Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
am I missing something, I thought you did a tune for the xj13 race car? I cant find it

It's not published , it was a full power tune. I have for the GT40 and Ferrari 330 ,but i'm doing a new one for all 4 cars at 600pp.
Praiano - when you get the time, could you do a 450 pp tune on the Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) ‘68? I tried to buy one back in '68, but my credit was pretty bad back then and I couldn't get approved for the loan. Wish I could have gotten it, though. I had to settle for a 1965 MGB (but I wound up loving it!).

I have a couple of 1967 Birthday Tickets that I can send you to help you with your quest to get a Ford Mark IV. I'll send one tomorrow. If you don't have the Nissan 2000, I can send that to you, too. Thanks, my friend!

Praiano - when you get the time, could you do a 450 pp tune on the Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) ‘68? I tried to buy one back in '68, but my credit was pretty bad back then and I couldn't get approved for the loan. Wish I could have gotten it, though. I had to settle for a 1965 MGB (but I wound up loving it!).

I have a couple of 1967 Birthday Tickets that I can send you to help you with your quest to get a Ford Mark IV. I'll send one tomorrow. If you don't have the Nissan 2000, I can send that to you, too. Thanks, my friend!


Ok my friend, i'll check your Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) ‘68 after finishing the old race cars quartet. Thanks for your help.
If you're in the '60 cars , i have to recomand you the ISUZU 1600 GTR '69

It's a great car.

Have a god day.
Special request coming:
Long story short I tuned the R390 Roadcar offline and it's fairly good and how I wanted it, but ... if I take it online it's about 5-10 seconds slower on a track like Trial Mountain for example and feels horrible overall, lots of oversteer, too.
I know you have the 390 tuned already, but unfortunately it doesn't really work for me either. So here's my tune, maybe you can help me out:

Installed everything including Rigidy Improvement, maybe that's the first mistake (but offline it handles a lot better with this..), using Stage turbo 1 or 3 or no turbo at all depending on the regulations. (Yes, this is my time attack car ;) )

Aero: Front 35 Back 60 (also depends)
Trans: Max Speed 340km/h
1st: 3.184
2nd: 2.101
3rd: 1.556
4th: 1.196
5th: 0.953
6th: 0.797
Final: 3.429
Shows Max speed in upper right corner of 356km/h

Diff: Initial 10 Acceleration 32 Brake 16

Ride height front -10 rear -10
Rate front 14.5 rear 15.0
Dampers Ext. front 7 rear 7
Dampers Comp. front 7 rear 7
Anti-Roll front 5 rear 5

Camber front 1.7 rear 1.5
Toe front 0.00 rear 0.20

Brakes front 6 rear 5

I intend to use this with all tires better than comfort medium, works pretty well with comfort soft.

So I'd really like you to look into that as I want to understand online tuning more and I also need a decent fast road car for battling online and this is my fav car. 👍
I use DS3 only and my driving is very agressive, if that helps. :sly:

Have a good day!
Last edited:
Special request coming:
Long story short I tuned the R390 Roadcar offline and it's fairly good and how I wanted it, but ... if I take it online it's about 5-10 seconds slower on a track like Trial Mountain for example and feels horrible overall, lots of oversteer, too.
I know you have the 390 tuned already, but unfortunately it doesn't really work for me either. So here's my tune, maybe you can help me out:

Installed everything including Rigidy Improvement, maybe that's the first mistake (but offline it handles a lot better with this..), using Stage turbo 1 or 3 or no turbo at all depending on the regulations. (Yes, this is my time attack car ;) )

Aero: Front 35 Back 60 (also depends)
Trans: Max Speed 340km/h 370 km/h
1st: 3.184 2.748
2nd: 2.101 1.981
3rd: 1.556 1.491
4th: 1.196 1.168
5th: 0.953 0.948
6th: 0.797 0.792
Final: 3.429
Shows Max speed in upper right corner of 356km/h 358

Diff: Initial 10-8 Acceleration 32-20 Brake 16

Ride height front -10 rear -10 -20/-5
Rate front 14.5 rear 15.0
Dampers Ext. front 7 rear 7
Dampers Comp. front 7 rear 7 6/4
Anti-Roll front 5 rear 5 2/3

Camber front 1.7 rear 1.5 1.8/2.0
Toe front 0.00 rear 0.20 -0.04/0.18

Brakes front 6 rear 5

I intend to use this with all tires better than comfort medium, works pretty well with comfort soft.

So I'd really like you to look into that as I want to understand online tuning more and I also need a decent fast road car for battling online and this is my fav car. 👍
I use DS3 only and my driving is very agressive, if that helps. :sly:

Have a good day!

Hi, this are the modifications i would make to your tune to let it more performant. I don't think a car with more than 640 PP is made to be driven with comfort tires , but i've test comfort soft and it's still OK.

Don't have any idea how it drive with DS3..

Have a good night.
praiano have you messed with the Honda NSX Prototype Road Car? Im running a special 600pp tune that is just amazing. Its homemade and its doing sub 6:30's on the ring. Im sure if you give it a go it will be much faster. Seriously this car is probably my favorite right now :)
praiano have you messed with the Honda NSX Prototype Road Car? Im running a special 600pp tune that is just amazing. Its homemade and its doing sub 6:30's on the ring. Im sure if you give it a go it will be much faster. Seriously this car is probably my favorite right now :)

I have the car at 618pp already. Try it and see if it's ok...:)👍 I have the jaguar 220 road that is under 6'30" too at 600PP

Hi, this are the modifications i would make to your tune to let it more performant. I don't think a car with more than 640 PP is made to be driven with comfort tires , but i've test comfort soft and it's still OK.

Don't have any idea how it drive with DS3..

Have a good night.

Thanks a lot praiano! I'll try this tomorrow and report back 👍

As for the comforts, that's usually for time trial only, so car is detuned to something like 345 hp and it works surprisingly well. But online is usually racing tires, so tires shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks again and nice you have the Ford, it's a great car! :)
I wont ask anything about the classic cars seeing that is not what i am here for :P , however i do have something to comment about ....

I have been running you're tunes pretty much non stop , and i love running 500PP . The reason is simple .... You're Lancia Stratos .
It leaves people amazed that that car can be so insanely fast :eek: .

But 550PP is where i love to race to
And after miles and miles of driving you're Mazda RX7 Spirit R tune i wanted something else , not because i was not happy with the mazda ... no way , i am loving the mazda . It is very fast , very stable and well who doesn't love a rotary engine 👍
But because the mazda RX7 might not be a very commen car in the 550PP lobbies i join , i wanted something even more rare .
Something that stood even more out of the hordes of NSX's and BMW M3's ( both of you're tunes for these cars are amazing but i'll comment on that another time :) )
So i decided to take another good and long look at you're list . Now seeing i am trying to get every car you have a tune for in my garage the choise wasn't simple .

So i narrowed the list to as old of a car as possible . And well on top of you're list there was the AC 427 S/C so why not try it :P . So after cleaning the engine and body up and giving it a nice new black paintjob ( alltho i might consider white to stand out even more ) and installing you're tune i set off to the wide world of online GT5 .
I did put on another exhaust and used the engine modifier seeing the stock sound was awfull .

Now the first thing i found out that i have to brake earlier then most cars , not that much but still enough to notice the difference , not sure if this has to do with the age of the car of if there are other rules implemented in GT5 .
However this old girl has some punch when exeting tho leaving pretty much everything behind .
The cornering is what you expect of a drivers car , same as with the Stratos you need to focus , even considering taking a breather can end up in the gravelbox . However the cornering speed might not be as high as for example the NSX or BMW , it doesn't fall behind that much tho . The acceleration on this car is out of this world the gearbox is flawless ( then again all you're gearsettings i have tried so far are right on the spot )

Ofc my results depends a lot from the compitition i have in a lobby seeing i have that much faith in you're tunes that i don't bother testing them offline anymore but jump straight in the deep end and go online with them .

Anyways i won't bother you all to much about my vieuws but this might have people consider trying something else then the useall cars .

So sorry for having so much text , and even tho it might not be a proper review with all kinds of technical stuff and etc ... I just needed to say this :P .

Oh incase the post wasn't clear the AC 427 S/C is maravilhoso ( that should be right if i can trust the Portugese translator of google :P if not translated should be amazing 👍 )
I wont ask anything about the classic cars seeing that is not what i am here for :P , however i do have something to comment about ....

I have been running you're tunes pretty much non stop , and i love running 500PP . The reason is simple .... You're Lancia Stratos .
It leaves people amazed that that car can be so insanely fast :eek: .

But 550PP is where i love to race to
And after miles and miles of driving you're Mazda RX7 Spirit R tune i wanted something else , not because i was not happy with the mazda ... no way , i am loving the mazda . It is very fast , very stable and well who doesn't love a rotary engine 👍
But because the mazda RX7 might not be a very commen car in the 550PP lobbies i join , i wanted something even more rare .
Something that stood even more out of the hordes of NSX's and BMW M3's ( both of you're tunes for these cars are amazing but i'll comment on that another time :) )
So i decided to take another good and long look at you're list . Now seeing i am trying to get every car you have a tune for in my garage the choise wasn't simple .

So i narrowed the list to as old of a car as possible . And well on top of you're list there was the AC 427 S/C so why not try it :P . So after cleaning the engine and body up and giving it a nice new black paintjob ( alltho i might consider white to stand out even more ) and installing you're tune i set off to the wide world of online GT5 .
I did put on another exhaust and used the engine modifier seeing the stock sound was awfull .

Now the first thing i found out that i have to brake earlier then most cars , not that much but still enough to notice the difference , not sure if this has to do with the age of the car of if there are other rules implemented in GT5 .
However this old girl has some punch when exeting tho leaving pretty much everything behind .
The cornering is what you expect of a drivers car , same as with the Stratos you need to focus , even considering taking a breather can end up in the gravelbox . However the cornering speed might not be as high as for example the NSX or BMW , it doesn't fall behind that much tho . The acceleration on this car is out of this world the gearbox is flawless ( then again all you're gearsettings i have tried so far are right on the spot )

Ofc my results depends a lot from the compitition i have in a lobby seeing i have that much faith in you're tunes that i don't bother testing them offline anymore but jump straight in the deep end and go online with them .

Anyways i won't bother you all to much about my vieuws but this might have people consider trying something else then the useall cars .

So sorry for having so much text , and even tho it might not be a proper review with all kinds of technical stuff and etc ... I just needed to say this :P .

Oh incase the post wasn't clear the AC 427 S/C is maravilhoso ( that should be right if i can trust the Portugese translator of google :P if not translated should be amazing 👍 )

Thanks a lot my friend. I feel the same when i go in a room with my 427 the GB or shelby one. Depending of the level, if i can stick to the faster cars on the nordschleife till km 9 then my higher top speed allow me to be still in the same second at km11. After this if i stay max 3 sc back before the straight , i can pass everybody before the end of it. Good sensation, they seems sticked to the road , this is a real good challenge. There is so many different way to race in this game , need to stay always fun. If you are in a room with faster pilot , then you take your faster car and try to do your best. If you''re faster than the other , after 1 or 2 victory, try to look for a more challenging way to race and win if possible.
This will be maravilhoso.:):)👍

><((((°> °°°°°

EDIT: i love the review the way it is. Very good.
Cool thanks, I'll send him the ticket later when I get home for the WEEKEND... :lol:


I'll send the '67 to you Jaywalker. Praiano, I'll send you a random ticket instead. Unless you need a 2D or something else.
Thanks a lot my friend. I feel the same when i go in a room with my 427 the GB or shelby one. Depending of the level, if i can stick to the faster cars on the nordschleife till km 9 then my higher top speed allow me to be still in the same second at km11. After this if i stay max 3 sc back before the straight , i can pass everybody before the end of it. Good sensation, they seems sticked to the road , this is a real good challenge. There is so many different way to race in this game , need to stay always fun. If you are in a room with faster pilot , then you take your faster car and try to do your best. If you''re faster than the other , after 1 or 2 victory, try to look for a more challenging way to race and win if possible.
This will be maravilhoso.:):)👍

><((((°> °°°°°

EDIT: i love the review the way it is. Very good.

I'm glad you like it :) , I do have to ask you one little question tho , I tried the TOM Chaser X540 and took it to SPA , seeing this is a very rare car on the tracks i had to give it a go , but even tho it is very stable and very fast actually i did notice a feeling if there was a little understeer when going full out when exeting on the faster corners . making it go wider then needed to be hence going of the trotthle . But the car feels like it can be pushed even further . Is there anything you can think of that could adjust it a little ? No need for a mayor overhaul ofc , It wouldn't matter if there was more tires wear of if it became a little more twitchy , but i tried a few things but seeing i am clueless i might ask you .

Oh btw i tried you're Shelby Cobra , and even tho it feels a little heavier it runs the exact same times as the A/C 427 for me , again ofc with different exhaust seeing original exhaust is an afwull sound for such a beauty .
I won't make another revieuw about it seeing i wouldn't know what to say that is any different then the AC 427 yet something might pop up in my head .

Still soooooooo many cars to test , why oh why does a day only have 24 hours in it :grumpy: . I need at least 48 hours a day to get everything done , but then again you're Tuning shop is like a X-mas three for me . So many presents you wanna open them all at once :P , I know i might have a lot of qualities but patience is defenatly not one of them :D
I'm glad you like it :) , I do have to ask you one little question tho , I tried the TOM Chaser X540 and took it to SPA , seeing this is a very rare car on the tracks i had to give it a go , but even tho it is very stable and very fast actually i did notice a feeling if there was a little understeer when going full out when exeting on the faster corners . making it go wider then needed to be hence going of the trotthle . But the car feels like it can be pushed even further . Is there anything you can think of that could adjust it a little ? No need for a mayor overhaul ofc , It wouldn't matter if there was more tires wear of if it became a little more twitchy , but i tried a few things but seeing i am clueless i might ask you .

Oh btw i tried you're Shelby Cobra , and even tho it feels a little heavier it runs the exact same times as the A/C 427 for me , again ofc with different exhaust seeing original exhaust is an afwull sound for such a beauty .
I won't make another revieuw about it seeing i wouldn't know what to say that is any different then the AC 427 yet something might pop up in my head .
Still soooooooo many cars to test , why oh why does a day only have 24 hours in it :grumpy: . I need at least 48 hours a day to get everything done , but then again you're Tuning shop is like a X-mas three for me . So many presents you wanna open them all at once :P , I know i might have a lot of qualities but patience is defenatly not one of them :D

Cool , i'll be waiting for this news detailed reviews....:)👍👍

For the chaser ,if for you the car is ok like this ,try to correct this light understeer by a fine tuning of the dampers compression.
Actually it's set at :Compression 8/5. Try 8/6---8/7-- or even 7/7 or 6/7.
Test it gradually in this order till you reach the ideal point for you and what you feel with the car. Must be sufficient, tell me later if yes or not, then i will try another way. But i believe it 'll be ok.

Have a good day.

><((((°> °°°°°°
doing my own little 550pp shootout on spa running you're tunes , 5 hotlaps each . so far it has been intresting so do prepared for a lot of text :) . and a lot of typo's :nervous: . However so far it is fun .
Online lobby
All aids off , abs +1 .
Automatic gears to lvl the shifting
Race soft tires ( seeing these are most commenly used in online lobbies )
Top speed allmost all the same
I see you have the tune for the 70s challenger race mod but do you have a tune for the standard one??

Not yet, next the oldies race cars quartet tunes ,i'll check this great muscle car .:)👍

doing my own little 550pp shootout on spa running you're tunes , 5 hotlaps each . so far it has been intresting so do prepared for a lot of text :) . and a lot of typo's :nervous: . However so far it is fun .
Online lobby
All aids off , abs +1 .
Automatic gears to lvl the shifting
Race soft tires ( seeing these are most commenly used in online lobbies )
Top speed allmost all the same

LFA , 458, RGT,R8-4.2, Lotus esprit 350 sport.... so much cars in this range. Good luck and good drive, you'll have fun for sure. witing for this....very good.

><((((°> °°°°°
Not yet, next the oldies race cars quartet tunes ,i'll check this great muscle car .:)👍

LFA , 458, RGT,R8-4.2, Lotus esprit 350 sport.... so much cars in this range. Good luck and good drive, you'll have fun for sure. witing for this....very good.

><((((°> °°°°°

cant wait for the oldies to come. I have 3 of them and trying for the 4th now. Will be puting your tunes on for sure..
Woohoo, looking forward to the new tunes :)

Ticket received & passed on to P. Thanks. :)

I sent P(Praiano) a ticket and some parts today. Hope it turns out well for him. Enjoy your '67.

Thanks a lot, i receive all the 3 tickets , thanks also to all the friends that race my pilots, now i have enough credits to buy all the parts i want for my tunes.
Great help.:)👍👍

><((((°> °°°°°°
Have you got the alpha race car? Its the only one I dont have, another 2 mill to go. Shouldnt take to long.

Yes i have it since a long time.. Prize car in this Bspec expert race. But i've never publish the tune. The stock is very good and the one i have don't bring much more, only adapt it to my drive.
Historic Racing Car Cup: Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 carrozzata da ZAGATO CN.AR750106 ‘65 (P)
Hello Praiano! thanks for your fantastic jobs and science. I have a question : in your tutorial to setup transmission, I don't understand how exactly to "spread each gear"
Thanks a lot.

I express myself the wrong way. You can't spread "each gear" , every one have his own position on the setting panel. Need to spread all the gears like it's showed on the picture below depending of your 5 / 6 / 7 gearbox.

Hope it'll be ok now. Just do it 3 or 4 times and you will be able to set any gear box in 15 seconds. This is a basic tune but work always fine.

Have a good day

><((((°> °°°°°

Thank you but what I didn't understand is I see many graduations on each gear setup, and it's not evenly distributed. Please help a total newbie:ill:, I don't understand how to use these "scales" on each gear setup.