ALright. I got bored with PC2/AC1/ACC/GTS/GTAV. Bought PC3 for 40% off.
Jumped in the initial C7 intro race. Not bad. Finished 3rd. Bought an 86. Did a few races at Shanghai while the game was installing.
After install was completed, did a Custom Race at Bahrain. Hard AI. Won that.
Back to the Showroom to buy the Escort. Sold my 86 for 11k. GOing to buy the RX-7 next.
Okay. Customising the Escort. 👍
Another 👍 for tyre branding options(C'mon, PD). After 5 minutes of trying to decide, I still can't pick a brand. I'm surfing MkI Escort race cars for inspiration(First World problems).
Listen, man. This is why I wait for the gtp community to suss these games out today. I used to buy without viewing. I can afford to purschase these games, but I can't afford to waste my time with nonsense games. For whatever was in the head of Ian Bell and the people that write their cheques or whatever the lawyers advised, whoever.. marketing... whomever. I trust this community.
After reading the pros & cons, playing PC2 heavily in the past week while I'm on break, I'm fine with this game.
The community said don't expect much. You all said don't expect much. You all said it's not PC2. It's true. This is a straight up arcade game.
In my opinion, seriously... this ain't GRID(the new one) and I'm happy with my purchase. I was expecting the physics to be slidey like that game. However, it's not(thank you, Jesus). If it were, I was deleting the game straight after install. Anyway, I'm adapting to the physics. Corner entry speed has to be high to fend off the Hard & Very Hard AI. This game can't be driven like PC2. This game simulates an arcade style game. Not real life physics.
I'm giving SMS, or whatever they're called now, a pass. Boo on them for the intial hype of game. That was misleading, lying as many have pointed out. I'm giving them a pass because of the cars I can choose(the cars that I like) and the customisation. That's it. The track count and car count, I'm neither here nor there with that content. I'm not collecting cars and there is enough variety for me. If PC4 can combine PC3 customisation, PC1/PC2 game play and physics, I'll buy it.