I'd like to nominate Gtuned for his constant hard work in the GT5 photomode galleries.
I'd like to nominate MazdaPrice, a great member, always helpful and full of good structured opinions and facts. A credit to the Motorsport and Music section.
MogletI've never seen a post by unit-one...yet everyone is nominating him. Am I missing something? O_o
EDIT: Last 100 posts, only 1 of them appears to have been outside of the Ponies thread. That explains it!
I'd like to nominate MazdaPrice, a great member, always helpful and full of good structured opinions and facts. A credit to the Motorsport and Music section.
I too, would very much like to nominate MazdaPrice.
I'll second that nomination.
So yeah, I nominate MazdaPrice.
I third the nomination for him as well. Very smart fellow who always respond with facts, almost like Famine 👍 I probably have a couple more, but most of them have Premiums already![]()
I'd like to nominate him as well for helping me find a cartoon that I've been looking for since I was 7.
VandenalI would like to nominate ilikewaffles11.
A humble member who contributes regularly and is a good, respectful person.
Also, Cowboys965, I mean after all he has to suffer as a fan of the Cowboys, the team with unrealistic expectations.
*Redskins fans know we will fail before the season and accept it, Cowboys fans not so much![]()
I'm surprised it took that long for someone to do it.
I say unit-one.
He's probably the nicest person I've ever met on the Internet in the 10+ years I've been on it, and every time he posts he makes you feel better even if you already felt fine.
MattI'd like to nominate spunwiked, as he's always nice, polite and I think he deserves Premium.
I'll vote Mazdaprice, he's got this one in the bag 👍
W3HSHas nobody put in a vote for White&Nerdy yet? I think that guy is tops.![]()
Just wondering, but would it be better if the nominators gave a reason for their choices? I mean, it's possible that there's 100 randomly placed members for voting.