Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
Andrew Johnson is way down there.

A case can be made that Johnson was a victim of Lincoln's fireball of a cabinet. Lincoln liked having his intelligent number 2s and 3s arguing with each other and disagreeing with him - that's often what helped him find the right answers. Johnson had no prayer of mediating them - much more of a yes-man type.

Of course, that's not excuse.
I was not aware Lincoln invaded the wrong country. Did he mean to invade Canada? The North had a valid reason to reunite the union, and whoever says the South was in the right, is seriously nuts.
Slavery and murder is never right.
Neither is chemical warfare on your own citizens.

Bad Bush. Bad!
You're not using that word correctly if you think Foolkiller is only against the concept because Obama is doing it rather than because it is being done.
I didn't say he's a hypocrite. I said hypocrisy in general, as in the same idea was proposed before by the same people now saying it's wrong. That is hypocritical.
Wasn't your original question asking why these socialism complaints weren't made against Clinton? I was pointing out that it was made, not what my opinion of the matter is.

EDIT: I forgot to add this.

As for Romney's healthcare plan, look around this site . When Massachusetts passed their healthcare plan I trashed it. Don't assume you know who I am based on your personal stereotypes.
Where'd you get that from in any of what I said? Never spoke about you in particular or how I know you. I even said I care less about what you do or how you make your money.

These "loopholes" are not loopholes. They are government contracts for goods for things like jet engines or incentives to encourage the market to move along the way the government wants.

Would you prefer GE just receive a check for $600 million dollars from the government and then pay $300 million in taxes so that you can say they paid taxes? Would that make you happy? It's the same in the end, but if you prefer feel good changes we can do that.

I'd rather we stop market manipulation and only purchase the things the government needs to function. Stop trying to make our businesses become green and stop blowing crap up in multiple nations and GE won't be getting more money from government than they receive.
I didn't say they were particularly 'loopholes', just used a term. You call it what you want, I call it what I like ;). And what does my opinion matter to you? Like I said before, you seem to just be trying to refute what I say, what I think. In the end it doesn't matter to you because I don't share your view on every matter. So that's why I said before there's no reason for us to even discuss it. So why keep on about it?

Will it hurt? No. Is it the nature of liberty or freedom or equality? No. Taking more from the successful is unjust. Saying person A needs money/food/whatever and forcing person B to pay more so you can do that is no different than making it legal for person A to steal from person B. This is not just about welfare but all government services.

You want fair tax? Calculate how many government services each person uses and tax them based on that. That would be fair.
Big business is hardly fair. Why does big business get 'small business' breaks? These are the things that need to change. Why should companies who profit billions every quarter be allowed to get away with things like this? I said before that this is my problem. I don't know about you, but talking about fair and seeing things like this makes me cringe.

You don't know me, so I'll say this only once.

I'm not a Republican, not registered, have only voted for one Republican in a general election twice in the last eight years, and I rarely watch 24 hour cable news channels. I worked in media research for seven years and had to watch them as part if my job. They all spin and deceive.
I do my research, not pay attention to news stations. I agree that all news tries to spin, it's for viewership, it's for money.

Odd, you don't care about my experience, but do care about normal people, who you describe as being like me. I said it before. I am far from rich. You would call me almost normal. I make a bit above your ~$30k, but I started my career at $24k. I worked and earned my way up.

If I didn't have money for my daughter's college put in an account with her name, emergency funds set aside to cover my medical expenses, and could add it all to my retirement investments I could be shooting for capital gains in the next five years.

I make the best of my investments while having tons of medical bills. How can Ai do it, but not others?
Question the others. Don't question me. One story doesn't equate to everyone. Not everyone knows how to play the 'tax game'. I don't care about your success story because it's just a story. Anyone and everyone has a story, be it success or not. You as an example can't be labelled for everyone. That's my point.

There is one already. Capital gains is not an income tax. Changing the income tax rate, as Obama wants to do is wanting to do and you just proposed, would not affect anything other than the guys not using "loopholes."

Like mud.

And this is why:

But a progressive tax is redistribution. Taking more from the rich and giving them less services. You redistributed their money.

Same rate tax is not progressive, which you just said you want. :confused:
I said either would be a good idea. Not one over the other.

But I agree on tricks. No more child credits, no more marriage credits, and no more earned income credits.
Some of those credits are good for low income families. But there should be a rewrite in there that you only qualify for these credits if you make below a certain amount. I believe those better off don't need credits after credits when they can afford to be without them. I don't think it's redistribution. I think it's helping society.

Get ready for a big fat lie then.

What you state is exactly wrong. There are FAR MORE loopholes available for someone making 30k per year to reduce their taxes not just to zero, but to negative numbers. Someone making 30k per year gets money back from the government rather than paying taxes... that's about as progressive as it gets. So why are we acting like they're at a tax disadvantage?

Someone like Romney, on the otherhand, pays about 15% of his income in taxes. I don't see any loopholes coming to the rescue, his tax returns are public. Feel free to look it up.

Most years I calculate the break-even point, the rough point where someone's income has gotten high enough that their tax burden should cover their portion of the government budget. Last time I calculated it was near $60k/year (for one person, not for a couple). So if you make less than that, you're not paying your fair share - in many cases you're not paying at all. If you make more than that, you're paying more than your fair share.

First Mitt paid 14.1% in 2011, and it would be even lower but for his not taking full advantage of his charitable deductions.

Another thing, paying no taxes is not entirely true. It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax. Over 60% of those who don't pay income tax are working; they pay payroll tax, which goes to support Social Security (which is still taxed) and Medicare. Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work. In fact, only about 8% of Americans pay neither federal income tax nor payroll tax, because they are unemployed, are students, or are disabled.

I'm done having this discussion. We can go till our fingers fall off, but lets leave it at that. Respond if you'd like. I won't reply but I will read what you have to say. 👍
Keef, give us a Top 10 of the best and worst Presidents, in your opinion.
I don't know who the best 10 would be. Most people don't know who they would be - most people memorized them in 4th grade then never heard of them again. The only good presidents we've had are the ones we've never heard of because they never didn't anything they weren't supposed to. Ron Swanson would make a better president than most of what we've had so far.
Or William Henry Harrison.
Right. And luckily, because he was a Whig and supported economic isolationism and government-funded "modernization".

I've read articles praising Warren Harding on how he handled well the 1920's depression.
This is the third paragraph in his Wiki article:

President Harding rewarded friends and political contributors, referred to as the Ohio Gang, with financially powerful positions. Scandals and corruption, including the notorious Teapot Dome scandal, eventually pervaded his administration; one of his own cabinet and several of his appointees were eventually tried, convicted, and sent to prison for bribery or defrauding the federal government.[5] Harding did however make some notably positive appointments to his cabinet.[
Apparently he was fiscally conservative but the article also says he vouched for black civil rights, which leads me to believe he may have supported discrimination a la current affirmative action laws, but I didn't look for info on his attitude about the subject.
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Big business is hardly fair. Why does big business get 'small business' breaks?


Some of those credits are good for low income families. But there should be a rewrite in there that you only qualify for these credits if you make below a certain amount. I believe those better off don't need credits after credits when they can afford to be without them. I don't think it's redistribution. I think it's helping society.

Poof! Done. You don't qualify for those credits if you make above a certain amount. I just made it so that the IRS does exactly what you asked. It's like I said, rich people don't benefit nearly as much from loopholes as poor people.

First Mitt paid 14.1% in 2011, and it would be even lower but for his not taking full advantage of his charitable deductions.

I just fell out of my chair.

He paid 0.9% lower than I said?!?! Man was I wrong. I can't believe how wrong I was. I am so sorry, so very very sorry for misleading you into believing that Mitt paid 15% when he actually paid 0.9% lower than that. My point is obviously totally off base seeing as how far off I was. You should probably disregard everything I said after that since I was so unbelievably far away from Mitt's actual tax percentage. I hope you stopped reading since my point was obviously as false as my claim that he paid 15%.

Just a quick side note, why are you even counting what he sent to charity as income? Let's say, for a moment, that Mitt gave 100% of his income to charity. GASP!!! HE PAID 0% INCOME TAX. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! CLASS WARFARE!!!!!

So what? As far as I'm concerned he had $0 income. Giving money to charity is a good thing, let's not make it out to be some sort of sneaky way around taxes.

Another thing, paying no taxes is not entirely true. It's true that some Americans don't pay federal income tax. But virtually all Americans pay some form of tax, whether it's sales, payroll, state income, or property tax.

Of course I said this already, so obviously that's not news to me. I'm not talking about the "payroll tax" which is supposed to be you funding your own retirement. That's the government stepping in telling you how much money you should save FOR YOURSELF. That's the idea anyway.

Want to get rid of the payroll tax system (a re-distributive system that disproportionately helps the poor), fine by me. Let's get rid of it.

Another 22% of those who don't pay income tax are the elderly; most of them don't work.

I also, of course, already said this. It changes absolutely nothing about what I wrote.
How dare Obama, Employers shouldnt need to provide healthcare!

Employers should have to provide healthcare about as much as they should have to provide electricity, water, food, gasoline, televisions, shoes, or anything else you can think of.
I'm done having this discussion. We can go till our fingers fall off, but lets leave it at that. Respond if you'd like. I won't reply but I will read what you have to say. 👍
I'll save my fingers then, but have two things I want to address.

One story doesn't equate to everyone. Not everyone knows how to play the 'tax game'. I don't care about your success story because it's just a story. Anyone and everyone has a story, be it success or not. You as an example can't be labelled for everyone. That's my point.
My story matters to me because I was not born with this knowledge, nor did I have some privileged birthright to it. I learned it on my own. I learned how to handle money (with expensive mistakes along the way) and how to live a good life while still having plenty saved away. Truth is, as someone who already qualifies for medical disability I am part of the group Obama wishes to "help." But I don't want help at the cost of others. I want to respect myself and the money I make. And by fighting for success at every step I am crossing the line from those Obama seeks to help to those he wants to take from. I refuse to take the handout, so they are beginning to take it from me to give to others.

What makes me different than everyone else? Self respect and the desire to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of a hard day's work? A refusal to quit? Aside from my personality, I have no advantages over all the others I am supposed to want the government to help by taking from the successful.

My story is important because, short of being completely physically incapacitated, I believe the only thing that can hold you back your entire life is yourself.

And what does my opinion matter to you? Like I said before, you seem to just be trying to refute what I say, what I think. In the end it doesn't matter to you because I don't share your view on every matter. So that's why I said before there's no reason for us to even discuss it. So why keep on about it?
You are in the opinions forum. Is this your first time? This is where we debate and discuss our opinions, challenge each other's points of view, and hope that we might be encouraged to give our own opinions deeper thought.

That you are also in a political-based thread only adds to the amount of debate.

If you didn't want to debate, or defend your opinion you should have read the thread first to see what the nature of the discussion is. And posing your point as a question only invited response.
I was not aware Lincoln invaded the wrong country. Did he mean to invade Canada? The North had a valid reason to reunite the union, and whoever says the South was in the right, is seriously nuts.
Slavery and murder is never right.

Slavery wasn't the main issue, states rights were a bigger issue.
Give me one good, rational argument for unconstitutionally mandating that employers pay for health insurance.

Furthermore, why the hell do you want your employer tied in with your health insurance?

You want them making the choices for what your health insurance covers? You want them telling you that this particular health care provider is the one you have to get? You want to lose your health coverage if you lose your job? You want to have an interruption in health coverage if you leave your job?

How does this make sense to anyone at all? Health insurance is pretty much the last thing that anyone should want tied to their employment. Who comes up with this stuff?

Oh... I know... the government. The reason health care is tied to your employment is because, for inexplicable reasons known only to incompetent congressmen, that's the only way you can get a tax break on it.

Slavery wasn't the main issue, states rights were a bigger issue.

That's what they pretended the issue was. But no state has the right to violate human rights, so it's not really a state rights issue. I mean, you're right, there was a huge argument over state's rights, and that was where the political battle took place, not specifically over slavery, but it was a red herring.
Ugh... who is that??
Ugh? That's Big Boi, half of the famed hip hop/funk/R&B group Outkast, with Andre 3000. I was 4 years old when they started performing in 1992. You wouldn't know them.

He also voted for Gary Johnson. Ugh indeed.

That's what they pretended the issue was. But no state has the right to violate human rights, so it's not really a state rights issue. I mean, you're right, there was a huge argument over state's rights, and that was where the political battle took place, not specifically over slavery, but it was a red herring.
They weren't states of the Union anymore. They seceded and formed their own union. The Union's Federal government had no authority over them anymore.

It's sad that the South wanted slavery, but ending that slavery was just as much the North's business as it is mine to come into your house and stop you beating your wife.
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lol no.

"Ugh" at all of the other people in the video saying "Gary Johnson, who is that?" I liked his response.


That was a total communication fail on my part.
Similarly, Romney gets 60% of the white vote and that's FAUX NEWS CONSERVATIVE RACISTS. Obama carries 93% of the black vote and it's strong racial identity.
lol no.

"Ugh" at all of the other people in the video saying "Gary Johnson, who is that?"

Yeah the "Who is Gary Johnson" line deserves a facepalm for sure.
They weren't states of the Union anymore. They seceded and formed their own union. The Union's Federal government had no authority over them anymore.

It's sad that the South wanted slavery, but ending that slavery was just as much the North's business as it is mine to come into your house and stop you beating your wife.

Yea, that's a good analogy. You're justified in coming into my house to stop me from beating my wife. You can even use force to do so. Why you choose to do so is irrelevant. Just take care to make sure I'm not just defending myself from her.
Yea, that's a good analogy. You're justified in coming into my house to stop me from beating my wife. You can even use force to do so. Why you choose to do so is irrelevant. Just take care to make sure I'm not just defending myself from her.

I was under the impression that Keef believes that the North would not have justification to end slavery in the South.
I was under the impression that Keef believes that the North would not have justification to end slavery in the South.

That, of course, would be incorrect. Anyone is justified in protecting human rights. Even other nations.
I was under the impression that Keef believes that the North would not have justification to end slavery in the South.

Abraham Lincoln himself was not sure he was justified in ending slavery in the South. That is one reason he sought a Constitutional amendment, the 13th.

I'm fond of arguing* that "might makes right" and "the ends justify the means". So the fact Lincoln and the North won the amendment and the war means that, in historical fact, he was ultimately justified.

*Even if I don't quite believe it

Respectfully submitted,