Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis

As per Foolkiller, there is very little difference between the parties except which special interest groups and industries they prefer to give tax breaks and handouts to.

I am constantly amazed that the Republicans tried to pin the auto bailouts on Obama, when:

1. They worked to tide the carmakers over until they worked again. (I don't think it was right, though)


2. It was proposed under GWB, and both McCain and Obama supported it.

And this entire mess may have happened under GWB, but as Danoff mentioned the "bubble", that "bubble" was fostered by Presidents both Republican and Democrat, before him. It just happened to burst under Dubya.(Not that anything he did helped any...)

Well that's your problem, listening to the BIGGEST Obama campaign wing in the mainstream media.

Funny. I spent all morning yesterday listening to dire predictions about the Financial Cliff and how Obama's plans will contribute to that, as well as a sober analysis on the tricks the Obama campaign played on voters, basically scaring them into thinking Romney was going to take away jobs and linking Romney's name to the bad economy, even though he had nothing to do with it.

Also interviews with Pakistanis angry with Obama over drone strikes.

All on CNN.

I'd rather be watching BBC, but the Hospital cable sucks.

I'd rather be watching BBC, but the Hospital cable sucks.

:lol: I was in the same boat. I prefer the BBC by far since they actually talk about a world outside of America and the Middle East, but as you've said hospital cable sucks.
:lol: I was in the same boat. I prefer the BBC by far since they actually talk about a world outside of America and the Middle East, but as you've said hospital cable sucks.

I just watched The Daily Show. It was live so I figured if the result was in they would have it. Then I went to bed and browsed through the 1000+ articles in my Google Reader this morning.

I used to have to watch TV news for a living. My professional opinion is they are all spewing BS.
The sad thing is you have to keep current with the news, so the news desk will try to have what is "hot" or "newsworthy", so even if the network tries to be unbiased, they will be passing on sound bites from biased organizations who do have an agenda... simply because they don't have the time or inclination to verify the story and have to post it when it's hot.
Utterly retarded, I've lost a bit of faith in my countrymen for re-electing Obama.

My small band of cold callers did all we could here in Jacksonville. And, it seems Florida still cannot get it together with the voting process. Last check this morning, they still didn't know. I'm also hearing reports out of Miami-Dade that the ballots were 10 pages long, taking up to 45 minutes to vote. Really?
Ballots were 10 pages because we had to vote on 12 amendments. If you did your homework like you were supposed to, it only took about 5 minutes to vote.

People are stupid if they took 45 minutes to read the entire ballot before voting. The sample ballot showed exactly what language changed in our constitution, but that wasn't even included on the actual ballot. Instead, it was just a paragraph or two of explanation. Amendments 4 and 5 had whole essays of explanation because they were the most complicated and stupid. I'm glad they didn't pass-- I voted against them. Basically, all the good ones were only a few sentences.
We only had one amendment on the ballot: A state constitutional amendment making hunting, within local conservation and population control regulations, a guaranteed right. It passed with 85% of the vote. Some believed it was an NRA thing, but I get their email newsletter and they didn't mention it until about two weeks before the election. It was presented by a Democrat from a rural area with a large hunter demographic. He even said that it was a move to protect the rights of his constituents from animal rights groups coming in and changing laws, or changing national laws, that would not pass a ballot initiative in Kentucky, the way that tobacco and coal had been done.

Basically, the guy wanted to guarantee his reelection until he chooses to retire.
We had three ballot initiatives in Colorado. One you've all heard about - legalizing pot for personal-use, which will spark a debate over state vs. federal jurisdiction over drug regulations.

The other two were a campaign finance amendment that basically hinders free speech - that got passed, and an amendment that gives veterans massive benefits for obtaining jobs in statement government - also got passed. I voted no on both of those.
What I would like to know is, where were the 8,685,913 voters that voted for Obama in 2008 that didn't vote for him in 2012? I would also like to know where the other 2 million people were that didn't vote at all? That's a total of 10,744,516 less voters this year.
I indeed did my homework, and voted in under 10 minutes. My wait was less than 30 minutes, and our station seemed extremely efficient.
I was commenting on folks in Miami-Dade taking 45 minutes as they obviously just rushed in to vote for Obama, and not understanding the local amendments.

Regardless, the outcome of this election will result in these headlines:

1/20/17 Obama leaves office, US has 20 trillion in debt.

I'm cashing in everything, paying the penalties now before they rise, and buying gold.
What I would like to know is, where were the 8,685,913 voters that voted for Obama in 2008 that didn't vote for him in 2012? I would also like to know where the other 2 million people were that didn't vote at all? That's a total of 10,744,516 less voters this year.
2008 had unusually high turnout numbers. Your 2 million likely were back to not caring again. The 8+ million for Obama that didn't show either realized nothing changed, made war their priority and didn't get what they wanted, refuse to vote for anyone using Super PACs, saw no difference between the two now and stayed home, or went back to being lazy.

To be honest, not being in a swing, it takes an effort of will to vote when I know my vote will have zero impact.
Regardless, the outcome of this election will result in these headlines:

1/20/17 Obama leaves office, US has 20 trillion in debt.

I'm cashing in everything, paying the penalties now before they rise, and buying gold.

Add 15% unemployment and at least 2 trillion to that deficit number and it's a very accurate picture of what is to come. And the funniest thing about it is, it's the very people who line up to vote for Obama with their blinders on who are going to be hardest hit. And I for one, can't wait to watch them choke on their hope and change crap. They deserve what they ARE going to get.
Add 15% unemployment and at least 2 trillion to that deficit number and it's a very accurate picture of what is to come. And the funniest thing about it is, it's the very people who line up to vote for Obama with their blinders on who are going to be hardest hit. And I for one, can't wait to watch them choke on their hope and change crap. They deserve what they ARE going to get.

You realize we would probably still be way in debt under Romney because either way we are going to war and wars aren't cheap.
I like how everyone knows what's in store for the future, but can't remember the past.

To be honest, not being in a swing, it takes an effort of will to vote when I know my vote will have zero impact.

Took me all of 30 minutes to vote for Gary Johnson.

I was commenting on folks in Miami-Dade taking 45 minutes as they obviously just rushed in to vote for Obama, and not understanding the local amendments.

I understood that voting NO on all of them was a splendid idea. Some of that stuff does not belong in any state's constitution...
Add 15% unemployment and at least 2 trillion to that deficit number and it's a very accurate picture of what is to come. And the funniest thing about it is, it's the very people who line up to vote for Obama with their blinders on who are going to be hardest hit. And I for one, can't wait to watch them choke on their hope and change crap. They deserve what they ARE going to get.

Attitudes like this are what is going to be the death of America, until we can put all the petty bull 🤬 behind us and work together things will not work, no matter who the puppet president is at the time.

I also want you to keep in mind, that ultimately, above all else, we are Americans, that is something that has been forgotten lately.
I also want you to keep in mind, that ultimately, above all else, we are Americans, that is something that has been forgotten lately.


Otherwise you should rename the United States to the Divided States of America.
You realize we would probably still be way in debt under Romney because either way we are going to war and wars aren't cheap.

War is the most profitable enterprise in the world.

"War is a racket, it always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars, and the losses in lives."

Smedley D. Butler
"War is a Racket"

WW1 yielded an estimated 16,000,000,000 in profit.

If you research the topic, it goes on and on. You are correct, wars aren't cheap, we the people pay the highest price and reap little reward. I won't force my opinion on anyone, have a look and decide yourself.

Some I believe, some I don't as I'm no conspiracy theorist.
You realize we would probably still be way in debt under Romney because either way we are going to war and wars aren't cheap.
Wars keep a lot of Americans in jobs. Both through support roles and development.

Same can be said of the UK and most the westernised nations.
War is only profitable if you actually seize resources. If you don't (as is the case for all modern wars including Iraq), it's just a net cost. Sometimes it's necessary in the name of international diplomacy - profit, for example, could be measured in a different country honoring a treaty because you went to war with another country over a treaty violation - but that's not what any of us are talking about.

The US has lost a crapton of money on all recent wars, and we will lose a lot if we go to war with Iran (though not nearly as much as Iraq because we won't try to occupy, change regimes, or any of the expensive peacekeeping stuff we've been doing in Iraq).
Took me all of 30 minutes to vote for Gary Johnson.
Keeping in mind that I had the day off and going to vote meant taking time out of playing with my daughter and playing video games to cast a vote that ultimately wasn't represented by the electoral system.

Knowing that growing the visibility of the Libertarian Party is important is the only reason I had for going.

Add in that I don't even get to vote in the primaries here and it feels like my vote really doesn't matter to this state.

War is the most profitable enterprise in the world.
At the cost of taxpayers.

WW1 yielded an estimated 16,000,000,000 in profit.
While the rest of the country had to have scrap metal drives and sacrifice goods. My grandmother has plastic toy cars from WWII because metal wasn't available. The inventor of TV went bankrupt because WWII resulted in the freezing of broadcast licenses until after his patent expired and GE/RCA was able to claim credit.

Saying war is good for the economy is worse than saying a broken window is. It is like saying a burned house is good for your budget.

Wars keep a lot of Americans in jobs. Both through support roles and development.
So does processing taxes. That doesn't mean it's good for the rest of the economy to constantly increase it. Those jobs are paid for by taking from the paychecks of everyone else (or by mounting debt, as is the case).

The US should let Israel take this one.
What I would like to know is, where were the 8,685,913 voters that voted for Obama in 2008 that didn't vote for him in 2012? I would also like to know where the other 2 million people were that didn't vote at all? That's a total of 10,744,516 less voters this year.

Probably busy looking for work.

No one is implying war is good, but it is very profitable for those specifically in charge of our central bank, or Federal Reserve after 1913... Same thing. We see little or no return as citizens, unless you work for Brown and Root, Halliburton, etc.

The contracts pay vast sums of money, right down to the truck driver.

I spent 18 months in Kuwait (US ARMY) from '97 to '98. I was an E-2 private making $1137 a month.
New hires working for B&R were there with us servicing our Howitzers, etc. They're starting salaries were $10K a month, insane. Our own four star generals barely make that.

Netanyahu has no faith in Obama, rightly so I feel.
I'm concerned we're about to see Israel make a serious move on Iran in the near future. He has said they'll go it alone, and so be it.

Also, the news tonight is reporting on Oct. 30, an Iranian fighter jet fired at (and missed)
one of our drones patrolling offshore.
Propaganda or truth? Are we being set up to get sucked in again?
Are we being set up to get sucked in again?

When were we "suckered" last time? Iraq? The reason that was stated for us going into Iraq was correct. The justification stated was incorrect (I was pissed at the time too), but we were still justified. So what difference does it make?
When were we "suckered" last time? Iraq? The reason that was stated for us going into Iraq was correct. The justification stated was incorrect (I was pissed at the time too), but we were still justified. So what difference does it make?

Perhaps we'll let that go, and leave it for a more suitable forum. I would rough up too many feathers around here, no need for that yeah?

Back on topic, has anyone heard if Florida is reporting yet. I know it's irrelevant, I'd like to know which way the state went.