Premium Membership Giveaway - CLOSED!!!

  • Thread starter Watchman


  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I stated that you should nominate users who have contributed to the forums and deserve to be a Premium member. That incorporates what you are asking for, doesn't it?

In that case, I'd like to nominate Schwartz38 for his continuous contributions to making GTPlanet a great place to be. :)
Has nobody put in a vote for White&Nerdy yet? I think that guy is tops. ;)

You'll have to try harder than that, now he knows we're secretly trying to get him premium so that other premo's can all troll him in another sub-forum because he's right and everyone else is wrong and they can't accept that.

..Right? :dopey:


A long-time member of outstanding caliber and experience.
I'd like to nominate InvincibleM5, he always seems to be a nice guy and makes great contributions to forums. It's a shame no-one else has nominated him yet.
I nominate RetroGiant - a long-standing member, friendly dude, and contributes some fantastic work that relates to the site 👍
Well if he only posts in the brony thread then that makes him a contributing member of A forum, not forums?
I'd like to nominate him as well for helping me find a cartoon that I've been looking for since I was 7.

I third the nomination for him as well. Very smart fellow who always respond with facts, almost like Famine 👍 I probably have a couple more, but most of them have Premiums already :P

I'll second that nomination.

So yeah, I nominate MazdaPrice.

I'd like to nominate MazdaPrice, a great member, always helpful and full of good structured opinions and facts. A credit to the Motorsport and Music section.

Yeah, I'll fifth that :P.

Well if he only posts in the brony thread then that makes him a contributing member of A forum, not forums?

Of just a thread then.

http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/16837001.jpg

:lol: :lol: :lol:!!!
So, in conclusion, I nominate these users:
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http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/16837001.jpg
What is the Axis?

It's probably about time I upgraded to premium, seeing as I use GTP pretty much every day. Year or lifetime though? Tough call.
What is the Axis?

It's probably about time I upgraded to premium, seeing as I use GTP pretty much every day. Year or lifetime though? Tough call.
There was a 3 page discussion in one of the threads in the Infield about it which was pretty funny. Well I nominate you for premo as well.

EDIT: This

It's probably best for it not to be revealed here..;)
What is the Axis?
It's probably best for it not to be revealed here..;)
It's probably about time I upgraded to premium, seeing as I use GTP pretty much every day. Year or lifetime though? Tough call.
I'd say go for it! It's great, and it supports the site. About the length, if you think you'll be here for a long time, then get lifetime. If you think you'll be gone in a few months, get a year.
Well, I've stuck around since September 2010, so I think probably a lifetime is in order - GTP is the greatest forum community I have found on the net, full stop 👍

Payday is in a week, so I only have to wait a week to find out what the Axis is :lol:
What is the Axis?

It's probably about time I upgraded to premium, seeing as I use GTP pretty much every day. Year or lifetime though? Tough call.

I would go for a year. Once you're renewing your Premo for a third time, you'll realize that you've wasted $12. :lol:
It's probably about time I upgraded to premium, seeing as I use GTP pretty much every day. Year or lifetime though? Tough call.

Same. Is there lots of discussion in the Infield? It seems quite lonely here at GTPlanet - nothing really much I can talk/discuss about without annoying people because of my lack of knowledge.
Same. Is there lots of discussion in the Infield? It seems quite lonely here at GTPlanet - nothing really much I can talk/discuss about without annoying people because of my lack of knowledge.

From memory it's much the same as the rest of the site, except the threads start with "The premium .... .... .... .... ... ", and there's less trolling.

There's also the babe thread, which is either to save you time googling for the images, or to demonstrate how much time that you do spend googling for the images....

The best reason to go premium is to say thanks for all the time and effort that goes into (by way of financial contribution)...

Just my opinion of course...
Changed the deadline to three weeks from the time this thread has been posted. You will have one week to cast your votes as soon as I add a poll to this thread. ;)
Well, I must say I'm quite bowled over with the number of endorsements. Ta very much guys.

I'd like to nominate FishyJuice, as well. Always contributes to GTP in a great way. 👍

I will be unselfish and also vote for Fishy. Always a good poster and keeping us very much guessing in the Guess That Car! thread.
Well actually, i think every signle GTP member should be nominated (except spammers and trolls) because with each member signing up, GTP will become bigger.
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