Project CARS 4 "Will Be The Most Realistic Simulation Ever Made"

So in the end the customer was right all along huh ???!!! We all should nominate Ian for a Nobel Peace Prize... discovery of the Millenium : Brilliant !
That should motivate Kaz a bit more...

Clearly Slightly Bloody Mad Studio has finally conceded that pCARS3:
1) should have NOT been called pCARS3
2) should have been called pCARS3 for all the right reasons
3) wasted effort to release pCARS3 early when they could have just continue working to release pCARS3 in the same time frame as this new pCARS4...

Back to square 1 as if the pCARS3 has never really happened...

I guess the SMS team just needed a break (brake) and to get some confirmation on their direction (wrong/right)....

... They could have just asked us... We TOLD YOU SO SMS...
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Something something share prices, something something up for sale? Sounds about right. I can only assume that this specific Ian Bell account is a satirical one? /s

They might as well go to EA since they seem to be taking a page out of their book when it comes to "supporting" their racing releases for at least a few months before shoving them to the side.
My thoughts.....LoL

They have to go back to square one if they honestly want to compete with the next generation of Forza and Gran Turismo. The visual assets of their game are so outdated they will be laughably bad if they insist on reusing them.
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I don't care about how aero affects leaves on the track. Bring the physics and AI to proper standards. No more gimmicks. No more lies.

It'd be nice if maybe people could actually hold SMS's feet to the fire and force them to make decent pad controls, considering how PCARS 3 apparently had it as a priority and it still sucks and has the same problems that SMS's games have had since NFS SHIFT, but I seriously doubt it considering how much the genre despises pad players and wants them to spend money on wheels and pedals when they potentially don't have the room.
Oh for...

Come on @IanBell jokes over. When people said they wanted a proper racing sim, they didn't mean they wanted fancy 🤬 leaves that no one actually looks at.

Project Cars 4: The Real Leaf Simulator
Ohhhh boy. Have you seen Gran Turismo players complaining about the game's trees? Trust, players will be looking at those leaves to determine if they'll buy the game or not!

Edit: I rest my case,

Anyway, a hi-res PC2 on PS5, would be awesome.
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EA makes miracles. Thank you EA.

Ian Bell didn't end in a good way when slightly mad studio was part of EA..

Also strange that he started to be active again on twitter, the day that the media announced the EA offer to buy Codemasters..

He's worried to get fired? And has to start promoting Pcars 4 trying to convince again all the Pcars fanbase he lost if he has to start a new crowdfunding campaign?

About all "best simulation ever", after Pcars2, and "Pcars3" ..who gonna believe still his words?lol
I mean, if you're unclear on whether your game studio will even be around this time next year then there's really no reason to not start promising the moon. Either you're generating a bunch of free publicity, or setting up the new parent company to take all the scorn for denying everyone the chance to see if it really would have been what was promised.
I'm OOTL on what exactly goes on in sim racing now but doesn't Ian Bell have a bad habit of lying? Like, about everything? Didn't he make some inflated claims about the realism of PC3? What happened to the MadBox?

How has the studio not stripped him of his Twitter yet?
Ian Bell didn't end in a good way when slightly mad studio was part of EA..

Also strange that he started to be active again on twitter, the day that the media announced the EA offer to buy Codemasters..

There not many racing games and developers, but Need For Speed officially congratulated SMS on twitter with Project Cars 3. Who knows, may be they now gave him a good inspiration… it is not always about companies.
It'd be nice if maybe people could actually hold SMS's feet to the fire and force them to make decent pad controls, considering how PCARS 3 apparently had it as a priority and it still sucks and has the same problems that SMS's games have had since NFS SHIFT, but I seriously doubt it considering how much the genre despises pad players and wants them to spend money on wheels and pedals when they potentially don't have the room.

Or, in my case, wants something realistic but also doesn't take the game very seriously.

(Said flippant attitude comes from the guy who would, if he had the room, give serious consideration to making an Iron Throne to sit on while playing Crusader Kings)
"No one will touch this one" So yeah, bandia was being a prick and forced them to release an arcade game.
No, that wasn't what he said. He said "No one will touch us with pCARS4" (sic). That's British idiom that means he thinks no product anyone else comes out with will come close to being better than Project CARS 4.
Thank you for this idea! After the covid crisis is gone I will open the worlds first Sim Café!
I'm pretty sure I saw a cool café/pub in Paris that had a couple of hydraulic sim rig in the back you could book. You wouldn't be the first, but surely, you should be the next! :D
It makes me laugh

I’ll never buy another SMS game. Nothing but boasting followed by under delivery

I really hope they pull it off this time, I know Ian can be a bit over the top sometimes but one thing i think the SMS team had in abundance with project cars 1 and 2 was a real passion for motor sport and realism.
With all the faults those games had you could really see what they were trying to do and unfortunately they bit off more than they could chew sometimes. Project cars 3 did not interest me and i can't comment as i did not buy it, but will watch how PC4 progresses and really hope they have learned for past mistakes. I have my PS5 waiting Ian don't disappoint me :)
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This is seriously... Mad, not even slightly. If I was in his place I would keep my thoughts for myself. All this bragging is becoming funny and we reached a point that almost no one in the racing games community takes Ian's words seriously. Does anyone remember the MadBox?

I don't want to seem bad, but please Ian prove what you are worth with your games and not with your own tweets. PCars 3 was a disaster. Release a good game and we will be there to play it and speak positively for it.
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