Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
I don't buy that Obama thinks he's truly helping Americans. Why would he be blowing us up with drones, spying on us, and raiding our homes?
He is protecting us in his mind. It isn't a big leap from violating the constitution for the greater good of financial handouts to violating the constitution for the greater good of security. Police have done it forever without considering themselves bad cops and blame the system when the criminal gets away.

Other than the blowing up with drones thing (which I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about)
Obama ordered a drone strike on a 16-year-old US citizen in Syria, because his father was a suspected terrorist. The best the administration has as an excuse is that you shouldn't associate with terrorists if you don't want your son killed. They never addressed the constitutional violations of the act.

Probably because the Republicans present themselves like that. I mean when you have idiotic comments like "legitimate rape" and "evolution is the devil's work" it's hard to present yourself as a reasonable party.
I couldn't believe half the things Republicans spewed to defend their positions. It shows they were playing a party position without actually thinking about it themselves.
I always did wonder why the Republicans rejected Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul. It was quite clear Republican voters were going to vote against Obama, no matter what, so why did it matter so much to them who their nominee was.
I think you mean Gary Johnson, not Jon Huntsman. Huntsman was an idiot. Gary Johnson was the other liberty candidate besides Ron Paul, and he finally ran as the Libertarian.

Basically most Americans can't be bothered to think about anything, and need to be spoon fed soundbites by a handsome man with an attractive wife. They're mentally incapable of handling anything more. The main fault lies with my parents' generation, the baby boomers, because they're the biggest group of people out there voting. They're the ones who could have made an effort 40 years ago but were too busy doing acid and rocking out, man.
Um, yes they did. Or do you forget Hilary designing a healthcare plan that got shot down?
Hilary was never president was she?

That explains the Buffett Law proposal then. And, no they don't if you look at actual payroll income comparisons.
You obviously misread.

Ah, so the members of Obama's jobs committe are the problem.
The worst offenders were Romney donors. Google it

By the way, you know why GE and Boeing pay "no" taxes? In GE's case it is because they create green technology, like CFLs, that need to be made outside of the country because of the toxic chemicals inside them. GE gets tax breaks for doing what the government asks, and moves jobs out of the US to do it. Boeing gets breaks for military contracts. Pay them in cash or in tax incentives. Either way it comes out of your pocket.
What's the point in even saying that? They pay no taxes yet profit billions each quarter. Obviously loopholes like these need to be looked at. Which was my point in the first place.

Rich people pay more on a percentage basis. There is nothing in the tax code that says once you're rich you get to start taking massive deductions. Deductions all phase out with higher income until you're left paying through the nose - ask me how I know.
Proportionately they do pay more taxes, but isn't that the whole idea behind a 'fair tax rate'? They're not hurting anymore paying what they paid 10 years ago. That's the myth along with the 'taxing job creators'. They've had a tax break for over a decade, but where's the job creation from them with their 'less taxes'? :sly:

When people claim that rich people pay less on a percentage basis, it's because they're talking about capital gains. Now, capital gains tax is a flat 15% tax that applies to everyone equally. You do not have to be rich to pay it, and you do not have to be rich to have capital gains.

What does happens is that rich people start making the majority of their income from capital gains. For example, if the CEO of microsoft does a good job, his stocks become worth more. If he sells that stock for a profit, he pays capital gains tax, not income tax.

There is a difference because capital gains is not income, it's the appreciation of post-tax dollars that were invested in a company, that the company was able to use to build infrastructure, and which is returning value on investment. Why it is taxed at all is beyond me.

I think we should eliminate the capital gains tax, this would help make it clear just how much income tax the rich really pay.... way more than you... way more than their secretaries.

(There's more to the story of course. The reason buffet claims he pays less in taxes than his secretary, who probably pays a negative federal income tax rate - ie she makes money off of the IRS - is that he includes social security, medicare, and other sorts of taxes that aren't supposed to be taxes but you funding your own entitlement program. So it's nonsense to include those things.)

There's no reason to even go into a long winded discussion about this. I'm looking forward to seeing how this whole situation over taxes plays out. There's a lot more to the tax code than normal people are able to take advantage of. That's one of the main things I think needs to addressed. Whether they pay 30% or 15%, there's ways around it either way. I'm not pressed about it. I'll manage how I've always managed. But it is an interesting debate to pay attention to.
Hilary was never president was she?
No, she just designed a socialized healthcare plan agenda for Bill's administration. She was helping plan presidential policy.

You obviously misread.
You said the big deal (assuming you meant people supporting Obama's class warfare agenda) was not rich people paying less taxes. If that were the case then the Buffett Rule wouldn't be getting made to try to make rich people pay more taxes.

And then I pointed out that the rich do not pay less taxes.

The worst offenders were Romney donors. Google it
Some of Obama's jobs council were Romney donors.

What's the point in even saying that? They pay no taxes yet profit billions each quarter. Obviously loopholes like these need to be looked at. Which was my point in the first place.
It's not a loophole. It's a contract payment. If you fixed the roof on a store I owned and instead of paying you in money I said I would let you have your Bill's worth of groceries free, is that a loophole or a different form of payment?

Corporations paying no taxes are doing so because they got the tax breaks instead of a monetary payment. Corporations prefer it because the blue of those tax breaks doesn't show up on the books until their final quarter and annual reports. This boosts their stock value because they come in above the predictions.

If people have an issue with corporations paying no taxes they need to ask the government to stop doing business with them or ask the government to only do contracts on a monetary payment method. Then people can feel better because they see GE paying $300 million in taxes after taking $600 million in payment for services.

The other issue is tax incentives to push an agenda, like green technology. For every Energy Star compliant appliance or lightbulb GE makes they get a tax break. Since two of their businesses are appliances and lightbulbs it is better for GE to only make Energy Star compliant products, and make as many as possible without taking a loss.

When corporations don't pay taxes it is because they are doing what the government asked them to do. Often, those are the same initiatives that tax complainers support.

My take, the government should never be in the business of influencing the market.

Proportionately they do pay more taxes, but isn't that the whole idea behind a 'fair tax rate'? They're not hurting anymore paying what they paid 10 years ago. That's the myth along with the 'taxing job creators'. They've had a tax break for over a decade, but where's the job creation from them with their 'less taxes'? :sly:
They can afford, it so why not make them do it? Really? If I'm starving and steal $5 from a billionaire he may never notice, but it is no less theft.

There's a lot more to the tax code than normal people are able to take advantage of. That's one of the main things I think needs to addressed.
First, you gave me credit for Danoff's quote.

Odd, I know how to take advantage of those tax things and I am far from rich. I currently receive two large tax credits, earn 25% of my income tax free, and have profit growth that is 100% untouched by taxes. If I let that untouched growth get large enough to exceed my paycheck I can pay capital gains taxes as well.
I have a few questions I'm not sure about, you only know so much living in Jamaica.

Hasn't the Republican majority in the congress really gotten in the way of Obama's plan by vetoing pretty much anything with Democrat written on it? And if so, wouldn't that have distorted his image significantly?

Also, hasn't the goings-on during the Bush years prior to Obama's period, contributed massively to the economic meltdown that occurred during Obama's last 4 years, and made Obama look like the man who destroyed and continues to destroy the Us economy, when in fact, he's been the only thing holding it together?

One more thing. Romney constantly claimed to be a businessman, and that because he can balance off budgets in a company, he could do it for a country as well. But a company's budget can be balanced off by laying off workers, and outsourcing work, which he did all the time, and which you can't do with a country. So what else could his "businessman" title do other than make him look like his policies were set out to benefit himself in the top 0.01% of America?
I have a few questions I'm not sure about, you only know so much living in Jamaica.

Hasn't the Republican majority in the congress really gotten in the way of Obama's plan by vetoing pretty much anything with Democrat written on it? And if so, wouldn't that have distorted his image significantly?
Yes and no. They still passed the healthcare law. 20 years ago the president often took the brunt of the negatives from congressional action, but with the Internet and 24/7 news we see Congress in our faces all the time. And pundits wishing to spin show just the stuff to blame the other party or make them look incompetent. Truth is, both parties are responsible for all that happens. Republicans control the House, Democrats control the Senate. Nothing happens without the consent of a majority of each party.

Also, hasn't the goings-on during the Bush years prior to Obama's period, contributed massively to the economic meltdown that occurred during Obama's last 4 years, and made Obama look like the man who destroyed and continues to destroy the Us economy, when in fact, he's been the only thing holding it together?
Depending on which goings on you refer to, Obama was a senator and voted for the major debt causing issues. As for the market and job collapse, those happened while Bush was in office, but the truth is they were the result of decades of policies by multiple administrations. It is easy to say the market collapsed under a housing bubble in 2008 and Bush was president, so it must be his fault. But there were people warming us of economic instability for years. Those people were treated like a crazy uncle by both parties.

One more thing. Romney constantly claimed to be a businessman, and that because he can balance off budgets in a company, he could do it for a country as well. But a company's budget can be balanced off by laying off workers, and outsourcing work, which he did all the time, and which you can't do with a country. So what else could his "businessman" title do other than make him look like his policies were set out to benefit himself in the top 0.01% of America?
You can layoff government employees. You can cut programs and allow them to be handled locally or by private groups.

And look at who Obama's advisers are or who executives of the companies they give incentives to are married to. Obama has been helping out himself and his friends as well. Of course, Obama was in the 1% before being president. They were bringing in close to a million dollars a year.

The class warfare crap was fed out by Obama, who pretended like he was not rich. The 1% VS 99% thing was a huge lie to fool the "It's not fair that I'm not rich. I'll protest about not having a job every day for 28 weeks straight instead of looking for a job" crowd.
Proportionately they do pay more taxes, but isn't that the whole idea behind a 'fair tax rate'? They're not hurting anymore paying what they paid 10 years ago. That's the myth along with the 'taxing job creators'. They've had a tax break for over a decade, but where's the job creation from them with their 'less taxes'? :sly:

We had phenomenal employment over that period and widespread wealth. It's not their fault that people took that money and squandered it on bubbles (stock market, then housing) and that the ensuing crash in both markets caused companies to lay off workers.

So yea, the job creation was there. Taxing them now (when they're hurting the most) is not going to create productive jobs... not sure how that's possible.

There's a lot more to the tax code than normal people are able to take advantage of.

Not really...

People like to pretend that this is the case, but it's definitely not true. "Normal" people are the ones who avoid paying taxes through "loopholes". Like the child tax credit loophole, or the mortgage loophole, or the student loan interest loophole, or the earned income tax credit loophole.

Seriously there is nothing in the tax code that favors the rich. If you believe that, you're watching too many movies.
No, she just designed a socialized healthcare plan agenda for Bill's administration. She was helping plan presidential policy.
So she never was president, was she? She didn't push it through did she? So the comparison is moot.
You said the big deal (assuming you meant people supporting Obama's class warfare agenda) was not rich people paying less taxes. If that were the case then the Buffett Rule wouldn't be getting made to try to make rich people pay more taxes.
That's what you did. You assumed I meant Obama supporters. Just like the bolded text, another assumption. I meant the BIG DEAL, as in the money not being taxed that corporations should be paying.

And then I pointed out that the rich do not pay less taxes.
You misread again then. I said they do pay a bigger share of the taxes proportionately.

Some of Obama's jobs council were Romney donors.
Romneys top 6 donors were all Banking companies. The typical hypocritical Romney. Says Government doesn't create jobs, calls for "smaller government" but criticizes Obama for not making jobs or meeting with these CEO's of huge corporations for jobs help. So you fault Obama for not meeting with the same guys trying to buy Romney into the white house? :confused:

It's not a loophole. It's a contract payment. If you fixed the roof on a store I owned and instead of paying you in money I said I would let you have your Bill's worth of groceries free, is that a loophole or a different form of payment?

Corporations paying no taxes are doing so because they got the tax breaks instead of a monetary payment. Corporations prefer it because the blue of those tax breaks doesn't show up on the books until their final quarter and annual reports. This boosts their stock value because they come in above the predictions.

If people have an issue with corporations paying no taxes they need to ask the government to stop doing business with them or ask the government to only do contracts on a monetary payment method. Then people can feel better because they see GE paying $300 million in taxes after taking $600 million in payment for services.

The other issue is tax incentives to push an agenda, like green technology. For every Energy Star compliant appliance or lightbulb GE makes they get a tax break. Since two of their businesses are appliances and lightbulbs it is better for GE to only make Energy Star compliant products, and make as many as possible without taking a loss.

When corporations don't pay taxes it is because they are doing what the government asked them to do. Often, those are the same initiatives that tax complainers support.

My take, the government should never be in the business of influencing the market.
You make this entire statement, but I basically said the same thing without the paragraphs of text to accompany it.

They can afford, it so why not make them do it? Really? If I'm starving and steal $5 from a billionaire he may never notice, but it is no less theft.
So they deserve more of a break because it's stealing by raising taxes? In reality it's not 'raising taxes', it's going back to a level they were already at under prosperity. That argument makes no sense.

First, you gave me credit for Danoff's quote.
Yep, sorry bout that.

Odd, I know how to take advantage of those tax things and I am far from rich. I currently receive two large tax credits, earn 25% of my income tax free, and have profit growth that is 100% untouched by taxes. If I let that untouched growth get large enough to exceed my paycheck I can pay capital gains taxes as well.
I personally don't care what you do to make money. Or what you do to reap benefits in your tax return. My argument isn't about people getting what is legal out of tax returns. If you don't understand what I'm getting at, we have no reason to go back and forth! 👍
So she never was president, was she? She didn't push it through did she? So the comparison is moot.
She designed a healthcare plan as part of the administration. Her husband, as president, tried to push it forward and had it shot down among complaints of a socialist agenda. Obama never hand wrote any of his own policies either. They were all written by members of the administration as policy for the president to push. The difference between then and now is none, other than Clinton had policy written by his wife because she had done policy work in her career before. You are trying to say I am wrong by arguing semantics. In the end both presidents were accused of a socialist agenda.

That's what you did. You assumed I meant Obama supporters. Just like the bolded text, another assumption. I meant the BIG DEAL, as in the money not being taxed that corporations should be paying.

You misread again then. I said they do pay a bigger share of the taxes proportionately.

Romneys top 6 donors were all Banking companies. The typical hypocritical Romney. Says Government doesn't create jobs, calls for "smaller government" but criticizes Obama for not making jobs or meeting with these CEO's of huge corporations for jobs help. So you fault Obama for not meeting with the same guys trying to buy Romney into the white house? :confused:

You make this entire statement, but I basically said the same thing without the paragraphs of text to accompany it.
Since I just don't understand you then perhaps you need to re-explain. Is your whole point that the rich are paying enough? If so why talk about what they paid under Clinton? Do you think the corporations have just reasons for not paying taxes? What would you rather see? You said the problem is corporations pay no taxes and maybe get huge refunds. I explained why and you are telling me that is what you said. If you understand the why, then why complain the way you did? If you, like me, dislike market influencing agendas why not say that is the problem and save us all translating your words. I get plenty of that from my wife.

So they deserve more of a break because it's stealing by raising taxes? In reality it's not 'raising taxes', it's going back to a level they were already at under prosperity. That argument makes no sense.
Redistribution and any kind of wage-adjusted tax percentage is theft. Taking from one and giving to another at gunpoint.

I personally don't care what you do to make money. Or what you do to reap benefits in your tax return. My argument isn't about people getting what is legal out of tax returns.
You argued the rich can only take advantage of certain things. I used personal experience to refute your point. Of course you don't care to hear it.

If you don't understand what I'm getting at, we have no reason to go back and forth!
I'm not the only one disagreeing with your statements for the same reasons. Perhaps your point isn't clear?
My argument isn't about people getting what is legal out of tax returns.

...but you see, we ARE talking about what to make the LAW in the future. You can see how we might be confused that what people do LEGALLY is what is relevant because what they do ILLEGALLY isn't going to be influenced by LAW is it?

(Cliffs Notes: Raising taxes isn't going to help prevent people from cheating on their taxes)
Watched the financial news this morning, and they were talking about the "cliff".

If I understood it correctly, when nothing has been reached by the government by the 31st of December, all hell will break loose in the financial world of the USA?
I doubt the government won't reach a deal by that date. Obama is going to show more stonewalling now, since he doesn't have to worry about a third term. Republicans seem like they are in a little disarray, and Democrats seem really smug right now.
Watched the financial news this morning, and they were talking about the "cliff".

If I understood it correctly, when nothing has been reached by the government by the 31st of December, all hell will break loose in the financial world of the USA?


When the "cliff" occurs, all hell with break loose for politicians. Both sides made some concessions that hurt them dearly in the name of coming to the previous deal. The democrats enabled significant spending cuts that they consider extremely painful. The republicans enabled tax hikes that they consider extremely painful. If nothing happens, both parties will hurt.

...but the American people just might be better off with the cliff than any agreement they come to.
She designed a healthcare plan as part of the administration. Her husband, as president, tried to push it forward and had it shot down among complaints of a socialist agenda. Obama never hand wrote any of his own policies either. They were all written by members of the administration as policy for the president to push. The difference between then and now is none, other than Clinton had policy written by his wife because she had done policy work in her career before. You are trying to say I am wrong by arguing semantics. In the end both presidents were accused of a socialist agenda.
Accused is the main word. You think it's socialist, others don't. Don't turn an accusation into a fact. The point of saying Hillary wrote a healthcare plan is moot. It didn't get passed. Obama's did. Funny the same ones who blast Obama's plan say nothing about Romney's plan. The individual mandate is the main talking point, but go back in time and it was a Republican idea. Now it's 'socialist'? Hypocrisy again.

Since I just don't understand you then perhaps you need to re-explain. Is your whole point that the rich are paying enough? If so why talk about what they paid under Clinton? Do you think the corporations have just reasons for not paying taxes? What would you rather see? You said the problem is corporations pay no taxes and maybe get huge refunds. I explained why and you are telling me that is what you said. If you understand the why, then why complain the way you did? If you, like me, dislike market influencing agendas why not say that is the problem and save us all translating your words. I get plenty of that from my wife.
If you read my comments, you'd understand my point. But you must have skimmed over them instead of reading the whole thing. I have no reason to translate my words. They're in English. What's hard to understand? If "I understand the why"... I get the whole argument. But it's not an argument! I agree that the companies and corporations are allowed these 'credits' or 'loopholes' or whatever you want to call them. It's written in the tax code. The Clinton tax rate talk is just a starting point of where to have well off people. I don't know what you want to argue. Seems like you're just trying to pick on my view. If you don't think people who're millionaires should pay a slightly higher rate than it is now, that's great. I don't think it'll hurt them going back to the levels of the late 90s.

Redistribution and any kind of wage-adjusted tax percentage is theft. Taking from one and giving to another at gunpoint.
Same arguments we always hear. You gotta stop paying attention to Fox news and those stupid attack ads... they originated from this statement from Obama
“I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level, to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities.”
bolded part is what they play, but taking the comment out of context. So tell me when has Obama proposed taking from the rich to give to the poor?

You argued the rich can only take advantage of certain things. I used personal experience to refute your point. Of course you don't care to hear it.
You're one person, not the masses. Why should I care to hear what your experience is? Normal (as in people who make ~30K a year) can NOT take advantage of all the tax loopholes that someone like Romney can. To say otherwise is a lie. You spoke of some of it yourself- capital gains tax. A rate of 15%, but what family making that type of money has the time to make most of their money from investments? And why is it at the lowest level since the great depression? I think the answer is a progressive tax for the income range.

I'm not the only one disagreeing with your statements for the same reasons. Perhaps your point isn't clear?

I hope my point is clearer now. I don't believe in redistribution. I also don't believe in tricks that are out there now where you have people, any type of people, able to get a super low tax rate, or tax breaks for certain ways of making their income. Perhaps all income should be taxed at a reasonable rate if not the same rate.
Accused is the main word. You think it's socialist, others don't. Don't turn an accusation into a fact. The point of saying Hillary wrote a healthcare plan is moot. It didn't get passed. Obama's did. Funny the same ones who blast Obama's plan say nothing about Romney's plan. The individual mandate is the main talking point, but go back in time and it was a Republican idea. Now it's 'socialist'? Hypocrisy again.

You're not using that word correctly if you think Foolkiller is only against the concept because Obama is doing it rather than because it is being done.
Accused is the main word. You think it's socialist, others don't. Don't turn an accusation into a fact. The point of saying Hillary wrote a healthcare plan is moot. It didn't get passed. Obama's did. Funny the same ones who blast Obama's plan say nothing about Romney's plan. The individual mandate is the main talking point, but go back in time and it was a Republican idea. Now it's 'socialist'? Hypocrisy again.
Wasn't your original question asking why these socialism complaints weren't made against Clinton? I was pointing out that it was made, not what my opinion of the matter is.

EDIT: I forgot to add this.

As for Romney's healthcare plan, look around this site . When Massachusetts passed their healthcare plan I trashed it. Don't assume you know who I am based on your personal stereotypes.

If you read my comments, you'd understand my point. But you must have skimmed over them instead of reading the whole thing. I have no reason to translate my words. They're in English. What's hard to understand? If "I understand the why"... I get the whole argument. But it's not an argument! I agree that the companies and corporations are allowed these 'credits' or 'loopholes' or whatever you want to call them. It's written in the tax code.
These "loopholes" are not loopholes. They are government contracts for goods for things like jet engines or incentives to encourage the market to move along the way the government wants.

Would you prefer GE just receive a check for $600 million dollars from the government and then pay $300 million in taxes so that you can say they paid taxes? Would that make you happy? It's the same in the end, but if you prefer feel good changes we can do that.

I'd rather we stop market manipulation and only purchase the things the government needs to function. Stop trying to make our businesses become green and stop blowing crap up in multiple nations and GE won't be getting more money from government than they receive.

The Clinton tax rate talk is just a starting point of where to have well off people. I don't know what you want to argue. Seems like you're just trying to pick on my view. If you don't think people who're millionaires should pay a slightly higher rate than it is now, that's great. I don't think it'll hurt them going back to the levels of the late 90s.
Will it hurt? No. Is it the nature of liberty or freedom or equality? No. Taking more from the successful is unjust. Saying person A needs money/food/whatever and forcing person B to pay more so you can do that is no different than making it legal for person A to steal from person B. This is not just about welfare but all government services.

You want fair tax? Calculate how many government services each person uses and tax them based on that. That would be fair.

Same arguments we always hear. You gotta stop paying attention to Fox news and those stupid attack ads... they originated from this statement from Obama
bolded part is what they play, but taking the comment out of context. So tell me when has Obama proposed taking from the rich to give to the poor?
You don't know me, so I'll say this only once.

I'm not a Republican, not registered, have only voted for one Republican in a general election twice in the last eight years, and I rarely watch 24 hour cable news channels. I worked in media research for seven years and had to watch them as part if my job. They all spin and deceive.

You're one person, not the masses. Why should I care to hear what your experience is? Normal (as in people who make ~30K a year) can NOT take advantage of all the tax loopholes that someone like Romney can.
Odd, you don't care about my experience, but do care about normal people, who you describe as being like me. I said it before. I am far from rich. You would call me almost normal. I make a bit above your ~$30k, but I started my career at $24k. I worked and earned my way up.

To say otherwise is a lie.
If I didn't have money for my daughter's college put in an account with her name, emergency funds set aside to cover my medical expenses, and could add it all to my retirement investments I could be shooting for capital gains in the next five years.

You spoke of some of it yourself- capital gains tax. A rate of 15%, but what family making that type of money has the time to make most of their money from investments? And why is it at the lowest level since the great depression?
I make the best of my investments while having tons of medical bills. How can Ai do it, but not others?

I think the answer is a progressive tax for the income range.
There is one already. Capital gains is not an income tax. Changing the income tax rate, as Obama wants to do is wanting to do and you just proposed, would not affect anything other than the guys not using "loopholes."

I hope my point is clearer now.
Like mud.

And this is why:
I don't believe in redistribution.
But a progressive tax is redistribution. Taking more from the rich and giving them less services. You redistributed their money.

I also don't believe in tricks that are out there now where you have people, any type of people, able to get a super low tax rate, or tax breaks for certain ways of making their income. Perhaps all income should be taxed at a reasonable rate if not the same rate.
Same rate tax is not progressive, which you just said you want. :confused:

But I agree on tricks. No more child credits, no more marriage credits, and no more earned incom credits.
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Normal (as in people who make ~30K a year) can NOT take advantage of all the tax loopholes that someone like Romney can. To say otherwise is a lie.

Get ready for a big fat lie then.

What you state is exactly wrong. There are FAR MORE loopholes available for someone making 30k per year to reduce their taxes not just to zero, but to negative numbers. Someone making 30k per year gets money back from the government rather than paying taxes... that's about as progressive as it gets. So why are we acting like they're at a tax disadvantage?

Someone like Romney, on the otherhand, pays about 15% of his income in taxes. I don't see any loopholes coming to the rescue, his tax returns are public. Feel free to look it up.

Most years I calculate the break-even point, the rough point where someone's income has gotten high enough that their tax burden should cover their portion of the government budget. Last time I calculated it was near $60k/year (for one person, not for a couple). So if you make less than that, you're not paying your fair share - in many cases you're not paying at all. If you make more than that, you're paying more than your fair share.
More symbolic perhaps mixed in with stupidity.

You think the world will recognize these secessionist states?

That said, the Ghost of Abraham Lincoln would defeat it again anyway.
Either this is trolling level: Murrica, or it's a major case of butthurt.

Then again, if the three guardians of the rules that keep the federation together (Congress, President, Supreme Court) keep continually showing their contempt for those rules by habitually breaking them and supporting each other in doing so, why shouldn't members of the federation want to stop being part of it?
I recall that something similar was said in the 1760s.

If the federal government keeps breaking the rules that say what the federal government can do, what redress is available?
Then again, if the three guardians of the rules that keep the federation together (Congress, President, Supreme Court) keep continually showing their contempt for those rules by habitually breaking them and supporting each other in doing so, why shouldn't members of the federation want to stop being part of it?

No, I'm with you, I was just being mildly facetious.
Apparently only about 1/3 of the population supported revolting around the time of the Revolution. Another 1/3 was against it, and the rest didn't really care either way. The most passionate 1/3 won because they knew it was right and had to be done.

I just hope enough people will see the light when the time comes. What time that is and what it will bring I have no idea, but one thing is for sure and that is time moves on and things will change for better or worse.

The main thing we can do is choose liberty- and Constitution-leaning representation in Congress, but of course everybody seems to think the President is the king of government and nobody cares about the other elections. They simply choose whoever will give them what they want (usually free stuff or more guns) and that results in a bunch of idiots populating the houses.