Problemas al tunear las marchas.

  • Thread starter arras1964
Hola a todos.
A veces me ocurre un problema al tunear las marchas. Me explico. Pongo "Initial Final" como se indica en la ficha, luego pongo "Initial speed" también y al modificar cada una de las marchas no puedo poner el valor que indica la ficha porque es mayor de lo que me permite el juego. ¿Que estoy haciendo mal?

Hello everyone.
Sometimes I think of a problem tuning gears. Let me explain. Put "Initial Final" as indicated in the list, then put "Initial speed" and also to modify any of the gears I can not put the value that indicates the record because it is bigger than the game allows me. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Hola a todos.
A veces me ocurre un problema al tunear las marchas. Me explico. Pongo "Initial Final" como se indica en la ficha, luego pongo "Initial speed" también y al modificar cada una de las marchas no puedo poner el valor que indica la ficha porque es mayor de lo que me permite el juego. ¿Que estoy haciendo mal?

Hello everyone.
Sometimes I think of a problem tuning gears. Let me explain. Put "Initial Final" as indicated in the list, then put "Initial speed" and also to modify any of the gears I can not put the value that indicates the record because it is bigger than the game allows me. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
You have to do transmission last, install all power and weight settings first, select factory trans then reinstall custom trans and you should get different numbers. This will allow you to set properly.
Good luck.