Tested it on Motegi with R.Hard tires.
The problem was... I felt like the long 1st gear kills the engine braking effect when approaching low-speed corners.
But... When I set the final ratio higher, I couldn't beat the time which was made with your setting. Maybe I just started driving worse, or it looks like this setting really works.
I've made this tune with DS3, i still use X and O to accel and brake, no way for me to learn another way. To tell the true, i don't want to learn anything again to drive with DS3. When you use a wheel, i think it's impossible to have fun again with a controler....
This car have a big problem of wheel spin, the long first gear pass well the traction to the ground. I have to check with my G27 pedal but for me it's ok even at Suzuka hairpin, where i've tuned 80% this car.
Thanks for the feedback. My goal was to do a decent tune better than stock and i finish my session above my expectatives. I'm happy for this.

Hi Praiano , speaking about the Eiger the last night I made a fantastic winning race with your Alfa GT at 510 pp and racing soft. As competitors Lutecia Renault and Autobac ARTA Garaiya 2003

Naturally some bumps on the doors but during the races.....

Bye my favourite tuner 👍
Nice my friend. You're right, this is one of the rare FF i drive with pleasure. Very good car.
I still need to publish the
Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK 02, same handling ,a lot of very good sensations. The same tune fit to the premium but i prefer the standard, just a question of feeling.
FF are more safe for bumps as others drive train ,but it's better to stay as clean 👍

as possible, principally on a straight road like eiger or nordschleife...
This is a review of the GT-R R33 TC.
Praiano I think it might be driving styles but it drives well IF you don't over do it or I guess press the gas to early. And my driving style is just that way unfortunately. So overall a great tune I learned to let up on the gas instead of slamming it to the floor and it really drive nice.
Thanks for the excellent tune.
Hello, thanks for the feedback. This is another one of my very few DS3 tune. Perhaps with a wheel i would have made a different approach.
During the retake out corner ,the car have a very short moment of under steer and after come back on a more incisive line. The problem is that you can't desaccelerate anymore during this out corner parabole till the car stay straight again.
Need a good timing to perform a good transition between in and out corner. Almost no off brake and off throtle at the apex. Need to bring the rear of the car in the good line when braking and slam the accel before loosing the rear weight transfer inertia.
This is the best way i've found to go fast with a 4WD using the full traction out corner, but there is no place for wrong timing, if accel to early ,you go in the grass.
Have a good day everybody.