I hop on here and all I see for pages and pages is pointless debate. I mean, every person has different experiences with driving. Different cars, different roads, different tracks. My last few cars have all (boringly) been fairly low powered FWD vehicles. But there is still a massive difference in driving them. Adding to that, a lot are speaking in absolutes, saying X IS realistic, and Y isn't. Besides making you a Sith, I don't believe it accomplishes anything.
I have never been on track (other than go karts you don't even need a license for) so I can't speak to that. But what I can speak to is if a game is fun. And I think perception plays a big role. PC3 was doomed from the start because the marketing wasn't great. And many took that as a personal insult, which led to nitpicking every detail. I firmly believe if this game came from, say, an indie developer or someone unheard of, it would have gotten very good reviews and the whole feeling about it would have been different. And now on most social media sites you can barely even say you enjoy the game without backlash. It's been out for just about half a year now. It should be time to just let the marketing and personal feelings go and just enjoy a game. And if you don't enjoy it in any way, why argue about it? This isn't directed at anyone in particular, I think a lot on here are guilty of it. I'd just like to come onto a forum about PC3 and actually just talk about the game. It's just been incredibly annoying to read through to get to the few people who ARE talking about it.
Rant over, I promise. What I'm hoping for in this game is more people to get it so we can have leagues and series like in many other games. Next time it goes on sale I plan on getting at least one copy to send to a friend so he can join me. I haven't even really played online (other than rivals, if that counts) because of so few people. It's not a perfect game by any means, but it is fun, at least for me