Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
I race with default setup mostly, so every car behavior change is noticeable. Sometimes I have issue, when car feels completely different, than usual, but also I noticed what rejoining room fixes this problem. I thing sometimes game is loading different track conditions for different players.

Yesterday's gear problem was first to me. I used Corvete GTE on Road America. There are examples: first corner I did on 3 gear, but after pits I needed 4, second corner wasn't a problem - it could been done on 2 gear hight revs or 3 low revs, main problem was uphill after 3 corner - before pits 3 gear was ok there, after pits (with 75 l aditional fuel) I hit limiter and needed 4 gear, right hanger after pits could be done only on 4 gear (before pits 4 gear I used before exit of hanger), before pits on the back straight I switched to 6 gear about T2 mark, but after pits I needed switch to 6 before fast right "corner". So these gear ratios changes were very strange.
End of session crash again. If it doesn't crash instantly (50% of the time) you can get back to the pits unaffected if you're quick on the options button. I also noticed this time that players remain in the lobby but disappear from the timing screen. Hopefully a bit more evidence for fixing this.
Apparently I can run +1 hour with the Sauber C9 Group C with turbo boost set to 100% and 75% open radiator.
I did this 1 hour test race online on Nurburgring GP, date set to the 21st of July, with 33°Celsius air temp and 41° on the tarmac, with Full damage and Mechanical failures set to yes. It doesn't make sense to me how it can endure 1 full hour on 100% boost with no problems (6% engine damage at the end)
AFAIK maximum turbo IRL was used only for a few laps in qualifying, but in game this Sauber seems to cope with it for a straight hour just fine. This is a problem because it renders all of the NA alternatives such as the Jaguar XJR-9 useless.
Am I doing something wrong with the lobby settings?
So I was getting into the Indy spirit the other day by running modern Indy cars around the Indy oval, and I happened to notice the fuel mixture setting on the ICM. I played around with it and quickly noticed it seems to limit the max throttle available rather than directly reducing the horsepower, which I thought was an interesting way to do it.

I then wondered how much fuel savings I could get, so I compared the amount of fuel used over one lap at full rich versus lean. To my surprise, the fuel usage was exactly the same! It even seemed maybe .1 better at full rich (not accurate enough to tell - I simply looked at the fuel amount as I crossed the start/finish line). This must be a bug, right? I can't imagine there would no savings over a 2.5 mile lap.
So I was getting into the Indy spirit the other day by running modern Indy cars around the Indy oval, and I happened to notice the fuel mixture setting on the ICM. I played around with it and quickly noticed it seems to limit the max throttle available rather than directly reducing the horsepower, which I thought was an interesting way to do it.

I then wondered how much fuel savings I could get, so I compared the amount of fuel used over one lap at full rich versus lean. To my surprise, the fuel usage was exactly the same! It even seemed maybe .1 better at full rich (not accurate enough to tell - I simply looked at the fuel amount as I crossed the start/finish line). This must be a bug, right? I can't imagine there would no savings over a 2.5 mile lap.

It's a known bug. Unfortunately it doesn't work for many cars. As you described, it does influence the power output but it doesn't reduce consumption.
What is this about?! Not even half worn tyres, if I roll along it causes by wheel to go mental and makes the gears buzz. But if I accelerate even a bit or brake it's fine. What is it trying to tell me?

Last I knew the soft tyres were changed to allow them to wear down to the bottom on the HUD indicator and progressively lose grip. This is like the carcass issue that would happen on 50% worn tyres on patch 2 or something, but this would first start to happen at top speeds, then get progressivel worse with little affect on grip.

Clearly audable:-
And other.

What the hell happened here? I was cruising along minding my own business then suddenly I'm dumped back the the PC2 title screen. It loads me straight back into the lobby which has different cars and people readying up. No kicked messages. No disconnect messages.

Apparently I can run +1 hour with the Sauber C9 Group C with turbo boost set to 100% and 75% open radiator.
I did this 1 hour test race online on Nurburgring GP, date set to the 21st of July, with 33°Celsius air temp and 41° on the tarmac, with Full damage and Mechanical failures set to yes. It doesn't make sense to me how it can endure 1 full hour on 100% boost with no problems (6% engine damage at the end)
AFAIK maximum turbo IRL was used only for a few laps in qualifying, but in game this Sauber seems to cope with it for a straight hour just fine. This is a problem because it renders all of the NA alternatives such as the Jaguar XJR-9 useless.
Am I doing something wrong with the lobby settings?
Sorry for the bump but I'd like to know about this since no one there even a feature for turbo failure like there was in ProjectCARS 1? Thanks in advance
Is there a time limit or file size limit for replays on PS4? I did a one-hour race last Friday and was able to save only the first 30 minutes. :indiff:
What is a "Default" tune when racing with default setup? Not "Loose" not "Stable" but "Default"?
Mostly I race with default setups and since last patch I haven't had any race without problems - game randomly loading different setups even if room was set to default setup. Last example: I entered practice room yesterday (room was set to default) and my setup was "Default", leaved pits and car (Lotus 49) felt awful - FFB almost gone, seamed I was driving on cold tires in winter. After some laps I pushed "return to pits" and my setup changed to "Loose" by itself. Got 60 l of fuel instead of 7,2 l of course but when I leaved pits car was fine - grip and FFB were as usual.
Later I joined race lobby, qually started and I had "Loose" setup loaded (room was set to default again) - car and FFB were fine, but when race started car has no grip and no FFB again and I was "boating" all 30 min. race. We don't use "Ready" function and race starts automatically after qually so I couldn't check what setup was loaded, but I guess it was "Default" as a car felt the same as it was in practice room with this setup.

So, what this "Default" setup means and is there any way to solve this different setups loading problem (is there a way to have "Loose" setup all time without returning to pits or manualy loading Loose setup, because these things adding full tank of fuel and I can't do that in the race anyway)?
Since Patch 5, the way the game treats no tune rooms has changed. Used to be, you got what the host had (but didn't know what he used) out of Stable or Loose (and sometimes OEM for road cars). Now you go to a no tune room, you can still use the Load Setup button, and the stock Loose and Stable tunes are available to be picked.

I think the 'Default' tune is a bit of a leftover from when the game first came out. Not all cars have one, but all have a Loose and a Stable, now.

Bottom line, ALWAYS load a tune before you go out. Don't rely on the tune you last used still being the same. Don't rely on a custom tune from the last time you used the car. Load the tune again!
Sim Napalm, me race in a no tune room, only adjust brake balance. So we only have these two settings too play, will it put more fuel in the car?
Since Patch 5, the way the game treats no tune rooms has changed. Used to be, you got what the host had (but didn't know what he used) out of Stable or Loose (and sometimes OEM for road cars). Now you go to a no tune room, you can still use the Load Setup button, and the stock Loose and Stable tunes are available to be picked.

I think the 'Default' tune is a bit of a leftover from when the game first came out. Not all cars have one, but all have a Loose and a Stable, now.

Bottom line, ALWAYS load a tune before you go out. Don't rely on the tune you last used still being the same. Don't rely on a custom tune from the last time you used the car. Load the tune again!

I don't think setup depend on room owner setup, because in the same room setup changes randomly (example in my previous post).
Yes, I can manually load Loose setup in practice and qually, but can't do this in race if room setup is without "Ready" function.

Sim Napalm, me race in a no tune room, only adjust brake balance. So we only have these two settings too play, will it put more fuel in the car?

While beeing in pits you can manually load Loose or Stable setup, but this ad you FULL TANK OF FUEL, so you will be slower anyway.
That's a shame. Is it a PS4 hardware limitation or a decision from SMS? Do they have plans of extending the replay time in future updates?
There is 1GB of storage available to the game to store replays but for some reason SMS has limited the file size per replay. I have no idea why. Also I have no idea why the replays are so large - it seems like the method to record replay data is not as efficient as GT Sport for example.
There's a glitch with the P1 GTR when your in interior view and its raining heavy the rain drops don't stay out side?

My GTR is leaking :lol:
It still annoys me how the red kerbs reflect on the interior of the cars. How is that even possible?
Same reason headlights from opponent behind light up your dashboard like a Xmas tree. The team didn't get to do a proper lighting model for cockpits (forget the technical term) so outside sources bleed into the cockpit unrealistically
Same reason headlights from opponent behind light up your dashboard like a Xmas tree. The team didn't get to do a proper lighting model for cockpits (forget the technical term) so outside sources bleed into the cockpit unrealistically
I really meant how is it possible that real life kerbs could reflect like that but I was just being facetious. I'd almost prefer no lighting model for the interiors but not sure if that would look more strange or not. It is what it is I guess .
When I'm in time trial, all get is black screen, would n't let me go home menu.
Have restart game again, which is time consuming.
Very first race with the 6.0 update, Round 1 of the Porsche Cayman International Cup at Fuji -- I got some pretty bad strobing/flickering with the sunlight on the car, only direct sunlight, and only at certain headings relative to the position of the sun. Never saw that bug before.
The controller bug is back. I started on controller. plugged in my wheel, and now can't use the wheel. They fixed that before and now it's back
Very first race with the 6.0 update, Round 1 of the Porsche Cayman International Cup at Fuji -- I got some pretty bad strobing/flickering with the sunlight on the car, only direct sunlight, and only at certain headings relative to the position of the sun. Never saw that bug before.
That was there before patch 6.
Had it racing the Hurrican ST & at a certain time when the sun was low it was like a strobe effect in my car, no other shadows on track & if you look slightly left or right it disappears. It must be a Fugi lighting problem (cockpit view). I run the same settings on every track, start at noon, 20 minute sessions, 30x accelerated time & it's the only track it happens on.
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