Project cars DLC

  • Thread starter SK8RBOI
I think if is one of these!

  • 1978 Renault Alpine A442B
@SK8RBOI That's it alright. I never would have guessed what it is. What a fabulous looking machine. It looks near finished so hopefully it arrives in the next couple of months.

I've seen people give out about the lack of cars in PCars but it allows the best cars to be handpicked and you don't have to put up with pointless filler. There is a lot of great stuff on the way.
At the moment we have only seen the Honda Indycar and in the high downforce config. what do you think about seeing the Chevy and the both high and low down force types of car?
My poor credit card is already worried about all the use it's gonna get this year with all this DLC it'll have to pay for :lol:.
Can't wait, I need that Audi 90 in my life NOW !!!!
Good point. But mabby they don't need the GM lisence. They have the Honda one without a Honda lisence!

It might be a Indycar or Dellara that own the rights to these cars!
I wish you would stop spreading your hopes as truth

When you can drive it you can talk about
OHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY GGGGGOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's happening! It's happening! The German's are being freed! :cheers: :cheers: :bowdown: :bowdown: :gtpflag: :gtpflag:

911 GT1 my love I'm coming! :drool:

It's not exactly confirmed but it would be nice to get some proper Porsche's in the game. My favourite would be a 1970's 911 racer.

If we can have everything in Project Cars from the GTR2 Power and Glory v3.1 mod I would die happy. There's also a more recent 911 mod for Stock Car Extreme that was the best thing I've driven in any sim ever. I'd gladly pay for a Porsche DLC pack. Will the sales numbers of Project Cars allow for the extra expense/risk of getting a few Porsche cars signed up?
It's not exactly confirmed but it would be nice to get some proper Porsche's in the game. My favourite would be a 1970's 911 racer.

If we can have everything in Project Cars from the GTR2 Power and Glory v3.1 mod I would die happy. There's also a more recent 911 mod for Stock Car Extreme that was the best thing I've driven in any sim ever. I'd gladly pay for a Porsche DLC pack. Will the sales numbers of Project Cars allow for the extra expense/risk of getting a few Porsche cars signed up?
I agree

pCARS is the best racing I've had on my X1 thus far. It's a brilliant core game and it's very exciting to day-dream about
all the epic add-ons we'd like to see

A GT Legends dlc would so, so float my boat :cool:
I have just started a gt3 season and I was not offered a contract with the new Bentley nor do any of the Ai drive the Bentley... Are the DLC not integrated into their respective classes in the career mode?
I have just started a gt3 season and I was not offered a contract with the new Bentley nor do any of the Ai drive the Bentley... Are the DLC not integrated into their respective classes in the career mode?
As far as I know, yes. I have heard of a GT1 invitational in career.

The ting with the Bently is, it dosent have many liveries so the chances of it showing up are smaller then the other cars. At the start of career you don't get to choose from all the GT3 cars.
I know its a different game but this track looks amazing and I cant wait for it to come to Pcars!

I take it the flags are turned off, as the tight hairpin is a yellow flag zone and an over taking manoeuvre was done.
Would love a chance to drive this.