happen to the silver surfer picture praiano????
Nothing like a little "Sympathy for the Fish"!Silver surfer travel to the north shore of the universe, this is the season of the Big cosmic waves. Huge swellCome back in a few weeks.
For the moment the Rolling Stones are back.
Did you test the cars??
Hi praianohow u doin?
That thing of 0kg ballast but in position +50 is really interesting..nice one amigo ;D
Good tunes as always Mr. Fisher![]()
Praiano I have a question. Will a tune still be effective if I don't tune the aerodynamics? I generally don't add spoilers to my cars.
Just need to test this way, the good setting for your car will not be very hard to find.
Hi, yes i love the car, it´s a dream to drive, difficult is to stop.
Did you test the ballast 0 kg position ?? Did you feel the same ???
PD should give us some Brake parts to upgrade the cars.. There's some cars that really needs.. For example the aventador. I have to try it your Cali![]()
Most of the people ask me for 550PP race tires to race the ring online, but this cars are so good to pilot with sport tires that i try all the time to make tune enough all around to allow both kind of tires for the same tune.
Most of the time it´s not possible.
With this Camaro SS10 , it´s possible yes. This tune can be driven very well from sport hard to racing soft. Not more or less, but very good for all this wide range of tires .
Try it and see by yourself.
This (tranny trick) is very good but don´t have a good launch with racing tires.If you need a good fast grid start ,use this settings:
Transmission how to process:
1- Select .reset to default
2- Select final gear at 3.450 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 340 km/h= 211 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2.994
2: 2.183
3: 1.663
4: 1.312
5: 0.902
It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 321 km/h.= 199 mph
After this set your max speed according to the track with final gear only.
Enjoy your drive.
Hi praiano!
I saw that's your 2nd Camaro SS'10 tune.I'm needing a racing tires tune for a good steering with this car.Which one do you think is the best for my case?This one or the other one?
praiano63This one is better, i will take out the other. It´s an older tune that don`t drive so well after all the PD upgrades .
I adapted the old one for the 500pp Seasonals. It drives pretty good to me.
Hi Praiano, i'm looking for a tune for the Lancia Stratos Rally car for tarmac racing on RH tires and i saw you have one but with RS (So awesome), i tried yours with RH but the car is so unstable for me, so What would you change to your tune?
I'm not a great tuner but i can at least decrease oversteer and avoid spinning out but this car is giving me so much trouble using these tires.
Btw i use a DS3 and will use this car for city circuits, if that helps.
Thanks beforehand.
Hi let me check it first, it`s an old tune, need to fix some things for sure. I will publish an upgrade in a few.
priaiano63, what aero did you use on the Camaro? Thanks!
hey praiano thanks for the car, i tested it but i am still in 2 minds with the M3 CSL the laptimes are similar but when i put racing tyres i wanted to see what happen. Of course i have a racing tyres tune for M3 CSL but not for the HSC 04 so i wasn't able to do a like for like test.
Maybe its me but months of driving the M3 CSL and NSX typre R, they just "feel" faster.
Also, is there a reason why there is no wing on your HSC 04? i never touched your settings but i assumed you didn't put any downforce on?
Shall i send your HSC04 back?