Good morning y'all. Have a good sleep? I did, now what's up with GTP? Ahh, I've been turned into a Bully for questioning the originality of his tune, as it has a SERIOUS resemblance to mine that was only posted a few days earlier.
I would not of felt my original suspicions confirmed had I not meat such hostility at the suggestion of the possibility. It's only my opinion they are confirmed, however Im bound by my own opinion.
Is it possible they are all original? Yes just as it is also possible, yet more probable they are not. To discount either possibility is wrong, I don't believe it's impossible I do feel it is HIGHLY improbable. I only form my opinion based off the responses I received. I feel if they were all original, I wouldn't of received such hostility at the suggestion of the possibility (we all form our own opinions in different ways) They very well may be the fluke coincidence kicking mathematical possibilities and probabilities out the window. I just have a hard time setting aside reality to munch on some BS.
Soooo it appears I'm the only one who can see the resemblance (wait, had this been a case of the shoe on the other foot, would it have been the same outcome ?) had I been questioned on the authenticity of my tune, and I immediately had a hissey fit over it with such hostility, I would of been branded a thief with less similarities in the posted settings. Oh boy the hostility I would of received...
Who said they drive the same? A tweaked version of any tune won't be the exact same on the track despite where they are identical. Does that make ANY difference? Nope, none at all, completely irrelevant.
I move on a little more aware of the dislike spreading for me, I have my suspicions as to why that is, RJ thanks for clearing that up

It seams I'm the only one without any rights as a member. If I exercise any it becomes a community drop in to tell me how irrelevant they are.
I've been met with not much more then hostility since posting at GTP, a few members have made me feel welcome, Praiano being one of them, I still like the guy. This is just blown out of proportion because of the immediate hostility at the suggestion (have I been hostile in this incident?) Have I returned insults? Nope just being obscure and vague so I can watch all the enlightening interpretations (thanks again RJ) just like that.
I think a little might stem from my Garage name "High Quality" seeming to infer to some (as it's been suggested) that I put my Tunes above others. I don't, it simply refers to my goal of High Quality Tunes for my Garage. That doesn't imply any others work is not as high in quality. I feel quite the contrary, I feel the more people we have posting set ups the better they will push each other to be. So I welcome all new tuners and Garages. Even more so because of how unwelcome my Garage has been.... Personally I take it as a compliment, while I'm sure most won't be man enough to admit it, my presence seems to threaten them in some way.

It reminds me of how the pretty girls react when a new pretty girl comes along. Your own insecurities are what causes the interpretation that I think my Tunes are the best, just like the the Girls thinking the new girl thinks she's the Prettiest. lol

I take it as a compliment, because the Pretty girls never care when a ugly girl comes along.
How about I just change the name of my Garage to "No_OBsT33R's Tuning Garage" would that make people feel better, and less like I have a higher opinion of my Tunes?
As for Praiano "Stealing" my work.
I still suspect it's nothing more than him having run my tune pre-tunning his, then not realizing it was still on when he went to tune his own.
I don't believe he outright stole my work or intentionally swiped a few great settings

but rather inadvertently didn't realize he had my tune already on his car when he hit the track, so all his tuning is his own. I feel the foundation was not the default settings, but my settings.
Could I be wrong? Yes
Could I be right? Equally so
Does it really matter? No, not really, although it has been entertaining and enlightening.
So the question remains, how long will it be dragged out? Remains to be seen....

either way IDC it's entertaining me while Im at work.