Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
A very minor bug, but irritating nonetheless - I've had this since early days of the game: when I have been playing multi-class custom races (which I do a lot), the next time I switch on the game I am in a McLaren 720S and it has been added to my multi-class selection! I never use that car - every time I have to select the car that I was racing with then go into multi-class and delete Road A.

As I say - a small bug, but irritating that the game isn't capable of remembering what car and class I have been racing. NB it doesn't happen if 4 classes have been used - it just adds the McLaren 720S and Road A if I have been racing multi-class with 2 classes.
A very minor bug, but irritating nonetheless - I've had this since early days of the game: when I have been playing multi-class custom races (which I do a lot), the next time I switch on the game I am in a McLaren 720S and it has been added to my multi-class selection! I never use that car - every time I have to select the car that I was racing with then go into multi-class and delete Road A.

As I say - a small bug, but irritating that the game isn't capable of remembering what car and class I have been racing. NB it doesn't happen if 4 classes have been used - it just adds the McLaren 720S and Road A if I have been racing multi-class with 2 classes.
Sometimes I turn my game on and that car is selected for me and I haven't even been doing multi-class races. Just seems like a very random bug.
Might be interesting to see a timestamped post about the unofficial Project Cars 1 confirmed bugs that never got fixed in PC2.

That's a pretty decent indication of what we will face in PC3, PC4, PC5...
I have a feeling there will not be a PC3.
I have a feeling there will not be a PC3.
I hope their is but someone else makes it. The amount of bugs was ridiculous. It was brought out way too early and still cant run properly on many consoles, they really have alienated alot of their players.
Based on how passionately the people who don't like PC2 complain, of course. :)

Hopefully if there is one, they'll put a little bit more importance on preventing bugs and some quality-of-life improvements. But then again, we only have their history to go by.
Based on how passionately the people who don't like PC2 complain, of course. :)

Hopefully if there is one, they'll put a little bit more importance on preventing bugs and some quality-of-life improvements. But then again, we only have their history to go by.
Yeah they said that last time... Lol
And there are bugs in it that were there in the first game, so I won't hold my breath. A lick more polish all round would be most welcome and certainly a custom championship mode would go down a treat
There will of course be a PC3. And a PC4. From this and SMS's forum, it is easy to see and read that there is no shortage of people that will forgive (and forget) any degree of ineptness from the devs.

If there weren't, PC1's bugfest would have killed the game already. As long as there's money to be made off of people hoping against hope, SMS will continue to make a pretty decent PC game and fob it off in a bad port to lowly console players to subsidize the PC players.
Besides the gtr thing ( no offense to the car ofcourse ) I couldn't agree more with you Chikane.

In my opinion it's still a very good game, and the best racing game available and there are possibilities for everyone to enjoy it the way they like it. Can it be improved, absolutely, but with the amount of options and combinations available I can enjoy myself for years.
@simsimsheree Guess what i really enjoy playing pcars 2 and i rather drive my gtr then go on a forum and 🤬 about every little problem that doesn't effect the overall enjoyment of the game.

Apparently, though, you'd rather go on a forum and demonstrate your contentment with the buglist and 🤬 at someone that isn't than drive the one car you seem to be happy with. So, apparently, finding time is not as big an issue as you'd like to make it... :rolleyes:
Apparently, though, you'd rather go on a forum and demonstrate your contentment with the buglist and 🤬 at someone that isn't than drive the one car you seem to be happy with. So, apparently, finding time is not as big an issue as you'd like to make it... :rolleyes:
There will of course be a PC3. And a PC4. From this and SMS's forum, it is easy to see and read that there is no shortage of people that will forgive (and forget) any degree of ineptness from the devs.

If there weren't, PC1's bugfest would have killed the game already. As long as there's money to be made off of people hoping against hope, SMS will continue to make a pretty decent PC game and fob it off in a bad port to lowly console players to subsidize the PC players.

Apparently, though, you'd rather go on a forum and demonstrate your contentment with the buglist and 🤬 at someone that isn't than drive the one car you seem to be happy with. So, apparently, finding time is not as big an issue as you'd like to make it... :rolleyes:

Dude seriously, can't you see why people dislike your posts? It's not because you critisize the game.
For me personally there are 2 main factors.

1) the way you dramatise every little issue as if it's gamr breaking.
2) the fact that you're often playing the subtle blame game on us users who are currently ok with the game by saying we will 'forgive (and forget) any degree of ineptness from the devs.' As if we're a bunch of dumb ****s who should listen to you and follow your lead.

We are not content with the buglist, but we have this ability one calls relativation. The bugs that are currently present, while some are very annoying when they do occur, are all but gamebreaking.

Somehow after all these months I'm starting to wonder if you're just a troll and I'm feeding you. You're preaching to the choir on this site so I really do not longer know what you'te trying to accomplish with these post on this forum.
SMS is not here so I can only think of 2 reasons why you act this way. Number 1 being you're a troll. Number 2 you're trying to find likeminded people to try and be as bad of a marketing issue as you can ever be. I don't think point 2 will succeed if that's your plan.
I'm just here telling the truth. The bugs exist. The bad online console design exists. The poor console player base exists.

New players to the game deserve more than whitewashed opinions from a player base that has basically given up on SMS improving the game. I don't post here to have people 'like' the posts. I'm too old to be of the generation that bases their self-worth on how many people they can get to agree with them!

The strangest thing is, I love the game. I feel it is the base for an altogether awesome future game. But because I do love the game, I am determined that its faults don't get ignored and not discussed for fear of upsetting the snowflake developers. They have abandoned even their own forum, so don't think criticism makes any difference...
Neither criticism nor moral support really matters anymore. They need an economic miracle now, the game did NOT sell well enough to earn heavy post launch support like new features and *enough* bug fixes in key areas

That is a shame.

I thoroughly enjoy the game and hope I can continue to do so for a long time to come. Hopefully when (if) they release a Game of the year edition it will sell well enough to bring in some more cash. It would be a shame imo if we don't get a PC3, but instead get a controller biased, arcade style game which would probably sell better, but would not appeal to a mature wheel user like me.
Neither criticism nor moral support really matters anymore. They need an economic miracle now, the game did NOT sell well enough to earn heavy post launch support like new features and *enough* bug fixes in key areas

To me that is kind of the wrong way around, if you release a game that needs less bug fixes you will sell better. I can understand new features are dependent up on the economic result of the release. This attitude also is one of the reasons why customers don't buy games immediately but wait to see in which state a game is released and which support it gets.

I don't like to say it but GT Sport does this a lot better, and yes I know they have way more resources, but they had a clear plan for the release state of their game and the updates and patches they release
If PC3 realese some day, SMS will think twice before launch the game like they did with PC2, I love the game, everyday I play it, but let be honest, the game was a ****ing piece of **** the first 3 months, that caused to me that I will never again buy a SMS game until I know that the game is fine with bugs, but the main problem is that many players quited PC2 and sayed that never again they will buy a SMS game, the news about the serious bugs was announced throughout all the internet and many people didn't buy the game, some others buyed the game but after months until the price go lower, that caused less profit to SMS, and then, they realesed a demo of the game to try to attract audience to demostraed the current state of the game with a majority of bugs already fixed, the demo was more money spended...

To all of you that is thinking about buying PC2, do it, the game is beautiful now days, if the game had been launched in the current state it would have sold much more than it did.
Keep telling yourself this.

How about quoting me when I don't tell the truth? The bugs and flaws I have talked about exist. Cannot be denied. Happen to almost everybody (some don't go online, I guess!). Console design seriously hampers the game (bad lobby design, tiny replay limits caused by too small a cloud save size, no local save).

I guess you are a fan of Giuliani? 'Truth isn't truth!'
How about quoting me when I don't tell the truth? The bugs and flaws I have talked about exist. Cannot be denied. Happen to almost everybody (some don't go online, I guess!). Console design seriously hampers the game (bad lobby design, tiny replay limits caused by too small a cloud save size, no local save).

I guess you are a fan of Giuliani? 'Truth isn't truth!'
Just to inform you, he's an admin. Might want to treat him with a little more respect than you do the rest of us. Just a suggestion. Feel free to not take that advice if you don't want to.