Accused is the main word. You think it's socialist, others don't. Don't turn an accusation into a fact. The point of saying Hillary wrote a healthcare plan is moot. It didn't get passed. Obama's did. Funny the same ones who blast Obama's plan say nothing about Romney's plan. The individual mandate is the main talking point, but go back in time and it was a Republican idea. Now it's 'socialist'? Hypocrisy again.
Wasn't your original question asking why these socialism complaints weren't made against Clinton? I was pointing out that it was made, not what my opinion of the matter is.
EDIT: I forgot to add this.
As for Romney's healthcare plan, look around this site . When Massachusetts passed their healthcare plan I trashed it. Don't assume you know who I am based on your personal stereotypes.
If you read my comments, you'd understand my point. But you must have skimmed over them instead of reading the whole thing. I have no reason to translate my words. They're in English. What's hard to understand? If "I understand the why"... I get the whole argument. But it's not an argument! I agree that the companies and corporations are allowed these 'credits' or 'loopholes' or whatever you want to call them. It's written in the tax code.
These "loopholes" are not loopholes. They are government contracts for goods for things like jet engines or incentives to encourage the market to move along the way the government wants.
Would you prefer GE just receive a check for $600 million dollars from the government and then pay $300 million in taxes so that you can say they paid taxes? Would that make you happy? It's the same in the end, but if you prefer feel good changes we can do that.
I'd rather we stop market manipulation and only purchase the things the government needs to function. Stop trying to make our businesses become green and stop blowing crap up in multiple nations and GE won't be getting more money from government than they receive.
The Clinton tax rate talk is just a starting point of where to have well off people. I don't know what you want to argue. Seems like you're just trying to pick on my view. If you don't think people who're millionaires should pay a slightly higher rate than it is now, that's great. I don't think it'll hurt them going back to the levels of the late 90s.
Will it hurt? No. Is it the nature of liberty or freedom or equality? No. Taking more from the successful is unjust. Saying person A needs money/food/whatever and forcing person B to pay more so you can do that is no different than making it legal for person A to steal from person B. This is not just about welfare but all government services.
You want fair tax? Calculate how many government services each person uses and tax them based on that. That would be fair.
Same arguments we always hear. You gotta stop paying attention to Fox news and those stupid attack ads... they originated from this statement from Obama
bolded part is what they play, but taking the comment out of context. So tell me when has Obama proposed taking from the rich to give to the poor?
You don't know me, so I'll say this only once.
I'm not a Republican, not registered, have only voted for one Republican in a general election twice in the last eight years, and I rarely watch 24 hour cable news channels. I worked in media research for seven years and had to watch them as part if my job. They all spin and deceive.
You're one person, not the masses. Why should I care to hear what your experience is? Normal (as in people who make ~30K a year) can NOT take advantage of all the tax loopholes that someone like Romney can.
Odd, you don't care about my experience, but do care about normal people, who you describe as being like me. I said it before. I am far from rich. You would call me almost normal. I make a bit above your ~$30k, but I started my career at $24k. I worked and earned my way up.
To say otherwise is a lie.
If I didn't have money for my daughter's college put in an account with her name, emergency funds set aside to cover my medical expenses, and could add it all to my retirement investments I could be shooting for capital gains in the next five years.
You spoke of some of it yourself- capital gains tax. A rate of 15%, but what family making that type of money has the time to make most of their money from investments? And why is it at the lowest level since the great depression?
I make the best of my investments while having tons of medical bills. How can Ai do it, but not others?
I think the answer is a progressive tax for the income range.
There is one already. Capital gains is not an income tax. Changing the income tax rate, as Obama wants to do is wanting to do and you just proposed, would not affect anything other than the guys not using "loopholes."
I hope my point is clearer now.
Like mud.
And this is why:
I don't believe in redistribution.
But a progressive tax is redistribution. Taking more from the rich and giving them less services. You redistributed their money.
I also don't believe in tricks that are out there now where you have people, any type of people, able to get a super low tax rate, or tax breaks for certain ways of making their income. Perhaps all income should be taxed at a reasonable rate if not the same rate.
Same rate tax is not progressive, which you just said you want.
But I agree on tricks. No more child credits, no more marriage credits, and no more earned incom credits.