Well that's your problem, listening to the BIGGEST Obama campaign wing in the mainstream media.
I'd rather be watching BBC, but the Hospital cable sucks.
I was in the same boat. I prefer the BBC by far since they actually talk about a world outside of America and the Middle East, but as you've said hospital cable sucks.
2008 had unusually high turnout numbers. Your 2 million likely were back to not caring again. The 8+ million for Obama that didn't show either realized nothing changed, made war their priority and didn't get what they wanted, refuse to vote for anyone using Super PACs, saw no difference between the two now and stayed home, or went back to being lazy.What I would like to know is, where were the 8,685,913 voters that voted for Obama in 2008 that didn't vote for him in 2012? I would also like to know where the other 2 million people were that didn't vote at all? That's a total of 10,744,516 less voters this year.
Regardless, the outcome of this election will result in these headlines:
1/20/17 Obama leaves office, US has 20 trillion in debt.
I'm cashing in everything, paying the penalties now before they rise, and buying gold.
Add 15% unemployment and at least 2 trillion to that deficit number and it's a very accurate picture of what is to come. And the funniest thing about it is, it's the very people who line up to vote for Obama with their blinders on who are going to be hardest hit. And I for one, can't wait to watch them choke on their hope and change crap. They deserve what they ARE going to get.
To be honest, not being in a swing, it takes an effort of will to vote when I know my vote will have zero impact.
I was commenting on folks in Miami-Dade taking 45 minutes as they obviously just rushed in to vote for Obama, and not understanding the local amendments.
Add 15% unemployment and at least 2 trillion to that deficit number and it's a very accurate picture of what is to come. And the funniest thing about it is, it's the very people who line up to vote for Obama with their blinders on who are going to be hardest hit. And I for one, can't wait to watch them choke on their hope and change crap. They deserve what they ARE going to get.
I also want you to keep in mind, that ultimately, above all else, we are Americans, that is something that has been forgotten lately.
You realize we would probably still be way in debt under Romney because either way we are going to war and wars aren't cheap.
Wars keep a lot of Americans in jobs. Both through support roles and development.You realize we would probably still be way in debt under Romney because either way we are going to war and wars aren't cheap.
DennischThe US should let Israel take this one.
Then it will cost them a metric crapton.
Keeping in mind that I had the day off and going to vote meant taking time out of playing with my daughter and playing video games to cast a vote that ultimately wasn't represented by the electoral system.Took me all of 30 minutes to vote for Gary Johnson.
At the cost of taxpayers.War is the most profitable enterprise in the world.
While the rest of the country had to have scrap metal drives and sacrifice goods. My grandmother has plastic toy cars from WWII because metal wasn't available. The inventor of TV went bankrupt because WWII resulted in the freezing of broadcast licenses until after his patent expired and GE/RCA was able to claim credit.WW1 yielded an estimated 16,000,000,000 in profit.
So does processing taxes. That doesn't mean it's good for the rest of the economy to constantly increase it. Those jobs are paid for by taking from the paychecks of everyone else (or by mounting debt, as is the case).Wars keep a lot of Americans in jobs. Both through support roles and development.
👍The US should let Israel take this one.
What I would like to know is, where were the 8,685,913 voters that voted for Obama in 2008 that didn't vote for him in 2012? I would also like to know where the other 2 million people were that didn't vote at all? That's a total of 10,744,516 less voters this year.
Are we being set up to get sucked in again?
When were we "suckered" last time? Iraq? The reason that was stated for us going into Iraq was correct. The justification stated was incorrect (I was pissed at the time too), but we were still justified. So what difference does it make?