DAM i was writing a whole long thing and i lost it
Excuse me for expressing my point of view. You may think of me whatever you like. I am not suggesting that every white person seeks to subvert all other ethnic groups, and I should have been more clear. What i meant was that what other explanation can there be for the resistance that was met by feminists and civil rights workers as they fought for equality and their rights. The people in power grew afraid of loosing this power so they resisted what these groups wanted and clearly deserved. Who were these people in power? WHITE MALES.
Now to recreate my original response.
Yes it is.
"it" is white pride
There is nothing wrong with being glad you are white, just like there is nothing wrong with being glad you are black or chinese. I am glad that i have a diverse ethnic background. I am glad I am caucasian. I am glad my parents birthed me...
There is a difference between proud to be white as you claim you wrote and white pride as i believe you wrote.
Who has a problem with saying what race you are? Who cares is people rip on America?
Oh ok sorry my mistake.
I already told you what it is. But you read me wrong. The ? serves a a break and seperates two difference thoughts. What is the purpose of white pride was the beginning of a new thought.
I gues you didnt understand what i was saying. Why do you need this ethnical pride. Is being a white male (assuming here) not enough. Is being yourself and accepting who you are not enough. Why does being white and celebrating this fact with others comfort you?
Again i guess i should have been more clear. A similar previous discussion jaded me. Anyways I understand that ever group has hardliners and also has those that are open minded. White groups like any other. However, there are many white people sho exclude minorities from there culture and even prevent them from being equals in society. This includes groups like the KKK but also business people and such. You cannot deny that this exists within our society. If it didnt civil rights wouldnt be an issue. What i said before was an extreme to make my point. I apoligize for generalizing it to include all caucasians that was wrong of me and not something i meant to do.
The above statement is explained above in a fast manner. You see the opposite happening everyday? what exclusion or minorities seeking to dominate white people? If you see minority groups trying to dominate white people you are doing nothing but reinforcing my statement that those in power are afraid of loosing that power. I mean sure we will loose some power, but with increased equality dont you think our society will benefit?
The burden i was talking about is the "white man's burden" that you were talking about earlier. I was trying to point out that can you even imagine the burdens carried by less fortunate people? Lets not start talking about illegal immigrants or our health care system. But those same burdens plus more are carried by minorities in your area. I am sure. But can you imagine living with the burden of extreme poverty (yes people of all races are poor but hte poor are a minority group in my eyes). Or how about always getting payed less as a computer engineer becuase you are indian and not white... Or how about blatantly being ignored by a man who you are the boss of in some corporate office, just because you are a woman. Before you start complaining about your burdens consider those of others...
Ok that is an interesting point of view, although close minding, focusing upon a single extreme, and not adressing what you know I was talking about.
Ok if you do not feel that way I apoligize, but people like that do exist. I have heard many a white male talk about it at Santa Clara University (not where i go but i go there enough). Racist tensions do exist and people have verbalized this fear this uncomfortable feeling and they want to disband teh multi cultural center becuase they feel uncomfortable inside the multicultural center becuase it is so different than the rest of campus.