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qoute: It’s harder for us to get into college.

How is it harder. Minorities get a little check and get a boost in admitions. How many of these minorities take away a spot for us white people? Trust me there are plently of schools (and i am not talking about prestigious ones) that are predominately white, and in my opinion the culture of these schools is sad...

qoute: It’s harder for us to get a job (don’t think it isn’t).

Yeah its harder for us to get a job. But if you are qualified you will be payed so much more than a female or minority engineer. The only reason its harder for us to get a job is becuase the industry believes that we are more expensive...

qoute: It’s harder for us to get respect from others in general.


qoute:It’s harder for us to get scholarships.

What? You know there are Irish scholarships, Academic scholarships... bla bla...

qoute:(imagine two people (one black, one white) with exactly the same qualifications and tell me its not true)

qoute:We are assumed to have extra money.

Well that would only be true for middle class families of any ethnic group. Would it not.

qoute:We have no support group.

Do we need one. And if you want a support group there are alot out there open to all people. So who cares.

qoute:We have no “community”

I do, if you dont that is no ones fault but your own.

qoute:We have no parades and no legislation that favors us over any other race or gender.

Again do we need any legislation (who the hell wants parades man if you can think of something to parade about i suggest you take it up with your city/town to create the parade).

qoute:We are the world’s image of nerd.

What... how about that asian kid on American Idol or all the other asian american nerds/dorks/geeks. What about erkle or however you spell his name.

qoute:We are the world’s image of rich and heartless. Well Some of us are. The richest men in the world (except for some royalty) are white male business men.

qoute:We are constantly represented badly on TV (of course, we’re usually the hero in the shows and movies too). Watch any commercial, though, with a random couple who is supposed to buy product X. It’s always the girl who is smarter. If it’s a guy, he’s there for comic relief. If it’s a white guy, he’s there to look either retarded or nerdy.

What the... What does this have to do with anything. Are you blind. More over who cares.

qoute: Being a white male is the toughest demographic in my mind. Women are promoted over you because it looks good for the company (I can think of examples I’ve run in to). If a university major (like engineering) is full of white guys, women are much more heavily recruited and encouraged to join. Women are also rewarded with admiration and respect, even adoration because they were able to do what so many white men could do. In the engineering school I went to there was a Hispanic student group, an African American student group, an Asian student group, and a Female student group… no white male group to be found. It would have been scandalous if they had tried to start one.

Again these companies pay the white male more than any other group...

qoute:So far, every job I have applied for had a little check box on the application for African American, or Hispanic or whatever. They would have loved to put me down as black to boost their percentages. They start to get antsy when there are too many white guys around, not enough diversity - better not hire any more qualified white guys.

That is life deal with it. I dont agree with this racial stuff, but if we didnt have it what do you think would happen?

qoute: It would have been so much easier for me to get in to college if I had been anything but white. My sister was just turned down from a college she wanted to go to more than anything. If she had been black, I guarantee she would have gotten in (I looked up the enrollment statistics). The recent supreme court ruling has caused schools to start diving even further into blatantly racist affirmative action policies.

I thought that it was over... affirmative action that is... Atleast where i come from people go places based on their merit. Wouldnt it make more sense for us to help out the poor than for us to help our minorities. This is actually something we agree upon. I do not think that legislation like affirmative action is right. However, this legislation is in place and to some extent it is ok... I mean it helps people out good... However these individuals should not take precedence over more qualified ones that is just wrong... But then there is how you define qualification... Bla Bla who cares.

qoute: My wife attends a school where she has noticed that there are an unusually large number of black and Hispanic people. More than should be there if it were a random sample of the population. She has also noticed that they perform particularly badly at their classes and are exclusive as a group. Think they got there on their merits? Ever think about the white people who were better qualified that got excluded in favor of those people because of their skin color? Is this the solution to racism?

I was an A/B student in hs and i had relatively high SAT scores. I got into a diverse college. I dont know how everyone does especially by race. That schools sounds messed up becuase the diversity is so out of wack and she knows what everyone else is getting.

qoute: I was friends with a black guy in my engineering class. He was a lot of fun, and I respected him even more because he was black and doing engineering. RIGHT THERE I was guilty of racism. I should not have given him an ounce more respect because of the fact that he was black, but there it was. Society has conditioned me to believe that black people have more difficulty doing well in life and so I’m more proud of them when they succeed than I would be for the same guy if he had my skin color. SAD! It puts black people in a bad light (to assume they’ll do badly) and it puts white people in a bad light (to assume they’re advantaged and don’t have to work hard to succeed). Lose lose situation.

I do not assume that balck people will do bad. I am saying that our society is one where black people may not feel comfortable in all situations that most white people would feel comfortable in. This is becuase when they look around what do they see... Its sad but i think its a fact in cases where there is an underlying sense of tensions based on race. Admit it it exists. If you want I will go into more detail later...

qoute: Take the same guy starting from the same place in life and I guarantee that he’ll go farther if he’s black (assuming he doesn’t get brainwashed by the black community into doing nothing).

WHAT?!? How is this any more logical than assuming a black person will do worse from the getgo?

qoute: Think about your own perception of people. I have so much more respect for Colin Powell and Dr. Rice than I should… but I do… because they’re black. It’s so racist and I have succumb to it. I can’t think of a single prominent white politician that I have more respect for. How random that the two at the top of my list are black…

I could care less about either of those people. I have respect for people who accomplish something with their life. And i have a lot of respect for people who come from nothing in a legitimate manner. It doesnt matter if you are black, brown, asian, or white.

qoute: This is the kind of damage that is done by affirmative action. This is the kind of damage that you do when you say things like “white people have it easy”, “minorities are poor”, “think about people who are disadvantaged (meaning, not white)” It’s all racist and it’s all hurtful to every group you might be talking about.

I agree, affirmative action is not promoting equality at the moment. But maybe the people who made the legislation were right. Maybe by helping break the chain of ghettos and stuff equality will be improved later... I dont know I am an engineer not an expert on american history and sociology...

qoute: When you say “think about people who are disadvantaged” and you imply “because they are not white” you tell the world that white people don’t have to work as hard (be racist against white people) and that black people have to work harder (pity them and assume that they’ll do badly). It doesn’t work out for either group.

I think i said something about the poor counting as a minority group... so yeah...

qoute: The white man’s burden is to play the part of the modern day slave holder to people who make slaves of themselves. The white man’s burden is to play the part of the controlling obsessive husband to women who are controlling and obsessive (watch Everybody Loves Raymond for one episode and you’ll know what I mean… good show by the way). The white man’s burden is to work harder to get in to college and get a job and be assumed to have gotten because he has the right skin color and a penis. The white man’s burden is to be the only group singled out by society to be discriminated against.

Why is it that throughout history "the white man" has always had a "burden."

Everybody has stuff in their life they dont like. The reason why you may feel this way is becuase it was easier before for white males to get jobs. As things head in relatively the "right" direction for our society as a whole things will become harder but it shouldnt be harder thant he lives of anyone else. I guess something along that line is what all that crappy legislation was passed to do. And they are still trying to find that balance. Its that balance that is good. Anything else leads to discontent for some group. And the process to that state is going to lead to discontentment among white males. So that is our burden. We are making a huge sacrifice. Wow. I know that I will live my life not caring about any of this. I am not oging to blame me not getting a good job on this dam burden. I believe that you get what you deserve, and that If I didnt deserve it, it was for some reason that I had full control over. Deal with it, its time that there was some sort of equality in the "most freaking diverse country on the planet."

qoute: Edit: Admit it, you thought it would be ok to make a racist statement against caucasians because everyone else discriminates against us and nobody complains.

Everyone discriminates against us. We discriminate as well. Hell isnt that the way this dam world works? I stated what i believe and I will stand by what i said. I do not always write/say exactly what i mean, and often the words come out in a way that is unclear (example is the it thing before).

I do not disrespect you because of what you believe. Its what you hold as the truth. Both sides can whine, but i guess the essence of everything i said was that i think our society needs some real equality. Sure white males will give up a bit of that power that they have become used to, but IMHO its the right thing to be done. Then we wont need any minority favoring legislation because people will all have similar chances and stuff. Again i am not saying that such legislation is good. Infact there is probably a much better way to arrive at this same point, but it seems that this kinda regulation is the only thing our government could come up with... oh well... BTW I think everybody love's raymond is a great show, that and the king of queens. I can identify at times... But i think it has more to do about family and marriage than anything else man...
How is it harder. Minorities get a little check and get a boost in admitions. How many of these minorities take away a spot for us white people? Trust me there are plently of schools (and i am not talking about prestigious ones) that are predominately white, and in my opinion the culture of these schools is sad...

Every single minority that gets in to college for any reason other than pure merit takes away a spot from someone more qualified.

Yeah its harder for us to get a job. But if you are qualified you will be payed so much more than a female or minority engineer. The only reason its harder for us to get a job is becuase the industry believes that we are more expensive...

You can’t prove this so don’t bother making the argument.

We have to work harder to get respect. A white male with the same accomplishments as a black woman is not as well respected because she is assumed to have come from a “disadvantaged” background.

What? You know there are Irish scholarships, Academic scholarships... bla bla...

Academic scholarships are color blind. Minorities have access to all of the scholarships white men have access to plus their own specific ones that exclude us.

Well that would only be true for middle class families of any ethnic group. Would it not.

Basketball, water polo… you’re not making any sense.

Do we need one. And if you want a support group there are alot out there open to all people. So who cares.

It’s just something that we don’t get and everyone else does.

I do, if you dont that is no ones fault but your own.

You either have delusions or you didn’t understand what I meant by the word community.

Again do we need any legislation (who the hell wants parades man if you can think of something to parade about i suggest you take it up with your city/town to create the parade).

Nope, but that doesn’t stop other people that don’t need it from getting it.

What... how about that asian kid on American Idol or all the other asian american nerds/dorks/geeks. What about erkle or however you spell his name.

Sure, counter examples. You didn’t get what I was talking about. White men own the nerd image. We are the stereotype.
Well Some of us are. The richest men in the world (except for some royalty) are white male business men.

I didn’t say it wasn’t based in fact.

What the... What does this have to do with anything. Are you blind. More over who cares.

It’s not all that important. Just a subtle point.

Again these companies pay the white male more than any other group...

Again, don’t bother making the point because you can’t prove it. Is that on average? Total? Total makes sense to me, we’re still the largest group in the work force (no that doesn’t mean its easier for us to get in). Average makes some sense to me too and I can still argue that we’re currently (as of like 5-10 years ago) discriminated against. I didn’t say this has been going on for a long time or that there aren’t remnants of the past still pushing the statistics.

That is life deal with it. I dont agree with this racial stuff, but if we didnt have it what do you think would happen?

Maybe people wouldn’t be racist?

I mean it helps people out good

It hurts more deserving people.

she knows what everyone else is getting.

It’s not hard to figure out.

This is becuase when they look around what do they see...

They see the fruits of their society.

WHAT?!? How is this any more logical than assuming a black person will do worse from the getgo?

Because there are not programs in place to hold the black person back. There are for the white person.

I could care less about either of those people. I have respect for people who accomplish something with their life.

These two sentences contradict each other.

I dont know I am an engineer not an expert on american history and sociology...

Ok then, defer to my logic if you won’t think for yourself.

I believe that you get what you deserve, and that If I didnt deserve it, it was for some reason that I had full control over.

Not if you’re discriminated against based on your skin color.

Both sides can whine,

And both sides can approach the argument logically and rationally.

But i think it has more to do about family and marriage than anything else man...

I don’t have to tell you that it’s also a reflection of society.

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